'Fake Christian Metal Bands' Pastor Bob DAILY!

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Spotify: PastorBobBeeman
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if my spirit doesn't agree with a band that I'm listening to lyric wise.... bottom line I wont support them,


I've always said that Christian Metal is only genre that is brutally honest and uplifting. Unblack Metal is my favorite, so I often hear people say, "Christians can't play Black Metal! They're bring posers if they are, because Black Metal is only for Satan!". To that I reply, "Christians can play ANY genre of music, just like any other human being. Besides, we are the ones that wholeheartedly sing about what we truly believe, while so-called "Satanic" bands are usually just in it for the shock value and/or money! Which one sounds like posers now?"


Singing about Jesus is far more important than singing about your lifestyle!
We cannot save ourselves, nor the people that are in the crowd...


Pastor Bob! You are dead on! I have promoted many shows as well. I used to be a metal DJ at a Christian Radio station in Oklahoma City. Thank you for posting this video. I agree with you that metal is the most honest style of music. It also hold more passion and heart. Then with albums like Echos from the Spirit the Dwell by Spoken is my favorite worship album because of the honesty and emotion behind the lyrics. Keep this up brother!


I struggle with this a lot. I came to Christ as a metal head with bands like Impending Doom and Demon Hunter actually helping bring me to him. I'm not sure I would have ever been open to becoming a Christian, and was at one point condescending and hostile to Christians, if not for these bands specifically. I can't now say that Christian metal is evil or fake after it helped me so much.
I think we all have to be honest with ourselves and true to what the Holy Spirit is trying to guide us towards. If you feel uplifted, positive and motivated to live for Christ after listening to Christian metal, it's probably ok. If you feel angry, dirty or depressed after listening to Christian metal, it's probably time to drop it. I've felt both ways about it and continue to at various times.
I think the Holy Spirit puts that struggle in me to ensure that I don't hold the music or the bands up as idols. Jesus ALWAYS has to come first. I love metal and music, but I love our Savior more.


Pastor Bob, I just want to say that as a former member of Fool's Forgiven (Marc Wells, Rhythm Guitar), I will tell you that we tried for 14 months to get signed to Dove records. We sang too much about Jesus, our walk with him, and our failures...yeah, we weren't "mainstream" enough, so, I challenge the Christian record labels here as well.


love Jesus with all your heart and mind, repent turn to Jesus, he died so none should perish he paid the price for your every sin, without Jesus you have nothing !


I'm not a big Christian but I love some of the teachings and put them in my own life.


right on pastor Bob, i totally agree . it's the heart and the love and the message. I need metal in my life these christian metal brothers make it possible for me to not have to compromise!!!


I just found GOD myself and Im a metal head lol so I love what your doing bro!!! Keep it up and God bless!


I grew up listening to easy listening and classical music. I was taught that rock n' roll was a 'noise' and rarely had any exposure to it. Shortly after Jesus saved me when I was seventeen, He opened my heart and gave me the liking (loving) of rock and heavy metal as a very special gift (the song God Gave Rock n Roll To You) is so very true for me. The Lord has stimulated, convicted, encouraged, and blessed me throughout the years by His many rock and metal bands and I continue to enjoy this form of music.


can he be my pastor? lol he is someone to relate to and understand what being a christain about.


love pastor Bob. You were a great influence in my life when I was listening to christian music metal bands.
when I was hospitalized for some of the things I was doing in my life in the 90s your tape ministry helped me through the tough times even when the time got better and the ways went away from my personal relationship with God, seeing you in facebook and now you tube is a blessing. keep praiseing and helping us build our lives back to Christ.


Metal or not we must glorify God with our music or else it's pointless.


I remember when I had a lot of Intense Records bands (Deliverance, Tourniquet, Vengeance, etc) and Pastor Bob was on the insert, I was curious about why, but then read about his ministry. I still love these bands even 20 years later, because it gives me memories of my teen years, plus many songs still shred compared to today's stuff. The thing that interested me was how many members of these bands who played Christian based songs, ended up leaving the faith (Roger Martinez, Gary Lenaire, Brian Khailurah, maybe Jimmy Brown). You could literally make a new band out of these guys. I'm not judging them, but I wonder how Pastor Bob would respond to these guys leaving. Personally, I left Christianity a long time ago, went full blown atheist, and now I've settled as a deist. I still respect and can love Christian music of all genres, because it means something special to me and always will.


Love these thoughts, I'll definitely be checking out more of your material. I started a Christian metal band recently and want to be direct in our lyrics rather than sort of afraid to speak out, but I also don't want to be preachy if that makes sense. So, I think your idea about writing about your lifestyle with brutal honesty will help with that. Cheers, thanks!


I have one question though,  why do most bands have to scream the whole song you can make metal music without screaming the whole time


Tim Lambesis said that about that about 1 out of 10 "christian" metal bands were not actually christian. I judge a band by their lyrics not by their title. If a secular band writes lyrics Without all the bad language and violence, I will listen to it just as easily as any "christian" band.


Pastor bob I'm gothic and Christian. What make me mad is when people say. Gothic people can't be Christian. What should I do to not get mad


"Dig it, the truth always shines through the real thing!"
