Pressure Canning Raw Pack Meat

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This same procedure can be used for lamb, pork, veal, venison and even bear according to the USDA! How easy it is to raw pack beef and chicken for pressure canning. Learn how! Watch for sales then stock up your pantry shelves with home canned jars of high protein meat and chicken.


Any products we mention or show on our videos have been purchased with our own money and are recommended or not based on our own experience.
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Hi Pam! It’s been 4 years since I watched this video and the price of everything is super high. It’s January 2024 and I bought 2 beef roasts to cut up and put in jars. 6.49 cents per pound! I really gasp at these prices today! Just wanted to say thank you for your wonderful videos and hope that I’m able to view each one! 🌺


Thank you so much. My mother was going to show me how to can meat this year but she just died after receiving the 2nd Pfizer vaccine 2 weeks ago.
It gave my heart a bit of joy to learn what my mom so eagerly wanted me to learn.😇


I got my bachelors degree in food science and I love your videos because you explain the process but also throw in some food chemistry and microbiology. Thank you for what you do to help everyone including me produce safe home canned and prepared food.


Hi Pam, just wanted you to know that I have developed an elevated respect for what you are doing for us. I am in the middle of raw packing about 10 lbs of meat, and in general, the organization and food prep cannot be passed off as easy. Add all the scientific analyses and recipe perfecting that you do raises the bar significantly. It takes a dedicated person to persevere and have the patience to deliver such accurate and detailed material to us canner wannabees! This is my first attempt at canning anything ... wish me luck! Ghee is next. I am also with you regarding disaster preparedness and fear that Americans will have to experience some form of food shortages, especially meat, in the not so distant future. I am preparing now.


Dear Lady, You are my canning School.Thank you so much for your dedication and well explain videos.


Pam & Jim, thank you for reposting this video from 4 years ago. I have Elk meat to can, perfect timing.


You're right, it is easy but it's still nice to see an experienced person going through the steps.


I’ll definitely be doing the chicken. We like to make bbq chicken nachos and chicken & caramelized onion pizza. It would be so convenient to have a pint of chicken at the ready. Thank you! You’re sharing information everyone should know as second nature….because, you never know what might happen. I lived in Boston during the blizzard of ‘78. We lived on the first floor of a triple decker, the snow was so high, we couldn’t get out of the building. My mother wasn’t a prepper by any means but, she had a hope chest full of store bought canned goods and thankfully she did! We all slept in the kitchen on lawn chairs to keep warm by the gas oven and we were more than thankful to have food to eat during that time.
Unfortunately, today, we live in a society that just assumes stores will always be open and supply is endless. That way of thinking is so dangerous.
You truly are a beautiful red rose🌹♥️


I love your canning videos . I trust what you say all the time..


Hi Pam, thank you for the videos. We're getting ready to move from middle Tennessee back to Wyoming where I'm from, and I'm going to can my freezer full of beef we purchased from local rancher. I've got the All-American 930 out, propane camp stove set up, beef thawed, and the only thing left to do is to cut the roasts, partially-brown the ground beef. While this is processing I'll get the next batch out of the freezer and thawed. Thanks again for the videos, you really ought to be named a living national treasure for the work and research you've put into all of this. Well, you're a treasure to me, and my husband loves the green chili chicken recipe. Gotta get to it while it's cool enough, but thank you.


Thank you so much for posting these videos! You are an amazing teacher and I am so grateful! I never got the opportunity to learn canning from my mother, by the time I had moved back she was too ill. You are helping me to feel closer to my mom and for that I just can't thank you enough. Blessings to you and yours!


You are the only YouTuber who I have no hesitations about following your instructions.


I’m new to canning and prayed I would find good instructions.Today is my first day watching you .
Thank You for clear and precise instructions Answered prayer!!


Love your videos! Amazed that the hot jars and temperatures in the 40's doesn't Crack any jars...I always worry about broken jars. When I have cold meat, I always use cold water and bring them up to temperature.


I’m new to canning. I’ve learned so much from your canning videos! I also don’t add salt to my food, so it is nice to see someone can who doesn’t add salt either.


I LOVE your videos!
You demonstrate ALOT of safety tips...
And you always show the WHOLE recipe!!!!


When my husband was able to get out and hunt, we would can venison from the white-tailed deer he would bring home. Some ground meat would go into the freezer, but a lot of the front and back legs would be cut into cubes for canning. So delicious! I miss those days.


You are such a treasure to share your time and expertise with us. I appreciate your generosity.


Have you published a recipe book with your canning recipes? I would enjoy having all your recipe ideas in one place.


twila crane here im a first time canner and you have become my go to for any questions . Recantly my significant other Steve and i had disagrement about siphning and I was able to tell him Rose said no if you have lost X amount of liquid you can not just put them on the shelves.. thank you for your videos you have inspired me . i.m a 60 year old from Indiana . between you and my USDA canning book you have ignited my passion for canning my Nonna would be happy and im passing along canning to my grand daughter. please keep making your awsome videos.
