Faith + Baptism = Salvation? | Steve Lawson Sermon Clip

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#BaptismalRegeneration #SteveLawson #SermonJam

The entire sermon from Steve Lawson can be found here:
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Question: was naman the leper healed by faith when he dipped 7 times in the Jordan River? Was the blind man healed by faith when he washed in the pool of Soloam? Absolutely by grace alone through faith alone... BUT Saving faith is not saving Faith until you obey baptism. OBEDIENCE IS THE SIGN THAT YOU HAVE SAVING FAITH


1 Corinthians 1:17   For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.


This is embarrassing for Lawson. An "unbeliever" is someone who does not believe or identify with Christ. The man in this story clearly did believe yet Lawson condemned, which is exactly what he is commanded not to do. Lawlessness.


Many people are going to hell because of the false teaching... just accept Jesus in your heart. Nope I don't believe in works ... Stop pulling one scripture out as more important than another one. Thirst for truth.. Baptism is not a work, the water is not magic, faith is the magic that turns a simple act of obedience dipped in water to salvation


Steve Lawson is blinded by his arrogance which sadly makes him incapable of Seeing and admitting he has been wrong all of his life. Is Steve Lawson going to hell because of his false teaching?
