Ancient Coins: Roman Gold Coins

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Even as the great rome of old lost its prestige, Indian travelers observed that it was with the aid of roman gold coin, prestigious, admired, and accepted everywhere, that much of the world economy operated.

Today, we´re briefly discussing the history of roman gold coinage, as well as looking at three examples of gold coins, one from the Golden Age of the Empire, one from its darkest moments, and one of the surviving Western Roman Empire.

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Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License
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One day I would love to own a few aureus and a small bag of legionnaire denarius. Kind of a new fan of this channel and cant get enough. I'm a silver stacker and a history major lol. Thank you for the great content, I've learned so much.


I very much appreciate your taking the time to share these videos, what a wonderful channel you have! ☺️


I started lasted year with collecting late Roman gold, although i keep it 'humble' with the tremissis, which is worth 1/3 of a solidus. The tremississes are quite small at 15 mm and are very thin, weighing around 1.45 g. Nevertheless, the crafmantship is still really high on these small gold coins, in contrast to the miserable bronzes of Late antiquity. The tremissis is more affordable than the solidus, but still expect to pay around 200+ euro for a semi-decent one. I think i will buy a solidus one day, but the mighty aureus is in a league of its own pricewise!


May I suggest a future topic:

Fourrée coins and Contemporary counterfeits


Eagerly waiting for my Solidus of Theodosius II to arrive in the mail.


One day I will buy myself a nice aureus :) the pearl of the collection


My doughter lives on the swedish island of Öland. At a field on their property it has been found in total 80 solidus from Honorius to Zeno.


I got my first Roman gold Solidus last year from a coin auction for like $700. It was a Solidus of Theodosius II in military dress VF detail. I thought it was a good price. I also managed to recently get a gold Solidus coin of Valentinian III NGC AU detail for $1500. I try to look for the cheapest and best coins I can find.


Marvelous channel, thank you so much Sir!


can you imagine the romans casting this coin and it traded hands for a few hundred years before someone stashs it for safe keeping. wow simply amazing


Thanks for another informative video! I have only a few gold Roman and Byzantine coins - but if I only had one - it would of course be an "Eid Mar" gold aureus!
(edit - spelling)


I'd like to have an aureus of Hadrian. Ideally either RIC 62 (Janus rev.) or RIC 284a Victory standing holding palm and eagle.


Great video, can't wait to purchase my first gold coin (some day).


I'm researching 130 A.D. how do I find the coinage minted on and around this time? Is there a comprehensive guide you can suggest?


It's kind of a tie between Constantine the Great and Augustus. But if I can only choose one, I'll go with Constantine. Another I'd like to add is Constantine XI if one does exist.


Damn, so much gold in a single video.

Was there a certain reason for the replacement of the Aureus with the Solidus? I understand that the Antoninianus etc were basically worthless, but gold was always more or less the same, so, why the need to change?

Also, the way the frontal portraits look in the last emperors like Anastasius or Nepos in the West in Gold coins is so funny, they weren't even trying to idealize the emperor, so weird to compare with the good profile coins of earlier.


Don’t have any today but I’d like to get a few Roman Gold coins in my collection before I croak.
I notice a lot of priest-like figures on the obverse of Roman Gold vs the Ag examples, where most are the Emperors.
Binge watching your videos. They are great! Thx again


The problem with collecting aurei is their price, which is totally out of proportion of their beauty and historical interest, since they are not uncommonly found in great condition (gold doesn't change hands everyday...). For the price of one beautiful yet not perfect aureus (in the 5000/10000 dollars range), you get 30 denarii exactly as pleasant (basically the same size and often the same artistic merits) if you select them well.


Are these all your pieces?? If I could have one coin and only one...the Eid mar gold aureus of course!


Hi. How much does this Roman gold coin cost as of today?
