OVEN BAKED CORNED BEEF Recipe | St Paddy's Day

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Thanks for hanging out with me and have FUN in your kitchen! I hope you make this OVEN BAKED CORNED BEEF Recipe | St Paddy's Day or any day!

all right first things first we're going to go ahead and open this guy up and I don't really know if this is truly necessary but when you pull it out of the bag it's slimy there's just no other way to describe it it's just slimy so I like to give it a good rinse

it's probably fine if you don't but I don't like slimy meat um so go ahead and rinse off your little spice packet get that dried off and then put your me fat cap up do that now

there are two different types of corned beef that you will find in in your meat section one is a flat cut and one is a tip uh cut and the tip cut is exactly what it sounds like it comes to uh to a point or it's a point cut I like the flat cut because I think it Cooks more evenly I was going to say more evenly ER that's not a word so it Cooks more evenly if it's a consistent size cut of meat

okay so massage that spice packet into the fat cap of your corned beef and then if you want to kick the flavor up just a little Notch go ahead and get a pickling spice now this is different or maybe they use it for the same one for making pickles

it's a little confusing but if you look on the directions back here it specifically tells you what to do for corned beef if you are boiling it but we are not boiling it we are baking it which I think is far superior

okay so go ahead and shake a little bit of that onto your meat these are just wonderful herbs and spices like all spices cloves bay leaves all sorts of wonderful wonderful things going on in here all right and then

Loosely cover it so there's a little bit of air in here I have not covered it super tight because you want the you want the meat to steam in on itself and then we are going to put this

in a 275 degree oven for six hours I know it's a slow bake but I kid you not put it in first thing in the morning it'll make your house smell amazing and then this guy is ready to go for six hours

We're not gonna wait around for that because I've got another one in the oven that I started this morning and it should be ready to come out oh yeah here we go oh I wish you could smell this oh it smells so good all right now we're ready to open this up and finish it off

now that you've had your meat in the oven slowly cooking I'm gonna go ahead and scrape some of these spices to the side and then we're going to put this back into the oven under a high broil we're going to burn the fat cap off and brown it up

Bottom's a little hot and we're gonna put it up high and we're just gonna watch that for a couple of minutes until it's all browned up and the fat cat is burned off

so this has been under the broiler for probably two and a half three minutes there we go and you can see that the the fat cap has burned off quite a bit and it's nice and brown so good okay so let's see how tender this is the reason why I love this corned beef more than if you boil it it's because it's so tender but it stays together and doesn't completely fall apart and it doesn't disintegrate but it's got a great texture and a fabulous flavor

oh it is hot oh my gosh super tender I finally checked this out bye guys [Music]

#cornbeef #brisket #stpatricksday
00:00 Introduction
01:20 What Type of Cut to Use
01:53 How to Apply Spices
02:11 How to Increase Flavor
02:53 How to Wrap Corned Beef In Foil
03:09 Bake at What Temp for How Long?
03:47 Take Out of the Oven
04:01 Finish it Off Under the Broiler
04:44 After Broiling
05:07 Why Is Baking Corned Beef Better Than Boiling
05:38 Tasting!

lakeside table, st. patricks day, corned beef, corned beef and cabbage, beef brisket, corned beef brisket, oven baked corned beef, corned beef recipe, how to make easy corned beef, St Paddy's Day recipes, Recipes for St Patricks day, Easy dinner ideas, slow roasted corned beef, how to make corned beef easy, holiday dinner ideas, what to make for dinner, fast healthy dinner recipes, easy healthy dinner ideas, OVEN BAKED CORNED BEEF Recipe | St Paddy's Day
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Tomorrow night....Corned Beef and Cabbage, Carrots, Potatoes. This will be my first year roasting the corned beef and I'm pretty excited, my mouth is watering thinking about it. I've been coating the potatoes, carrots and some rustic cut purple onions for the last few years in olive oil and then using some garlic, kosher salt and pepper, then roasting it all and it is way better than boiling. I always steam the cabbage al dente and then add some butter, just my preference. Since I was a young boy my grandmother always made special meals at the holidays and this was a classic I make still to this day in my 50's. Hopefully my kids will carry on the tradition.


