Your Big 3 In Your Astrology Chart - Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Rising Sign

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A look at how your main astrology energies create your first impression, sense of Self and emotional needs, and then draw in people from those energy fields. When you understand the dynamic of your Big 3 in yourself, you can consciously work with these areas to assess how you interact with others and how you allow them into your energy field.

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13 seconds I see your notification and I jump on it!! Lol 😂😂 Going to sit back and listen. Have a great weekend Molly 💯🔥❤️


My brother is a Taurus sun, Sagittarius moon. My sister-in-law is a Sagittarius sun, Taurus moon. When we were looking at their charts and found this out, they immediately sang a made up tune in unison with the same words and same notes. It was so funny


I’m a Leo sun, sag moon and Leo rising.. it can be a lot! 🔥sometimes I need to put my own fire out…. take a walk in nature or get in the bath 😂


Just when you think you've got it down Molly throws a few more layers on top! Love it! Always learning and growing with Molly Mc! Thank you wise one 🙏✨💞☘️


The 'basics' with Molly are an in-depth and mutileveled exploration!! I learned so much about my basics, I never knew before! Double Aquarius and Sagittarius. ♒ ♐ ♒


Sun : Aquarius
Moon : Libra
Rising : Gemini
Life path : 11
Human design : Projectors


Merci Molly ! This is so true, I could say I'm a "perfect" example of how you do not want to single yourself out with one sign, even you Sun... as I am a Gem Sun, Cancer Moon and Sag/Cap cusp rising... People will first see me as a Sag/Gem in some situations, then more Cap/Gem in others and once they get to know me I'm more Cancer... needless to say it can be complicated but I'm sure most people are the same.
I see more and more people who are not even that much into astrology who are starting to learn this, that you have to at least take your Moon sign into account.
You explained this very well!


Thank you Molly! I just realized that in my family, I’m the water sign moon (Pisces) and between my husband and my daughters, we have one in each element! I love that! ✨💜✨


Being a Capricorn sun, Pisces moon and rising, I definitely feel the push on pull on a regular basis, sometimes daily. It's prompted to really focus on the inner work of staying balanced as well as self-acceptance. I used to think I had to be only this or only that, and know I embrace I'm this, that and the other and I love it! It's not easy!


You’re the sweetest, Molly. Thank you for sharing your time to help the collective learn and grow.

Happy Friday, fam!


I love ur blue blouse& it is lovely to see you after years of listening to ur podcasts


Thank you Molly, beautiful as always. For me the most difficult part of astrology is understanding the transists and aspects, which of them should I take into account in order to plan or avoid certain things...there's so many that at the end I don't know which of them has the bigger influence on a specific day xx


Wow!! I'm going to have to give this one another listen and take notes. You just answered a long time why for me. I always said my middle name was misunderstood because it's been such an aggravating theme ..Now I understand why that is ... My sun and moon are in Scorpio and my rising is in Gemini.. Holy shit!! Now it makes so much sense ..


I’m a triple cardinal! Aries sun, moon rising and ascendant. Love your blue top! Gorgeous


My whole family is concentrated energies. My son has Sun, Moon Rising and Mercury in Taurus. My Daughter has Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, South Node and MC in Leo, my other daughter has Rising and Moon in Cancer but then her Libra Sun, Venus and Mars are in her 4th house. I have my Moon Mars rising and Jupiter in Gemini then I have my Sun Saturn conjunction in Leo in the 3rd house (plus my Mercury is in Virgo in the 4th giving it another moon Mercury feel similar to my moon in Gemini in 12th) it’s really cool how it all layers up like that and that it’s a family pattern in our case. We really came to learn about the nature of these placements in a very focused way.


My husband has Capricorn rising & a Capricorn moon but his sun is Gemini. It has always made me crazy reading the Gemini description. He does not like to read, or talk, or socialize. He's a hermit who likes to work. He does have a mischievous sense of humor though. Thanks for helping me understand him better Molly!


Sun and rising, it's me ! 😃 Also with the moon in Sagitarius, 3 in fire but i'm a calm man, quite diplomatic too.


Thank you Molly! Can you do more of the double and triple sign energies? Expound a bit more please? I love your teaching style!!! 🙏🏽☺️💛


Very interesting, and I find it 100% accurate. I am an Aries Sun (in 10th house with stelium of 4 planets), Moon in Sag and Cancer Ascendant. When people meet me they see a quiet mothering person they think they can walk on... until they try! At a previous company, our team was only women and our boss was obsessed with Disney, so she identified what our Disney princess based on the team feedback. I was hands down Snow White, but I personally see myself as Merida (firery adventurous redhead from Brave). LOL difference between Ascendant and Sun signs for sure.


Taurus sun 🌞
Cancer Moon 🌙
Aries rising 🔥
Thank you Molly💖
