'Is Stryper A Christian Band?' Pastor Bob DAILY!

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Spotify: PastorBobBeeman

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Good job. I have follow Stryper for many, many years. Watched as they have grown in their faith, slipped and stood back up again. Proud of them.


Yes, they are. And, I love their music. God Bless Stryper! Sharing the gospel is sharing with those who need saved, and hopefully reach out to them. Stryper does that. I agree, completely, Pastor.


I agree with Michael Sweet. He said the reason they didn’t sign to a Christian label was because they would be labeled a Christian band and they would be limited on the audiences they would reach, and be stuck playing for Christian audiences. Make sense to me. I mean hey, isn’t that what God wants for his word to reach the lost?


People need to understand. Jesus didn't hang around the Temple all day. He was out in the world, in all the paces most Christians view as dens of iniquity, and he was around people that a lot in the churches would look down upon while in their own self-elevated statuses and false piety.
Michael Sweet really stirred the pot with this one, but he is right. Being a Christian isn't a job, it is simply what you are as a believer. I recognize that many Christians only want to do business with other Christians, and a lot of people only want to listen to "Christian" music because they feel it is safe for them to listen to, which is actually a very dangerous proposition if you think about it with any depth.... Just blindly accepting what is being offered to you.


stryper is awesome if people can hear the new album fallen great lyrics it's all about praising jesus Christ that's all I care about!


Dear Pastor Bob, I'm Chris and I am a recovering Christian. A bunch of church politics got in my way many years ago, but God is good. He still loved me even when I didn't. I have been following Stryper since the 80's and I love them! But, it was Michael Sweet, who's own strength got me through. When his dear wife got sick, I followed them on a daily basis. I read everything Michael shared about their journey. I prayed with them, I cried with them, I almost felt I knew them. He was so strong, for his wife, his kids even his followers. She passed, and as hurt as he was, he rejoiced! His partner was in heaven. All of that got me through some very dark times of my own. I have to agree with Michael now, in that, they are in fact Christians in a band, and if you've listened to their new stuff, there is a huge message. I like you Pastor Bob, I'm not quite as gray and I don't have the awesome hair line that you have, but we look similar. Thank you for not banging on Stryper. I'll be seeing you. Have a nice day.


Short answer: yes

Evidence: HEEEES THE KING OF KINGGSSSS YEAHHH"- Makes me want to sing, stryper


Thank you Pastor Bob for your love that you give to others. You ROCK my brother!


Not very Christian to label people. I met Michael Sweet in person, face to face. He is a very devout Christian. I know one when I meet one. Its no different than being a doctor or lawyer and also being a  Christian in my book...


Stryper has been able to play at venues that few other bands have with the message of Christ they bring.  I agree with Pastor Bob.  It's more about the fruit they bear rather than the label they wear!


Well, I am not christian, I don't have that beliefs, but I listen to them since I was 8 years old, and their new material, it's so freaking cool. Stryper rocks and no one can deny it. One of my favorite bands even when I don't share what they preach.


Amen Brother! Thanks for the brief reminders and encouragement of not "pidgeon-holing" our brothers and sisters and moreso supporting them in reaching others in the name of Jesus. Btw, you have the love, gentleness and discernment of the Lord when you teach and edify, praise God! I look forward to more of your teachings!


if it were not for a conversation i had with Michael Sweet on the tour bus on their anniversary tour i would not ever think of going back to church, and i dont feel i would have any place at the foot of the cross of Jesus. If you want Christ all to yourself then by all means go for it just leave us not forget the us dogs that enjoy the crumbs from the masters table:)


I love pastor Bob. I am actually Taoist, but remember him from the 80's, when I was into a lot of Christian Metal bands. This guy glows with integrity and it would be my pleasure to meet him. Maybe one day.


Thank you, Bob. You always bring balance to these issues. Like Chuck Smith with the hippies, you welcomed troubled kids into the kingdom. They left us some great music! Your reward in heaven is great, brother.


I love stryper there and awesome christian band that i am proud to listen to to strengethen my faith with God The King Of Heaven
Thank for explaining this in this video because i dont like that religion seperates people what we really need is faith in Jesus and a relationship with him
Much unconditional love, blessings, protection, good health and peace to all


I don’t always agree with your views pastor bob but I do like listening to you. I enjoy the word you bring through your messages


I like this man. I follow a different path than he does, but he comes across as a wise, loving person with a lot of integrity.


I love how you have used a crow in your animation! As someone who has spent many years under a black cloud, struggling with the darkness, and who enjoys gothic music and things, it is refreshing and encouraging to see how you have redeemed this beautiful creature from the so oft link with darkness. Indeed, this is God's beautiful creation and just as worth of singing and bringing God's praises as the white dove is.


I praise Jesus for true Christian metal!