Getting ready to cook corned beef and cabbage, etc again this Sunday. Been doing this for many years. Your method is definitely the best way to go for the corned beef, which is the star of the show. The cabbage, potatoes, carrots, etc, can be done in a variety of ways. But I no longer boil the corned beef. Baking, not boiling, is the best way to go for better texture and flavor.


I made it exactly as directed. It was super excellent and all of our guests said it was the best they ever had. From now on, I will always make it this way.


Like most people I think we boiled our Saint Patrick's Day dinner all of it at the same time. But I've since gone to roasting in the oven and it's so much better. Yours looks great


Well I made it last week and family liked it so much that I am making double batch today, thank you so much!


Had a rainy day and I tried this. Less cleanup than the crock pot and I liked the texture better. Skipped the broiler part so I didn't have a mess in the oven.😂. Thanks for the video!


I have always slow boiled mine, after watching your video I tried it this way and it turned out SOOO delicious and juicy and tender!! It's a winner in my house! Thanks


This is a great way to make a corned beef. No muss, no fuss, and easy clean-up. I much prefer the texture of the meat, also. Wondering if anyone else had a corned beef that was extremely salty. Next time I think I'll soak the meat for an hour or two with the hope of leaching out some of the saltiness.


Epic success 👍😋 I'll never cook it any other way! Perfection ❤ Thank you


I just made your recipe on St. Patrick's Day and cooked it exactly how you explained it and it's by far the best corned beef that I ever had! I even cooked one in my Dutch Oven for a taste test with the hubby and my son and your method won! Thanks for a fabulous recipe! 🙂


This is amazing! I'm making it "your" style tomorrow. Can't wait! Thank you! Happy St. Patrick's Day!


It's that time of the year again. I too always roast mine, besides the great texture, the taste is more flavorful (meat simmering too long loses some flavor, just like it does when used for making stock) also the appearance from roasting is pleasing to the eye as opposed to a grey boiled blob. Most restaurants roast it too, in covered hotel pans, until the last 10 to 15 minutes, they uncover them and turn up the temp to high for color. The slime is a combination of brine, collagen, and myoglobin, when meat packing companies cryovac the individual pieces of brisket, the vacuum within packaging causes the liquid to exude. As you said, it's not harmful, it will though cause quite a bit of grayish/brownish scum on top of the water if cooked by simmering, unless rinsed off.

Great video, professional looking and moves along at a nice pace, I'll have to check out some of your other videos. I've cooked for many decades, but I still learn all the time and I'm always looking for new ideas. Thanks for nice vid.


Sounds great. Thanks for sharing. I have to try it.


Hi hun, this is a delicious recipe. Pickle spices sound interesting!


Terrific. Baking (not boiling) is definitely the way to go. Better texture and better flavor!


This is an insanely simple recipe to follow and it is so incredibly DELICIOUS! And yes adding additional pickling spice was key.

Thank you! “My” corned beef was a big hit.

Very simple recipe and instructions to follow for those of us whom are not cooks.


Where have you been during my quarantine!!?? I am at least happy that I found you now.


I actually purchased a corned beef a couple of days ago and told my husband I was going to try it. He said, "oh, for St. Patrick's Day?" I said, no, I just saw it and decided to buy it. Apparently, someone at his office told him it was a tradition in their family on St. Patrick's Day. I'd never heard about that so my purchase was by circumstance. I'm always nervous about preparing meat I know nothing about. I didn't grow up eating Corned Beef. Any meat we had my mother fried until it was burned. So, I'm always trying to learn new things about cooking meat and fish. So, I'm going to try your recipe as it looks lovely and delicious. What do you serve your Corned Beef with? Thank you, Christy


Thanks I'm going to try it tomorrow!!


This is a great recipe. Thank you for sharing
