Boost Your Motivation with Dopamine- Thomas DeLauer
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In this video, I talk about how the use of the neurotransmitter, dopamine, can get you motivated and how by simply setting small goals for yourself, you can harness the power of your body's natural dopamine.
If you utilize small goal setting properly, you an increase your business, increase your sex drive, and most of all increase your motivation to be the best that you can be in just about everything. Whether you're looking to uncover that six pack, or just looking for a little extra motivation from day to day, these simple tricks to boost your motivation with dopamine will revolutionize your life, day by day.
[1:00] People will tell you that dopamine is the feel good hormone but dopamine is a neurotransmitter, not a hormone. It's also not the feel good hormone, it's really your body's reward system.
It's Thomas DeLauer with OptimizeCEO and let's dive in to exactly how dopamine works and how you can capitalize on it.
We hear about dopamine a lot. Probably because of the street drug, cocaine. We here about how cocaine will increase dopamine, which gives your body that sense of reward, it likes the drug so you crave it more. You want to go back and you want to have more of the drug because it's telling your body, "Hey, this feels good." It's triggering the release of dopamine and triggering your body's reward system.
If we break it down on a day to day level, with how dopamine is released and what happens, it can give someone a really good insight into how dopamine works.
If you were, right now, to reach out and grab a door knob, and that door knob was suddenly gone, and you just reached out and you touched nothing, it would feel kind of weird, right? All your proprioceptors and everything are telling you that's it time to touch that door knob, but the door knob's gone.
Your brain doesn't really get the feedback so the dopamine doesn't really get released because it's not getting that stimulus; it's not getting that reward.
This is happening all the time throughout the day. It's happening when we have the effective completion of a sentence. It's happening when we have effective communication. It's happening when we touch our cells in our hand. It happens when we touch our head because we're preparing for our bodies. We're preparing for movement and we're preparing for an action and reaction
[2:00]. We're constantly having this feedback system with dopamine.
What that tells us is that our bodies and our brains are goal-oriented. We hear a lot ... I talk a lot about writing your goals down, setting your goals, and giving yourself something tangible to work towards. The reason that I wanted to do this video was to give you a reason from a science standpoint, from a neurotransmitter standpoint, on why setting goals and how actually writing things down and working towards a reward can you make you a more positive and motivated person.
If you write down small micro-rewards, so write down small micro-things that you really need to reach. Let's say you want to eat six clean meals one day, or you want to get to the gym by a certain time, write that goal down and embed it in your mind so that when you reach that goal, your brain triggers the reward system and you want to do it again. If you successfully walk through that door at 7:00A.M. to the gym like you set and you wrote down, your brain is going to get that surge of dopamine. You're going to get that reward system.
Then from there, your body sort of steamrolls in this effect. The more dopamine that you produce, the more dopamine that wants to be produced later on. You get this constant influx of motivation. It's why some people are more hardwired to be motivated than others. A lot of it comes down to how you've conditioned yourself.
Don't just write down your big goals. You need to write down your micro-goals so that you're conditioning those neuropathways. It's the path of least resistance for your mind to trigger motivation. You're basically convincing your body to become hardwired to be motivated. This is going to change how you look at business, it's going to change how you look at your fitness, and it's going to change how you perceive your family, and how motivated you are to be the best version of yourself.
I encourage you to try it out and try it out in all walks of your life. Try it out in fitness, try it out in business, try it out in the kitchen, and try it out on even the most micro-small things that you can possibly think of
[4:00]. Just condition yourself to be motivated. Take the steps