Do I Need to Get Baptized Again?

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I got baptized when I was 28 or 29 years old, I was serious in that moment, then I backslid and was wishy washy with my walk. I recently beat alcoholism and re-dedicated my life to Jesus. I wasn’t sure if I should get baptism again. Thanks for this video!


So I don’t think that at the time I was baptized as a adult I was truly saved. I don’t think I truly repented and didn’t understand dying to self. However two years ago I had to come to terms that either I was going to hell it I’d have to put my trust in Jesus. I didn’t want to live my old lifestyle I wanted a new heart, which is why I think I need to get baptized again. I notice after that prayer two years ago that I’ve grown and seen changes in my thinking and attitude. What are your thoughts?


i was baptized as a baby but my parents slipped away from God and so did i until december 2022 i love Jesus more than i can even explain but i dont know if i have to be baptized again or just remain doing what i do❤thank you for this video i love you God bless you


I was baptized at 18 because I grew up in the church and I believe in Jesus wanted to get baptized


I got baptised when I was a teen because I wanted to so I always wondered if I needed to be baptised again


I was baptized in my kitchen in a bowl of water by one priest... I was 5 or 6.. I don't really remember much than what I described.

As you've stated.. I was young... I didn't fully devote my life to Christ or understand much... So; I feel like I should do it again.

Let me know, brothers and sisters; Please.


I got baptized but I didn’t mean it.
I only did it for the church I was attending and not for Jesus or myself… it was very performative… idk what to do now.


What if I'm catholic and feel my batism wasn't really there (9 months, few drops on forehead, and arheist priest) ? I can't get batism in catholic church because I already did and I don't feel denying my church either.


I got baptized as a kid I need to do it again as an adult


If you where Baptized as an infant or kid you don't need to be baptized again. If you feel that you don't know your faith it's not your fault it's your parents fault because at baptism they asked god for your baptism and promised to teach you and raise you in his church. Unless you are born of water and spirit you shall not enter the kingdom of God. So now that you have been back in church don't give up. Pick up your Cross and follow Jesus like he says in the Bible.


I got baptised last summer but for the wrong reasons because of lies of the enemy that i have to earn Gods love and because i was Luke warm and because of a Job and because i tought God would not answer my prayers if i dont get baptised now and that i would not get into heaven if i dont get baptised now....after my baptisem i run away from God and was unter spiritual attack from the enemy now i dont no if i should get baptised again because my unsaved familiy would not understand it and i am a new creation even if i dont feel like it and nothing has changend since then


I have died twice. Do I need to be, or should I be re-baptised?


I was baptised in the mormon church in the name father son holy ghost i left the church joined a Christian church do i need to be re baptised?


But what about if you got baptized when you were a baby because I got baptized when I was a baby and I didn’t know what was happening


Is it bad if I do get baptized cause I do t know which one I am


bad theology, ahistoric, and unbiblical


This is really bad advice. It shows a very poor understanding of what Baptism does. It makes it sound as if you have to earn baptism.
Baptism is a miracle. It is a powerful Sacrament. When you get baptized as a week old infant or as 99 year old, it accomplishes the same results. And you only do it once. This is consistent with Sacred Scripture.
