Antidepressants may enhance neuroplasticity

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“Neuroplasticity” means that your brain can change its structure and function over time in response to experience, development, and other environmental factors.

As we age, our brains become less plastic–less able to change–which makes it harder to change our minds as we get older.

However, some degree of change is always possible because the brain is fundamentally adaptable. And, as noted in the video, scientists are discovering how certain drugs, such as antidepressants and psychedelics, seem to enhance neuroplasticity.

Thus, these drugs make it easier for us to do the hard psychological work involved in treating depression or simply becoming a happier person.

If you want to learn more about this and neuroplasticity in general, check out the latest video on my YouTube channel (link in bio)

Thanks for your time and I hope you have a great day.

#Neuroplasticity #neuroscience #antidepressants
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The data on SSRI’s seems to be mixed with a significant amount of studies showing they’re no better than placebo. The takeaway for me is that depression is not just about Serotonin. I think we’ll be much better off when we can accurately understand what is going on in the brain for each individual.


Did you know that they also cause akathisia and some other extrapyramidal symptoms? Did you know that antidepressants also damage serotonin and dopaminergic pathways in the brain? Where did you get that they help with neuroplasticity? 😮


Huh? Would LOVE to see how they're measuring neuroplasticity. . .my guess is psuedoscientific measurement equating to nothing tangible


Antidepressants cause neurotoxicity.
My QEEG and Spect scan show brain damage.


Gave me permanent anhedonia that I haven’t been able to shake off even heard after discontinuation. Darn! Was a completely different person before starting SSRIs. I could actually feel human emotions, good and bad. Not anymore


I don't think it increases plasticity rather treats an underline lack of. I was fully convinced I got smarter, I think it just makes the neurons fire more effectively.
