11 Things You NEED To Start Doing in Destiny 2 EVERY WEEK... | Destiny 2

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Today's video covers 11 Different things you need to focus on each week in Destiny 2 as a New, Solo, or Returning Player. Updated New Player Guide. Updated Solo Player Guide. Solo Materials and Resource Guide. How to Get Raid Loot as a Solo Player. Solo Raid Loot Farm. Lost Sector Farm. Bright Dust Farm. Ascendant Alloy Farm. How to Get High Stat Armor in Destiny 2. How to get Artifice Armor in Destiny 2. How to Get Raid Loot in Destiny 2. Solo Spoils of Conquest Farm. Fast Solo Farm. Season of the Wish. Destiny 2 Lightfall.


Time Stamps:
00:00:00 - Intro
00:00:50 - Lost Sectors
00:01:50 - Weekly Missions (High Stat Armor)
00:02:30 - Ghost Mods
00:03:00 - Raid and Dungeon Loot
00:04:45 - Pinnacle Rewards
00:05:20 - Seasonal Challenges
00:05:45 - Bonus Reward Activities
00:06:20 - Banshee's Inventory
00:06:45 - Ada-1's Shaders
00:07:05 - Xur's Exotics
00:07:30 - Bright Dust Sales

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Credits for Background Music and Outro Music...

Back To The Future -
Ofshane - Topic
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I’ve also heard casuals say they can’t get access to meta exotics which are game changing for builds, because they can’t do legend list sectors. The thing is bungie made vex incursions drop guaranteed exotics and they drop ones you don’t own first, so there is a source to getting exotics that use to be unavailable to ppl that didn’t run legend lost sectors.


This should be rewatched every week. Thanks for a perfect check list. 🎉


You forgot to mention that for spoils; finishing the current recently released raid (in this case Crota's End, but applies to all raids moving forward) will drop weapons or armour, but if you finish the raid AGAIN with the same character you get spoils instead from the bosses. So first run you get 4 bosses, 4 drops of weapons or gear. Next run on the same character you get 5 spoils each, so 20 spoils. You can farm this over and over. Sure you don't get GEAR for it, but it's the quickest spoils farm. Doesn't apply to hidden chests in raids though, that's once a week a 3 spoils each depending on the raid age.


Really good video, I'm a long time player and looking for something to do, I'll jump back in to those activities for a while.


Super helpful and informal video for any level of Guardian. Good work bro.


Thnk you so much about this video mate! But you would also break down specific what a solo player could or even demanded to do every week!! Thank's once again!


I start every day with Banshees four enchantment core quest for all three characters that equals 12 enchantment cores a day . 360 a month on him alone


Basically, get ready to grind your face off.


Legend Lost Sectors are not easy for casual players


What is that helmet or ornament for that red skull mask? It looks sick!


Running the Coil this season results in more rewards than a GM and can take just as long, BUT you need to get a score of 140k or 150k or whatever it is via breaking vases, basically all of them. If you get a team or just 1 idiot who doesn't understand this, you'll only get a handful of chests at the end vs 5 guaranteed. You get ascendant shards guaranteed, red borders, cores, prisms. It's great.


lmao yea right 😂😂😂😂😂 no one playing d2
