Why Everyone Is Wrong About This Notorious Serial Killer

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About Thoughty2
Thoughty2 (Arran) is a British YouTuber and gatekeeper of useless facts. Thoughty2 creates mind-blowing factual videos about science, tech, history, opinion and just about everything else.

Writing: Steven Rix
Editing: Sandeep Rai
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That's ironic, the most famous detective shares a name with the most horrific serial killer.


When you were talking about some recent serial killers, I was thinking "What about H. H. Holmes?" Next you talked about Holmes, and I felt proud to have known about him. Then you set the record straight. I was shocked and deflated.


Anybody ever get the impression Thoughty2 picks his subject based on the popularity and SIZE of the "moustaches" in his stories???


Being the macabre historian you are, I was wondering when Holmes was going to get your treatment. And you don't disappoint. Thanks for always trying to deliver the truth. Excellent.


There is an excellent book called "The Devil In The White City" that tells the story from both H.H. Holmes perspectives and the architects that were working on the Chicago World Fair. I recommend it if you want to know more.


It's common for serial killers to exaggerate their crimes. I think it's because most of them are highly narcissistic and will do what they can to get the recognition they believe that they deserve.

Whenever I read about particularly heinous crimes with high victim counts like H H Holmes, Elizabeth Bathory and the like I always bare in mind that newspapers always exaggerate things (some things never change) but that there's usually a train of truth there too. It's unfortunate that we must rely on newspaper reports for so much of the information about history. There are other sources but these are scant compared to the newspaper reports.


As part of a book club years ago we read “ The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America” - what a wonderful book! This story is told in alternating chapters to some dramatic events surrounding the creation of the World’s Fair in the same time frame just blocks away!


HH Holmes was/hired grave robbers too, so we don't know how many skeletons were from that or his murder victims.


It's like walking downstairs in the middle of the night on Christmas and seeing your mom and dad putting presents under the tree all the fun is gone.


I started watching a television show called "Timeless" several nights ago. I came home from shooting pool last night and was perusing YouTube and came across this video and watched it. A little later after that I resumed watching "Timeless" and the second episode I watched was about them going back to the World's Fair in Chicago and getting trapped in this same "Murder Castle". You would not believe how often that sort of thing happens to me and yet I'm still astounded every time it occurs. (If anybody's confused I was referring to the coincidence happening to me, not getting trapped in the "Murder Castle".)


Wow. That was incredibly depressing. He was far more entertaining being a homicidal maniac. But thank you for the excellent story-telling! Your channel is definitely a favorite of mine.


That was the single most sinister wink to camera in the history of winks to camera. Excellent work good sir.


1:25 Albert "The Fisherman" Fish & Carl Panzram are two that blow Holmes completely out of the water.
While he stayed in the single digits, Fish beats Holmes purely due victim selection (under 5) and disposal (cannibalism).
While we don't have a great lock on Holmes' total body count, we don't for Panzram either. But he was active much longer, killed more frequently and is likely to have a *much* higher body count. The guy was a literal "Murderhobo" his entire adult life.
Holmes mostly killed for insurance money. Panzram just killed. If his victim(s) had anything he would take it but it wasn't his motive.


Man, I love these videos. The storytelling, the comedy and just the entire atmosphere is simply incredible. Keep it up my man.


Is it weird that I’m a little disappointed that he didn’t actually build the Murder Castle?


Ed Gein was truly horrifying. He really set a bar on serial killers. He rivals some of the non-fiction characters like Hannibal Lector and Buffalo Bill In Silence of the Lambs, as well as Norman Bates in psycho and Leather Face. Gein kept faces and body parts (using the top of one skull as a bowl) and he upholstered furniture with human skin. That guy was truly a monster!


I'm sooo glad that someone finally tells the truth about Holmes so-called "murder castle" !

To me, Luis Garavito is by far the worst serial killer if you ask me


ive been watching for years and years and just want to say your content is the best its ever been right now, the hard work you put into the channel shows, these videos are fantastic


Isn't the outlandish death factory the plot of American Horror Story: Hotel?

I'd definitely put the final confession down to, "I'm gonna die, let's just go crazy and make a legend. They'll be so confused they'll never know the truth." One last con.


I love how he wanted to he buried 10 feet under and in concrete so he didn't get dug up but he got dug up anyways