The Most MISUNDERSTOOD (And Misused) Verse in the Bible... | Kaci Nicole

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The most MISUNDERSTOOD and MISUSED verse in the you know what it is? There are a lot of misunderstood Bible verses that tend to get slapped on coffee mugs and inspirational graphics without any context. But it's SO important we understand context because without it, we miss out on the true, real, deep truth and encouragement Scripture gives us. In this video we're looking at a very popular Bible verse that gets used all the time: Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." Most Christians misunderstand this verse. We're going to take a look at what it actually means, and it may surprise you...but I believe its true meaning will also POWERFULLY encourage you. 🤍

#MisunderstoodVerse #BibleStudy #Philippians413

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My name is Kaci Nicole and here on my channel, you'll find Bible study and Christian lifestyle videos. My prayer for this space is that you would walk away encouraged in your faith journey, equipped to study God's Word, and inspired to grow continually in the likeness of Jesus.

kaci nicole, misunderstood bible verses, misused bible verses, philippians 4:13, christian motivation, most christians misunderstand this verse

“I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” | Philippians 4:12-13
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As someone who has been on disability from work since the end of June, I truly learned contentment in the good and the bad as I recovered. I used to be a very lukewarm Christian, but upon getting severely hurt, I grew closer to Christ and learned more about His Word than I ever did before! Praise Him, I am expected to finally get back to work on December 4th! Thanks to prayers from fellow Christians I befriended during this time and natural remedies, I am healed enough to go back!

Thank you for this video! I have enjoyed watching your content in my time of disability and it has really helped me! 🙏🏻


I love this! I was reading 1 Timothy 6 this morning about “false teaching and true riches” - and your video just pairs perfectly with that. There is power with contentment. Amen!


Gift of discernment and wisdom. In all circumstances, allowing God to give us the strength to face all circumstances He allows in our lives, whatever He wills for His plan for each life. The verse is not to be used for our wish list.


Thank you so much for this video and all your others. I'm fairly new to reading/studying the Bible. I'm going through Esther in my studies with your videos, and I'm reading through the New Testament. I just finished 2 Corinthians. I appreciate all the work you do in putting these studies together. If it's God's will, I pray that I will be a blessing to others as you are to me. ~Kay


1 corn 10:13

Has morphed into"God wont give you more than you can handle"


I've read it in full and still never got that. This is good, Thank you!


Hey Kaci, Happy Saturday. I got onto YouTube and saw your channel in my home feed so I decided to come over and see what your channel is about. I think that was god trying to get me to connect to Christian people who love him just as much as I want to. ❤ I think through your channel I will feel closer to god than I do already. ❤🥰


It would be cool if you did a series on the most misunderstood bible verses. There are plenty.


That's my favorite verse. The funny thing is that it is talking about being content with what you have, yet you still have the strength through Christ to do what is necessary to share the gospel. I agree with you. I have learned to read whole chapters when having quiet time. For me i don't highlight my Bibles because wen i go through the verse again i see something new that i didn't see before and seeing something highlighted, confused me as to why i highlighted it, so for me i just keep my Bible without any extra ink added to it.


Kaci, I always love ending my quiet times with one of your lovely videos. 🕊💛


Great video! I would like more of these videos about verses that are often used out of context and either get the correct use or even if it can be used as people tend to use it, if there’s a deeper more profound meaning that God has for those verses.


I see this verse misused quite often
“God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.” Psalms 46:5


Phillipians 4:13, often misunderstood!


Great video!
John 3:16 can greatly at times be misunderstood
There’s a verse in Romans that is misunderstood, but can’t think of it now❤


Hi Kaci ! I love your content and I can see how often this verse is sadly use as the new age I can do it motivational phrase . Following your channel from Argentina ❤


Thank you for the video! Many many verses are taken out of context. From Genesis, God created everything by speaking so we too have to speak things in existence, mainly finances & business. There are many but fail to remember.


Revelation 3 ESV - 8 I know your works. Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut. I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. 🤝🙏


The concept of God being sinless and holy, He can’t exist where sin is, but also stating He created evil- “ ra’ “ in Hebrew, which also is used for wickedness

husband and i had a good discussion speculating about this verse this morning!!

“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.” Isaiah 45:7


I just knew it was going to be this verse


I immediately thought about Matthew 7:1 (do not judge) but this was a good one as well!
