My Neighbors Are Horrible People. What Do I Do? | Little Lessons with David Servant

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In today's Little Lesson, David Servant answers a question submitted by a viewer who is facing a conflict with neighbors who are difficult to get along with. David offers practical and biblical advice for all viewers regarding how to love people who aren't very lovable. Learn more!

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God does not expect us to be treated with disregard, including being tormented by neighbors.


There are two kinds of bad neighbours. Those that are wild and oblivious of their impact and perhaps unwilling to change. And then there's those that will do things to you/yours for the sole purpose of messing with you - they do this for attention and to enjoy your suffering. You do not approach those people with cakes, etc. No. That just gives them more fuel. Those kinds are evil at heart and there is no changing them.


Crappy people dont change, not even through therapy


Neighbours who can't mind their own business and can't respect the fact that people need peace should go to hell


I disagree love doesn’t mean being bullied & disrespected especially where you live. Doing good just may be to stand up for yourself not to just be baggered. I had to tell a neighbors son to mind his business the other day because he spoke nasty to my guest at my house. I think it all depends on the situation. Sometimes you need to speak up to a bully.


I thought I was all alone in this. Feels a relief to know there are so many out there struggling with similar to I.


Our neighbors wants to know everything about us. I can't stand with it anymore because in everything that we do they will always listen and watch us and not letting us have peace.


That's a really bad advice.
If you have bullies as neighbors, stay away from them. I have evil neighbors. I know what I'm talking about.
This people enjoy to bully and laugh about me and gossip in whole village.
And people are on their side.
Their souls already belong to the evil side. No praying helps.
Just get your into safety.
Don't try please people of evil mindset, their brains are wired different.


I have horrible next door people, I do not even want to call them neighbor. But, what comes around goes around is absolute truth, that's what I believe.


If you have a violent, crazy neighbor, Please Do Not bring them a pie and offer to babysit.
Now you just invited your abuser into your life and opened the door to a dangerous situation. A man in Florida was recently shot to death by a neighbor for trimming trees on the property line. Stay Far Away from combative neighbors.


The intentions in this video are good but it doesn't work this way. Neighbors gang up on people they don't like and cause emotional and sometimes physical distress to the victim. Ignore them. It's a waste of time and energy. Avoid and ignore. Trying to be nice actually makes it worse in most cases.


I try. But I just don't speak to them. Love doesn't mean that you have to speak I guess. Oh, and I fought one of them just to let them know I ain't to be bullied. And if these people have ANY good in them I rarely see it.


I fight back against my vile neighbours. There is no point to be respectful, as that is a strange language to them.


My neighbor had stolen from my trash bin, kicked it over in his frustration, masked himself to destroy our cameras, and just when we confronted him of this we later we targeted by someone who threw poop at our house. We have evidence that it was him but the cops statements are
“Your cameras didn’t see him do it, we can’t do anything”
“This man is wearing a mask, we can’t do anything”
“Just because he walks from his house, kicks your trash, then walks back to his house doesn’t mean we can do anything”
And I’m praying for a divine intervention because I am this close to not being a Christian about this


This is all good, in theory. In practice, if you have neighbours from hell, you are fucked. How do I know? because my neighbours are abusive incorrigible scum. If you do nice acts, they see it as weaknesses, and become more abusive. It's their nature.


You don't need to prove yourself to nobody especially with bad neighbors that don't like you. Just stay away from negative people.


i have a neighbor who sells drugs in front of my house, i confronted him and things almost became violent, i called the cops now he doesn't sell drugs in front of my house, his kids do ranging from ages 7-14. he also has a dog that shits in my yard, the only thing i can think of since the police won't help is to build a better fence and get a gun, which i think is better advice than bringing them a pie and therefor inviting them into your life.

can we just stop for a second and think how great is your life and neighborhood when your advice is bring the monster sweet food, it borderline delusional advice and possibly irresponsible.


I'm sorry sir that does not help especially if they're narcissistic the more they do no more they resent you and the more they become more belligerent. They love to bully . You cannot let your light shine but somebody that has a mindset that's not going to move. No Love and stop blaming their childhood. You're barking up the wrong tree. Can tell you from experience


My neighbour just screamed in my face because I asked her to stop screaming and swearing at nothing all day every day


Please pray for me and noisy upstairs neighbors. They make a lot of noise and have a large dog 🐕! Please pray they will stop making so much noise. They are annoying. Pray they will be quiet 🤐 as a mouse 🐭 in Jesus name, Amen.
