Dwarf King's Quest Interview With Ronnie From Mantic Games

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As you should know by now we had Ronnie Renton from Mantic Games over for a little visit and while he was in the studio Warren got to sit down for a chat about the next big game heading down into the depths of some dungeon somewhere, Dwarf King's Quest!

This could well be the next big dungeon delver so see what treasures we can get out of Mr Renton!
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Thanks for this interview/promo. I have just reconfirmed & learn't a little more on matters of business. This man had a wholly envisioned plan from the very start, he & his Mantic colleagues are very much on point. The new old school kids are in town, make way. (For such a driven chap, his body language is amusing to watch at times.)


I am so looking forward to this! Very awesome. 


These miniatures look great! Very nicely impressed.


I am excited about this game and Kickstarter! 


I am so impressed with Mantic's ethic and concept of this project. "There are games out there like HQ and AHQ but are obtuse for people who do not know their way around a boardgame" such an insight and biggest problem to games like SDE and Descent

 I will be backing this. Dreadball is the most played game currently in my collection and it has even managed to convert a couple of board/wargame virgins into playing it due to its quick play time, simple rules (with aid of custom quick sheets) and complex play.


Looking good, might finally get to run a Twilight Kin vs Abyssal Dwarf dungeon crawl.  I do like the sound of the undead Dwarves.


A stretch goal that adds the board game stats for every existing Kings of War miniature?  This could get expensive...


Dwarf King's Quest, Dungeons Saga, Dwarf King's Hold 4, Kings of War Skirmish. I don't know what it's going to be called but I know it's cool.


If Ronnie can get anywhere near the intensity you feel when playing Galaxy Defenders, but in a fantasy setting, then he'll be onto a slam dunk winner


I love all the work Mantic are doing at the moment.  They're generating the same excitement that Fantasy Flight Games used to do with their releases, but recently I feel FFG has gone off the boil.  Glad to see Mantic releasing some great products but hating what it's doing to my bank account.


New KS sounds great. Hope they get rid of the lame activation system which was used in DKH & Project Pandora, also an intuitive dice rolling mechanic would be easier if the idea is to introduce new people to gaming.
Also, if this is aimed as an introductory game I hope it can compete with the D&D boardgames (Ravenloft etc) which seem to cover a lot of what Mantic is aiming to do with their game (and are 5 player and don't require a GM/overlord)
Looking forward to the KS and seeing what comes out of it, best of luck Mantic!


I'm conflicted now. What he described is pretty cool and I like it, but part of the experience is something I've got already in Super Dungeon Explore (which he mentioned). The obvious differences are campaign play and the huge potential that exists through the existing Kings of War line.

That's part of the problem for me. SDE will only ever be SDE; it won't form the basis for a tabletop game. Dwarf's King Quest on the other hand has the potential to become a Space Hulk that people buy to get a ton of cheap, good Terminators and Genestealers - in this case Undead, Dwarf and Basilea models.

Kinda cruel to put this out at a time when the SDE Forgotten King's pledge manager is open and public.


"As long as we fund this, I'll be happy" but isn't that what you're supposed to be doing with the profits?  Instead just using pre-orders to create the products.  But I guess, with this industry, this is probably needed.


I actually didn't like the tactical side of DKH and I don't know if it would work in a straight up dungeon craw like Hero Quest with them.  Hero Quest was made for kids and everyone who grew up playing it is trying to make games for themselves to recapture their experiences.  The problem is as an adult the game is far too basic and if you're one of those people you already are into miniatures so a game like HQ now won't give you the same experience of handling small plastic heroes and monsters for the first time.

Adults should play miniature wargames and pen & paper role playing.  There will never be another HQ for all us guys that remember it from our childhood.  I have yet to play a game that recaptures HQ and doubt there will ever be one.  I'll help kick start this game for the minis and I'll try the game but I have my doubts.

Someone should make a game like HQ, simple and NOT for adults, for people that remember HQ fondly to buy and play with their kids.  I tried playing lots of games with my nephew, Descent and the like, and they were all too complicated.  I dusted off my old HQ game and he loved it and I recaptured a lot of what I remember watching him play it.  The game is extremely basic and I can't play it at all without someone experiencing this type of game for the first time but that is kinda the point isn't it?  To introduce kids to the hobby.
