Donald Trump Shooting Analysis: Gunman Outsmarted Secret Service

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In this in-depth Donald Trump shooting analysis, Jeff Ostroff walks you through a thorough and detailed analysis of the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump in Butler, PA on Jan 2024 at 6:11 PM by Thomas Matthew Crooks.

Several videos shot by bystanders capturing vital phases of the shooter will all be analyzed to build an accurate timeline and to analyze what went wrong both with the Secret Service and local police, that could have allowed a shooter to gain access to a critical high point roof and fire a weapon at the presidential candidate.

See these other videos mentioned in this video:
Azget Industries: Illustration of Attempted Assassination of President Trump Part 2

MilkBarTV: Donald Trump's assassination attempt in real time from different angles!

00:00 Introduction to the Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump
00:33 Secret Service Identifies Security Threats at Butler, PA Site
01:57 About Trump Shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20 years old
02:45 Shooter activities day of the Trump shooting
05:18 Shooter spotted outside secure fence at Trump Rally
06:08 Trump arrives at Butler, PA Trump Rally 5:33 PM
06:25 Confusion over when Secret Service spotted trump shooter on roof
09:41 Shooter spotted near AGR Industrial building and roof
10:34 Police engage shooter at 6:10 PM
12:24 Trump shooting begins
12:49 Different views of shooting
14:09 3D Donald Trump shooting analysis animation from Azgat Industries
16:12 How Secret Service CS Sniper Units reacted
17:28 Hydraulic fluid sprays from boom lift after shots fired
18:50 Police and SWAT Reaction after the Trump Shooting
19:34 More witness cell phone videos
21:37 Analysis of security lapses and lessons learned
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He didn't "outsmart" the Secret Service. They just put on a display of incompetence that is frankly difficult to believe.


I am dumbfounded that the Secret Service had identified a person of interest, lost track of that person of interest, and still allowed the former President to go onstage.


I work as a crane rigger. At pre-lift safety meetings, the job supervisor usually says, "any worker can stop this job at any time they if they see a safety issue." This is SOP in the construction world. Hard to imagine, an officer raised an alert on the shooter hours before the shooting, and no action taken?? Could easily have delayed Trump taking the stage until the suspect was in custody or canceled the event altogether. Given the stakes, using the excuse of "radio channel problems", or "manpower" is totally unacceptable.


You did a better job investigating and creating a timeline of the events with limited resources, than the now former head of the SS in 9 days!


With the way the Secret Service acted that day, I wouldn’t trust them to guard a 7-Eleven


I am one of Australia's most experienced PPS (Personal Protection Specialists) or 'Bodyguards' in which I am part of the teams that look after our Prime Minister, Diplomats, Corporate Executives and a number of other VIPs along with some of the world's biggest celebs all over the world with over 35yrs experience in high level security situations.

FIRSTLY, let me say that this analysis displayed on this channel of what happened when he was struck, where based on my professional opinion is ONE OF THE BEST descriptions to what actually had happened on the day.

The Secret Service on the day did many things right although many more CRITICAL TYPE ACTIONS were wrong where quickly just the top main points of which I can mention at the moment are,

1) This operation should have been identified as an extreme TL1 (threat level 1 status, the exact same security level provided to current POTUS) where because of holding this status, the Secret Service should have had an operative on every high position in a clock figuration such as one at 1oclock, 1 at 2oclock etc etc on EVERY SINGLE one of the buildings, basically a full perimeter watch point with a high point advantage which Counter Snipers would then be approx 100m from each other being able to see and cover a whole 360 cover covering ALL high vantage points.

2) When the police officer climbed up the building and noticed the shooter, the moment he fell off the building due to being seen by the shooter, the officer should then have taken out his weapon and fired some shots off into the air to firstly bring attention of the shooters position as well as warning and having the actual PSDs immediately rushed Trump off the stage once they heard gunshots then the USSS counter snipers would have also heard the direction of the gun shots and not seen the officer but instead the guy on the roof with a gun and taking appropriate action.
Further to this, by the officer firing his weapon off would have also distracted the shooter from pulling the trigger thinking that he was being targeted where as if for only just a few seconds, is enough time for the USSS counter snipers to taken him out..

3) Being such a high profile event there should have been a large number of normal security guards situated all around the entire perimeter monitoring and providing an outer perimeter protection starting 2 days before so as having a 24 hours security presence keeping the area secure and preventing anyone entering or setting up any devices before the normal USSS security protocol commences.

4) The female US Secret Service Agents should NOT HAD BEEN part of the actual Trump PSD (Personal Security Detail) for the reason that as not only are they not tall enough, BUT more importantly...should SHTF and several members of the team be shot and go down, females DO NOT HAVE THE ACTUAL physical strength to drag a large size man or men being double their weight OUT OF DIRECT FIRE to safety whether its be their own agents or the VIP Trump.


5) They should have been another two shadow snipers WAY OUTSIDE of the perimeter set up at 3 and 9 o'clock approximately 1000m away or further which these agents would be the OUTER counter snipers watching for anyone forward of themselves popping up with a weapon as you can't protect anyone from shots taken in excess from over the 1000m threshold.

The director of the Secret Service Kim Cheatle must step down immediately and the USSS advance team questioned as they had not indicated the area the shooter was positioned as a RZ (Red Zone, highest threat level positions)

I can't go into any more details in relation to how the US Secret Service operate on social media due to National Security protocol although if anyone has any Yes/No questions ask away 😊



Not sure whats worse, a conspiracy to let this happen, or secret service actually being that incompetent.


He became a “ person of interest “ then they immediately lost track of him. Unbelievable


One incompetent act, I might believe.
2-3 incompetent acts, I'd find difficult to believe.
But 'they' (the Secret Service) expect you to believe that 20-30 incompetent acts occurred, in synchronicity, all within an hour?
From the highest and most regarded Security Team in the World!
Give me a break!.


The authorities expect us to believe they couldn’t find him when you have a dozen people telling you exactly where he is.


how can you say that the gunman outsmarted the Secret Service when they let him do whatever he pleased then got rid of him the INSTANT he failed?


"Outsmarted" my ass. Secret Services's incompetency had no bounds there - there were reports of someone climbing roof, there were reports of sniper on the roof - they even HAD HIM in their sights and yet did nothing. It's almoust like they WAITED for him to shoot...


Sloped roof defeated the secret service.


No drones, no Kevlar shields, no spotter on the water reservoir... every rock concert has better security.


Best analysis Ive seen so far. No BS, no clickbait, super accurate.


The secret service director had days to prepare for the hearing and came out with nothing. You have produced an outstanding video. You should have been invited to congressional hearing.


I want to congratulate you on your video "Donald Trump Shooting Analysis: Gunman Outsmarted Secret Service". No TV or newspaper has given me such a clear view of what happened. Thank you and congratulations on the excellent work.


They were watching him for 62 minutes! Trump should never been allowed to go out on that stage!!!


The Director Of The Secret Service needs to get relieved from her duties. A sloped roof is a very poor excuse.


Now we know what the "Secret" means in "Secret Service".
