Victim's Brother on Cross: 'I suppose I didn't love him enough'

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On cross-examination, Paul Ferguson said he'd have done anything to make his mother, Shanda Vander Ark, happy. When asked if he loved his brother, Paul said, "I suppose I didn't love him enough. That's why I’m trying to bring justice for him."

#ShandaVanderArk is accused of torturing and killing her teenage son with special needs.

#CourtTV - MI v. #ShandaVanderArk Tortured Son Murder Trial Day 1


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#CourtTV - MI v. #ShandaVanderArk Tortured Son Murder Trial Day 1


So basically the mother’s defense is to blame her oldest son for this. She killed one and now she trying to force a life sentence on another to save herself. This woman….I mean this monster deserves to spend her life in prison with access only to hot sauce soaked bread and cold water. The evil that exists in some homes is just unimaginable.


This Defense lawyer managed to remove any doubt I had about the honesty of this kid. This young man has been abused and psychologically he is traumatized. He is clearly pained by the realities of his own actions and is remorseful and horrified at the outcome. His mother makes me wonder how someone so depraved and cruel and without empathy, would think that throwing up and having a panic attack in court, will buy her sympathy. No ma'am. We are ready to vomit also. This young man needs intense counseling and a safe place to heal. This woman ...I'll leave her to God.


"I STAND BY IT" profound. I believe him. His mother is an absolute monster. Prayers for all abused children.


The defense attempt to blame this boy is pathetic. Shame on this mother. Sacrificing another son to deflect the blame. Monster


Breaks my heart. It appears to me that Paul was abused as well . I was raised in fear and so was Paul. After so many years of that abuse, I was scared to death. Scared into silence. A parent that manipulates a young kid's mind should be locked up for good. I hope that Paul gets the therapy that he needs and loves himself at least somewhat. Lock HER up


I can’t imagine that the mom’s attorney actually thinks this cross examination is helping his client.


She physically destroyed one, and mentally destroyed the other. I hope you find help, healing, and a peaceful good life, Paul. Don't let her turn you into a bad guy


What’s really haunting is that this young man can sit here and take responsibility for his actions but this monster of a woman (cause I refuse to refer to her as a mother) CAN NOT!!!!


Does the defence attorney think this approach will help his client?! Literally made this young man seem more credible, and his client even guiltier if that’s possible.


HES HELPING US HATE HER EVEN MORE. AND hes helping us see her psychological abuse on the older brother.


I believe Paul was abused too. Tragic. The mother is flat out evil


Paul belongs in a hospital, not a prison. This is a severely broken human. Broken by child abuse. Profoundly sad.


What a mother...kills her son than trys to blame her other son....boy...what a mom...


This makes me feel sick to my stomach, and the part I hate the most is that her living conditions in prison will be better than what she gave her son.


How does a mother become so disgustingly diabolical as to starve, torture, deprive her children of any love, comfort, support, devoid of any compassion or emotion other than pure evilness. She sounds like she enjoyed traumatizing her children, because this young man seems like he has been abused as well.


I am both a special educator and a survivor of child abuse. My family had a similar dynamic to this one, though it did not reach these extremes. This young man needs an evaluation. While exceptional ed professionals cannot diagnose, I am seeing signs of exceptionalities. I would refer him for an Autism screening. He seems to have high cognitive functioning, but there seem to be some auditory processing inconsistencies. I am positive that he has extreme emotional and behavioral needs resulting from trauma. I would want this young man to receive every bit of treatment and therapy possible to support his further development and recovery. What an awful situation for all of those children!


This makes her look guilty as hell. If I were on the jury this cross-examination would have been a massive condemnation of their mother for me.


I grew up with a mother who is similar to his. My heart breaks for this young man. Once I was old enough I realized that my mother couldn’t love all of us kids at the same time. One of us was always targeted and hated. We would be pitted against the “bad” child. We would be rewarded for agreeing with her and being unkind to the current targeted child.
This never stopped. Even into adulthood it remained. She just can’t love all of us at the same time. My mother is very elderly now and I see how messed up we all are. She still tries to pull the typical theatrics but we don’t allow it. We don’t have any family gatherings or holidays together. Everyone has broken off into their own family and everyone does their own thing now. My older siblings have their own grandchildren so they have holidays for their immediate families, my mother isn’t invited or included. Which on one hand seems so very sad but it’s actually for the best. Holidays and birthdays were never focused on that, the focus and energy was on who was hated at the time. Angry attitude, cussing, yelling, name calling or just flipping off the target. Always stressful and heartbreaking.

I know many people are blaming this young man as much as the mother. He is partially to blame, yes absolutely. But he clearly seems to be intellectually delayed a bit. He may also have autism or other mental disorders. I can understand how he was manipulated by his mother. Manipulated and brainwashed into going along with her punishments. I can bet he was rewarded for being cruel to his brother. Those may have been the only times he was ever shown love and acceptance by his mom. It’s hard to understand being raised by someone like that. It warps you. Warps your reality. This young man can see clearly now. He will have to live with the guilt and shame of what he’s done under the control of his mother. Even as an adult you can feel trapped, alone, afraid and can’t stand up to your abusive parent.


This is absolute heartbreaking and criminal...Paul is clearly mentally challenged and has been manipulated by his mother to abuse his brother until he ultimately died. This woman is twisted and pure evil.
