It Is Well with My Soul

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By H.G. Spafford and Philip Bliss.

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And now in 2024 too…..still listening to every lovely uplifting verse. Praise the Lord God Almighty!


Who is watching and listening to this wonderful song this 2020/2021/2022/2023/2024???


Just discovering Acapeldridge and I’m hooked.
Who’s with me in 2024?


This song is about the man who wrote this in late 1800s who lost all 4 children in a shipwreck. The faith & trust in God great to write in this horrible circumstance.


This hymn is spiritually powerful, theologically sound, and beautifully performed here.
Churches who have abandoned these traditional hymns in favor of contemporary praise music probably don't even realize what they've lost.
We need these old hymns.
They help tie us to the historical Body of Christ.
Let us all take to heart the message in this hymn.


It is a Capella and some people don't like it because it doesn't have instrumental music. I am a member of the Church of Christ and this is how we sing! It is beautiful! Our voices are the instrument God made for us to sing praises to Him. A man made instrument can not compare with the instrument God made! This is my favorite hymn! This is one of the songs that I chose for my mom's funeral. She had told me she didn't have a favorite hymn that she liked them all. This hymn is so comforting in time of loss!


This was particularly significant for me when my father passed in ICU. As the monitor went to a line, God deeply impressed the words of that Hymn on mind. Not a doubt. My Dad was a great man of God. It will always be a very significant hymn for me.


Last Oct 2020, my 10-year old nephew met an accident. He was hit by a motorcycle and had fractured his right leg. He had undergone surgery and by God's grace, he was discharged from the hospital 5 days after his admission. He was crying every night because of bad dreams from the accident. He kept asking why he had been through pain and why God had allowed that to happen. I cried with him and I answered that God does not want to do us any harm. I was brokenhearted by his question and I remember all the trials of Job and his faith in God. I sat beside him and played this comforting song which made him sleep well that night. After that, we kept playing this song and the other songs you covered and eventually he can sleep peacefully again. I told him that even though I don't have the right answers to his questions, we should be thankful to God that he is alive and survived the accident. God comforted him through this song. Thank you for your rendition and I thank God for giving you this talent. God bless you!


Anyone who read this, may you have a blessed day . This song Lifts your spirit to work more . Big thumbs up for you brother . God be with us always .


My sin, not in part but the *WHOLE*,
is nailed to His cross and I bear it no more!
Praise the LORD! Praise the LORD, Oh my soul!


This has been one of my favorite songs for 75 years; that was when, at age 15, my father, on his deathbed, sang it to me! praise God!May God bless this sweet young man!


I am, in 2023 and it's the most glorious and beautiful hymn I've heard and listened to for a very long time.


The goal is to have high artistic standards while being humble enough to sing in the Spirit. This guy does that. Praise God.


My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, o my soul



No matter how good my life currently was or is, this song has always brought me to my knees in tears.

Currently I am working through the grief of a dearly beloved father figure, my father-in-law. He was so good to my mom for 12 long years. Two days ago, late in the evening, he passed away suddenly- virtually alone, from what the coroner believes was a heart attack, while preparing for the Lord’s work the next day. I pray that he is no longer in pain, and can finally see his first wife again, who also passed away suddenly 15-years ago. I also pray that those whose lives he helped turn back toward God will continue to turn toward God in honor of his memory and his labor with their hearts and souls.

He was no preacher- just a godly man with the occasional temper, and he was a leader.

I love you


Who's watching im November 2024- December 2024? Also, 2024 has been crazy for all Christians around the world. I've not seen war personally, but I hear of it. Christians in war zones, your in my prayers!


We pray for those who pressed dislike, may the Holy Spirit touch their lives. This is a very beautiful song and awesome rendition! Please keep singing for the Lord.


As a life-long singer and choral director & composer/arranger for many years, I can affirm how rare it is for a person to have mastry of all four parts. Your singing is exceptionally balanced and done with feeling and impressive musicianship. Well done, Michael!


Who is a person who is listening to this song! A person who appreciates someone who is singing to glorify their God and Maker: and who welcomes the Lord as an Honoured Guest into each and every home, that invites this music into the atmosphere around them.


The author of this hymn- to have gone through the trials and grief that he did and remain a faithful servant of God- is truly someone to model ourselves after and to pray our faith remains as rock solid as this. Praise the Lord!
