How to fix heartburn on keto. #keto #heartburnrelief #acidreflux

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Never had gerd or acid reflux until carnivore. Other than those two issues, I felt amazing on carnivore, it was the best I felt my entire life. Unfortunately, it's hard to stick to when I'm experiencing heartburn, acid reflux, gerd... I'll try to elevate my upper body while sleeping.


I healed my gerd by sleeping in a recliner...for a year. It probably didn't need to be that long, but it worked and i haven't had any problems since. I'm keto now and not suffering from any gastric upset.


I have such terrible heartburn on this diet that I ran to the emergency room thinking something was wrong with my heart. I never had this issue before. I find myself taking Prevacid. As much as I don’t want to quit, I also don’t want to suffer like this.


I am desperate. I started carnivore 2 and a half months ago. It was going very well, but suddenly I have severe heartburn, reflux. I have tried everything and more than it says on this video. I feel like I should just fast, because after eating it’s torture. I am very strict. The only thing I have not tried is eating and not drinking. Usually I have a drink while eating. I will try from tomorrow. Is there any medication that can help? I tried gaviscon too, nothing seems to work


I eat phd and don't lie flat at night but I still started having reflux and hearbearn after six months on carnivore.


I have cinderblocks under the head of my bed and eating strict carnivore, and eggs are giving me the worst acid reflux of my life


I never had real heartburn before doing keto for two months several years ago. It's also when I started getting upper right abdomen cramps. Tried carnivore earlier this year, it caused literally untreatable heartburn. While eating carnivore there was no amount of anything I could take to assuage it, so I stopped. Tried again this week, same issue cropped up mildly after 7 days and severely after 13 days. Severe, untreatable pain. No, the damage is not done at night, because I woke up just fine and only had it after eating. Best advice I've heard is betaine HCl, but you can't just go to the store and buy that (I have to order from overseas and wait 2 weeks? I can't live like this for 2 weeks).


If anything, I don’t have enough stomach acid.


My thoughts are... are you drinking too much while eating? You're diluting your stomach acids. Or I wonder if your seasonings are too blame such as garlic or onion powder.


@nutritiondetective for full truth on what that gerd heartburn root cause is.


I don't have any heart burn on keto
