Should i be baptized in Jesus name or Father, Son & Holy Spirit? Which is correct??

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Baptism is important but what matters the most is that you life a life pleasing to God.

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Shanique Beckford
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Thanks for clearing this up.🙏 My mind is now at ease. The denomination I spent most of my Christian years with, strictly emphasized baptism in the name of Jesus Christ. Now I no longer have to wonder if rebaptizing in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is the right decision.👍


God is the creator of all things. Jesus died for our sins so whatever we are doing we should do it in Jesus name.


Recently while I was in prayer, the Holy Spirit revealed to me that both names are equivalent, after I was confronted by a man that gave me a ride from work, so based on our conversation he realized that I am a christian, and he asked which name I believed is the right name to baptize in, and I said I believe it's okay yo baptize in any of the two based on the account of both Jesus and Peter, and the brother started to draw out the conversation, and when I told him that I am not going any further with this conversation, he was visible upset and I said to him brother it's not you, it's a religious spirit, so I take it to the Lord in prayer, and he reveal same


They tell me that I'm going to hell because I Baptized in The Father Son And Holy Spirit, ,, so ask so why JESUS Christ say that then? thanks you very much my sister 👏👏👋👋👍🙏🏻🙏🏻


I have to disagree, Colossians 3:17, Acts 4:12, 1 Peter 3:21, John is a requirement, and it should be done in the Lord Jesus Christ name, please read the verses.


Father is a title son is a title Holy Ghost is a title. All of this three is one which is Jesus Christ. So we all should baptized in the name of Jesus Christ that’s what Jesus required. We mus try very careful to get the right revelations of the scriptures because, the words of God is not what our mind tell us it’s what Jesus truly said. N some of the things he said we cannot kno on our own without a true preacher/ interpreter that is anointed an send by God


I was baptized in the Name of the Father Son and the Holy Spirit and was told that I was baptized wrong. Thank you for clearing this up.


Thank you for this. Just got baptized on Saturday and someone is telling me it wasn’t the right one. I got baptized in the holy trinity


I've read and watched so many regarding the right way to be baptized...
-seriously: what is the right way? ...I guess i think it is best to be baptized in all ways just to be safe.
- in the name of: the Father the Son the Holy Spirit.
- In the name of: Jesus.
-In the name of: Jesus Christ.
-In the name of: Lord Jesus.
... in Jesus name...


And did you know that some churches are using a different method of baptism during this plandemic, which I call "shower service"? What they do; they bring the candidates outside to the shower top and pour water on the candidates claiming, "I BAPTIZE YOU IN THE NAME OF JESUS." And another incident where a Pastor sending a candidate by him/her self to the river or sea and telling that person, "I baptize you in the name of Jesus. Now you can dip yourself in the water"


In Acts Chapter 2:38 Peter were speaking to the unbelieving Jew about baptism in Jesus name

The problem with churches that are placing all their emphasis on baptizing in Jesus name they don't quite understand the verse; if you read from verse 36 of Acts 2 you can definitely see what Peter were telling the people about Jesus.


Oh I need to tell you how this has blessed me so!!! I’ve been baptized twice both times in the name of the father son and Holy Spirit. I have read and studied and was honestly afraid I was going to go to hell. If you live in a small town most churches don’t baptize in Jesus name so that made me think of it was required then it should be easily accessible. Again thank you so very much.


