All on 4 Dental Implants Gone Wrong! No Bone Present on Patient. Zygomatic, Pterygoid, Sinus Lifting

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As I was watching this, I thought about how diabetes affects the success of dental implants. All my upper teeth are gone, so i just have a denture, it will do. I was about to have implants done on top, and the day of the surgery my gut said "don't do this". I got up out of the chair and told everybody I changed my mind. The dentist nor anybody else said a word. Always trust your gut. And with all the information I've gleaned over the years, you can only go so far in life. Then you have to accept that. You fellows are informative and good: keep people informed so they can make better decisions.


Thank you so much for your unbiased & informative videos. I feel more confident now that I know what to look out for, pay attention to and which questions to ask when getting a diagnosis. I'm going to a clinic that has all options & specialists under one roof. So, I guess that's a good start. Fingers crossed my bone is relatively in good shape. Thanks again & keep up the good work. Very much appreciated.


Thank you so much for all this information. Wish you had an office here in ON, Canada. Much respect for your unbiased honest opinions, I am currently waiting on a consul appt referral from my dentist to hopefully do Sinus graft lift due to all 4 top implants that failed (done 10yrs ago). Question? would you still recommend Sinus bone graft on a 64yrs old. My 3D shows huge Sinus cavity.


In my opinion, Dr. Choi and his office are highly competent and ethical. Dr. Choi is correct that dentistry is subjective. For the 37 year old female patient, I would not have extracted her teeth and delivered a treatment plan that called for implant supported restorations on the upper and lower jaws. I would have rehabilitated her teeth by sending her to an endodontist, who used a microscope and a CBCT, sent her to a periodontist, and then recommended a full mouth rehabilitation with new crowns by a prosthodontist. She did not appear to have periodontal disease: the panorex x-ray showed decent bone support. Keeping teeth should be the first priority. The patient's root canals may have been done by a general dentist, who did not use a rubber dam and did not understand the necessity shaping the canals to ensure proper debridement and irrigation. The 37 year old female patient looks good, but implants may not last a lifetime.


Hi, I wish I lived in Texas because you're amazing and I appreciate you taking time out of your busy days to make these videos. They are extremely informative and have helped me immensely in my dental implant journey. I have 2 questions-Are there only colored materials such as pink or blue to fill in the screw holes, and is it normal for the prosthetic on the bottom to be wavy @ the gumline in the front and for one side of the prosthetic in the back to be like a quarter of an inch away from the gumline? I was told it's for cleaning purposes? Thank you for your time😊


I would love to have a consultation for all-on-4, but considering the cost, there's really no point unless I win the lottery, lol.


I have 3 implants supporting a 6 unit bridge with no fake gums. Had impacted canines one missing tooth and two bad teeth in between the canines. My baby canines never fell out lol. I could have root canals, and the impacted canines fixed with braces, but opted to get an implant support of Bridge instead. The implants cost $1950 each. The bridge was a separate fee they had a all porcelain option for $3600 with a 2 year warranty and also a porcelain with the metal skeleton for 11, 500 with a lifetime warranty. This was all done at a private dentist in my city that worked directly with the surgeon practice next door.

The implants are titanium screws retained.

Roughly 2 years before I got the implants, I had the baby canines and one other tooth removed and wore a partial. The partial was $325 at affordable dentures and implants.

Also, I have a friend who lives about an hour away from me who is having similar work done for a little cheaper. She is having her three implants placed for $500 per implant and $1950 per crown.


I am curious if dentists ever use cadaver bone? I have seen it used in cosmetic surgery.


I have watched several videos by Dr. Choi and greatly appreciate his information. However, I have been frustrated by him repeating and repeating the same background points, then when he approaches the crucial nugget of information he has been building up to for 20 minutes, he backtracks and repeats his previous points AGAIN without making the point! Arrgh! I would greatly appreciate if he could focus on PACING, SLOWING DOWN AND CAREFULLY ENUNCIATING when he finally states the most important point. I am often left confused, not about the technical terminology which he makes remarkably clear, but by him slurring over or even omitting the much-anticipated main point. I don't mean to criticize. I just want to be confident I understand the most important parts. Thank you for making this available so we can make informed decisions.


Dentists and used car dealers are at the bottom of my list of integrity


I am in desperate need of help for my zygomatic implants that are failing. Please please please can anyone recommend? I am desperate.


I just had 6 implants on top and 5 bottom and a zirconia prosthesis from Nexus IOS. I went completely toothless for about 5 months before I received my temporary prosthetic. Do you have any experience with Nexus IOS? The fact that is is layered zirconia worries me a little, but it is beautiful. At 51, I wonder how long this will last, but no more surgery, at least for now.


I wish insurance wouldn't see this as elective surgery...we need good teeth but can't afford it


What about the 3 on 6 bridges.
So many Dr. on here making on all 4 sound Bad because of pink prosthesis.


Why put yourself through this when dentures are a fast option and work well.


Baldy! Can't afford implants for your head ?? Me either !!
