Is infant baptism Biblical?

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Let's see what the Bible says...

Here are some notes on infant faith:

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Thank you for this from a person who grew up Baptist and now am Lutheran I’m truly grateful for this Biblical explanation.


The Grinch that stole Baptism. I will use that 🤣 Thank you for the awesome video Pastor !


Great teaching, as always, Pastor Wolfmueller. I sympathize with your exasperation when it comes to weird definitions of faith, especially for the purposes of denying infant baptism. I once tried to defend the doctrine and practice of infant baptism to a gentleman based on the Biblical instances of infant faith and baptism. He interpreted ‘your children’ in Acts 2 to mean successive generations (when they’re “old enough” to have faith, of course), and the ‘little child’ of faith he said must have reached that mythical age of accountability. So, I cited to him the example of John the Baptist, who leaped for joy in the womb of Elizabeth when Mary visited, rejoicing in Christ even at a time when he was yet unborn. You can’t get much younger than that. I’ll never forget his rebuttal, which was that the text credits the Holy Spirit, not faith, with causing John to rejoice, so in his mind there was no evidence of faith. How’s that for a mindbender? I was dumbfounded that a Christian could so completely divorce faith from the Holy Spirit as if they had nothing at all to do with each other. Anyway, thanks again for these great resources and please keep it up!


Thank you for this! I have been getting slack for wanting to Baptize my baby - thank you for sharing ❤️


As a Catholic and proud of the ongoing teaching of the Holy Apostles, I never thought about the fact that the protestants touting th "age of reason" and the "infant dedications" are created traditions of theology. Thanks and God bless you pastor!


Brilliant point pastor at the 2: 00-minute mark. Those of us attending non-LCMS congregations that are vocal about their Finney, Moody, Calvinist, or Arminian foundation will not expect you to want to change the subject from infant baptism to repentance. We are taught that they are one-in-th-same. The focus is on the adults, not kids.

Also, the distinction clash of cultures too. Modern/Post-modern America vs. Jewish of that at day. We have had an emphasis to be 'independent', a 'free thinker' and 'question authority.'

I remember how I struggled with this doctrine during my transfer to this doctrine. Water PLUS the Word of God = Salvation. For all of you, this is normal thinking and your foundation. For me, it upended everything I was taught. Hearing a pastor, probably you sir, go through all the passages with the word baptism helped a great deal.

Regarding your musings at the end of your podcast: Philosophy of Socrates and Plato corrupted the men in the Roman Catholic church so much it took Luther to clean everything up---correct? Well, Satan can't stop the church---this is a fact but he can try to corrupt it still. Philosophy is the primary cultural tool he uses to corrupt.

Maslow's self-actualizing and 'children are a blank state we must write on' are two philosophical ideas that corrupt the trust in infant baptism. At least that's how I experienced such mixture of American culture and non-denominational churches.

Please be gentle with people like me. We're not stupid, we've been misled. I never challenged professors or teachers about their information. Your point at the 2:00 is shocking to us. It can be step one in helping someone learn correct Biblical doctrine. Please use it carefully.

Thank you.


Yeah but in context this part in Acts, the Jews had come to realize who they crucified. They asked Peter what they should do about THIS and he replied, repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus.


I don't even think the Grinch was Anabaptist... his heart actually got bigger.


Hahaha!! "The Grinch who stole baptism." Perfect!!


P Bryan is one of those rare polemicists in the church, who can soul slam you and your false doctrine, and you can only respond with a “thank you, pastor, that was a wonderful experience!” Just awesome, the presentation as much as the content! What a gift he is for the Church from her Head!


Do you think babies have sin problems ? Give me one account in the book of Acts where a baby was put under water for baptism.


One of the videos that converted me to lutheranism.


Thanks for the teaching Pr. Wolfmueller. I thought it was an interesting point in highlighting a bad doctrine of baptism reveals a bad doctrine of faith. Good job, thanks again.


Proverbs 27.17 - "Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." (ESV)

I believe this type of video along with critical thinking and arguments (the kind where you define and reason through your position, not the heated or angry type) is exactly what this verse is referring to. I grew up in a non-denominational church and have attended them all my life and there is no infant baptism or teaching thereof. So to convince me that it is taught in the Bible I need to be presented with well founded arguments, as in this video, then be allowed the opportunity to sharpen myself through discussion, agreements, and disagreements.

I am not convinced by this one video, but the seed is planted and in my own Bible studies I will explore the topic until I reach my own decision rather than simply accepting what I am told by various people to be true. Had the Bible just come out with an explicit example of infant baptism or defined the steps and words to be cited in performing infant baptism then I don't think this video would exist. But then I suppose that the argument being made here is that the Bible does explicitly include infants in baptism, where as I am not convinced yet that that is the case.


But we must be baptized by faith accepting Christ as a personal saviour.
Babies don't know these.


Mark 9. Father with faith brings his son to be healed. Same can be said for parents bringing their infants to and children to be baptized as all are born into sin - no exclusions. In the Old Testament, God commands circumcision by the 8th day. (And all we done). No exclusions anywhere.

Ironically many Baptist, which I married, always talk about John the Baptist, but he leapt in his mother’s womb.

Very good good videos Past W. Thanks.


The reason infant baptism is a thing, is because they are being welcomed into the church. It is a sign and seal that God has brought them to his flock. It's like saying, "welcome to the church, new guy!". And children are basically new members.


I believe a child can have faith. Look at their trust and reliance upon their parents. I’m still wrestling with how they can have faith in Christ. They have to hear about him right? Thanks.


Amazing. i love to know that jesus also recommends to have faith like babies 😁❤️ amazing vedio . God bless you brither


One thing different now from back then was that men were actually leaders in their home. The headship of the father was universal.. Today that respect is no longer prevalent. When we lost the Patriarchy, we lost a lot.