I got baptized in the name of the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit at 19. A few weeks ago I was able to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. The thing that convinced me that baptism in Jesus name is right, is the fact that it is mentioned so many times in the book of acts. It is an act two, eight, 10, 19, and 22. Also, Romans six verses 3:5 talk about being baptized into Christ. Galatians 3:27 talks about the same thing, being baptized into Jesus Christ. I believe that Matthew 28:19 is talking about the name of Jesus. The reason I believe this is because a father is not a name, a son is not a name, and the Holy Spirit is not a name. These are expressions, or titles. I am not saying that being baptized according to Matthew 28:19 is not valid. I will not go that far because it is in the Scriptures, but I believe that a true revelation of the name of Jesus will bring greater clarity and understanding. The Bible tells us in Colossians 2:9, that, in him, speaking of the Lord Jesus, dwells all the fullness of the godhead bodily. John 3:34 tells us that in Jesus, is the spirit without measure. In John 14, Jesus said that if you have seen me, you have seen the father. Jesus is the express image of the character of God, Hebrews 1:3. The father gave Jesus a name above every other name in Philippians, two verses 5:11. think about this for a moment. If Jesus is the name of the sun, and it is, where did he get his name from and what do you think the name of the father is? Not saying that there is not a difference between the father, the son, and the Holy Ghost, but it seems to me that they all have the same name. you could go to the bank and write a check. If you write in the name of father, it will not work. If you write the title son, it will not work. If you write in the name of a spirit, it will not work. You must sign your name. as I have said, I do not believe that if someone is baptized, in the name of the father, son, and Holy Ghost, that it is not valid, but I would say that they need a more perfect revelation of the mighty God in Christ. You can believe in the trinity, or the try unity of the Godhead, and still be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is not a oneness issue. Let’s just say that the name of the Trinity is biblical in baptism. Even if that is true, it is more biblical to baptize in Jesus name, because it happened five times in the book of acts. I agree that there are no contradictions between Matthew 28:19, and acts 2:38. here is the thing though. Are we going to say that the apostles got it wrong? They did not. Peter believed in baptism in Jesus name, acts 2:38. Philip believed in baptism in Jesus name, acts eight. The apostle Paul baptized in Jesus name, acts 19, so we definitely cannot say that baptism. In the name of the Lord Jesus is wrong because the apostles did it, and that is the only way they did it. I would encourage every single person who reads this comment in this way. Even if you believe that your baptism was valid, if you are not baptized, in the name of the Lord Jesus, I would strongly encourage you to do it. It cannot hurt you. why not do it? If it is biblical, why not? Not invalidating any previous experiences, but why not just do it? I did it a few weeks ago and I was in the ministry for years and I can tell you that I felt something when I came out of the water. Perhaps it was because I saw it in the word, and the Lord was strengthening me because of my willingness to be obedient. I believe that I was safe before that time for sure, but there is some thing about walking in the light of the word when you see it. The name of Jesus is precious. It is the saving name, the healing name, the delivering name, the protecting and preserving name, acts 4:12. if you pray in Jesus name, if you lay hands on the sick in Jesus name, if you cast out demons in Jesus name, why not be baptized in Jesus name? Whatsoever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, Colossians 3:17. Matthew 28:19 is the implicit. Acts 2:38 is explicit. I do not believe that either one cancels out the other, but let’s go with the explicit. Let’s write that check, right! Lol.


What I believe is that whether baptize in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost or in the name of Jesus for the remission of sins, once a person is living a life that pleases God and does not bow to the world, then that is what all matters to God


I beg to differ because baptism is a requirement,


It did matter to the apostle Paul which name to baptized ! In chapter 19 he rebaptized the believers who had been baptized unto John's baptism of repentance. Then after that is when they received the Holy Spirit. The right name matters ! Its your choice . I believe in freedom of religion. It has to be a revelation from God !


there is salvation in no other name given to men by which we MUST be saved. be safe family


I’m here because we had a talk with a pastor yesterday. He wanted me and my husband to eventually become youth pastors. The topic of being baptized in the “correct” way came up. He brought up Matthew 28:19 and kept saying but who is the father? Forcing us to say Jesus, and he said but who is the son? And but who is the spirit? I hesitantly and slowly said Je s us? But we also said the trinity - they’re all one person, but also distinct. My husband and I had been baptized before in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and have had a close personal walk with Christ where he impresses things on our hearts to pray for or people to reach out to. And we feel God when we pray and we fast. We try our best by His grace to live lives that glorify Him and have done so for years. For someone to tell us that we might not be saved or enter heaven if we didnt get baptized in Jesus name. The Holy Spirit within did not feel peace. Because in Romans it says if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you shall be saved. Romans 10:9 I told him at that moment of faith in Christ you get saved and the Holy Spirit enters your heart. That is enough for salvation. And that baptism is merely an outward act to tell them of your inward heart salvation, not a condition to be saved. The pastor was implying that your salvation is not guaranteed if you only accept Christ as Savior, and did not get baptized “Correctly” in Jesus name only.
This pastor was implying we were not fully saved even if you were baptized in the trinity, and not baptized in Jesus’ name. I could not believe what I was hearing. I think this might be another ploy to cause division on the body of Christ. Everyone here is confirming what me and my husband felt. So God bless and thank you for making this video. I hate heresy and religion and I will not work for a church that spouts religion and puts doubt in what Jesus himself said in Matthew 18:29, Paul in Romans 10:9. This was the first time I had heard of it in my 14 years of being a Christ follower. This pastor while asking us to eventually be their youth pastor was at the same time making us question our own salvation. We serve a Triune God. Always have and always will.


Baptism doesn't save us
But we should follow the example of Jesus Christ
The man on the cross never have the chance to be Baptist.


As a followers of Jesus Christ we have to meet all the requirements as obedient children not having our own way. We cannot do some of what required, we have to do all. He said if we break one we’re guilty of all. Even in our very dressing hair styles we have to be careful, reached up these scriptures for hair 1peter 3:3-4 n 1 Timothy 2-9
