JBugs - Father & Son - 1972 VW Baja Bug - Ready for the Road?

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Well, there really isn't a question as Sam and Nate did get the car road worthy-ish. Heck, they even drove it a few minutes up the street to a little car show back in June. Just the same, there was a whole bunch of work that took place beforehand as Sam and Nate spent 4 or 5 weeks working on the car to get it running and driving once again. This is a compilation of a few days worth of work which included Sam finally deciding to do something about the very sharp rear fenders, installing the engine that Nate rebuilt the top end on, running basic wiring and switches, installing rear brake calipers, and a whole bunch of other work that culminates with Nathan installing some left over racing Yohohama tires on some brand new to the market, JBugs 5 Spoke Aluminum Beadlock wheels. Enjoy this recap and stay tuned for the next video which should just about bring us up to speed on all the work that was done prior to going to the Desert Dubs Vintage Volkswagen Show!



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Рекомендации по теме

Those lights are sweet, I love the way you hid them in the bumpers. Very slick.

Don't forget to link them in your show notes.😊


Love your lights in the bumpers! This build series has helped me a lot with my own builds. Thanks for posting and keep up the good work guys!


Old speedo cable works great as a fish tape… still have mine from my ‘68 Bug i owned in HS. No fiber glass splinters!


Nice work! Building one with my boy, hope it comes out as good as yours !


Bead locks are not D.o.t.legal on the hyway.
