Netflix's Cleopatra: Why Everyone is Wrong!

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Was she Black? White? Mixed? Here is the answer. Let me know if you agree in the comments.
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I love your videos … but im surprised u left out Strabo a Greek historian and the only person to see cleopatra & her family and he quoted "Three classes inhabited the city (Alexandria in Egypt): first the Aegyptian or native stock of people, who were quick-tempered and not inclined to civil life; and secondly the mercenary class, who were severe and numerous and intractable..; and, third, the tribe of the Alexandrians, who also were not distinctly inclined to civil life, and for the same reasons, but still they were better than those others, for even though they were a mixed people, still they were Greeks by origin and mindful of the customs common to the Greeks."

Starbo also stated that cleopatra was the only illegitimate child of Ptolemy XII Auletes.


You need to take into consideration two key factors.
1st - there are eyewitness reports describing Cleopatra as being pale with milky skin, which alone is enough to close the debate on what her skin colour was.
2nd - People are mad about this "documentary" because it is supposed to be a documentary, where they should present facts, not pure speculation. There is that old woman in the trailer that says, "My grandmother told me that no matter what they teach you in school, Cleopatra was black". This comment alone proves that this supposedly "documentary" is nothing more than a political agenda.

Other things to note are that in the entirety of your video, you have yet to mention proof that Cleopatra might have been of sub-saharan descent. All you said is that she might have been mixed since her father had some Iranian mixture. That is a known fact that nobody was debating about. The whole debate is about her being represented as a sub-Saharan woman.


Cleopatra never impressed me so I could care less.




As a Greek I feel sorry for all black people who feel inferior and need to appropriate our history to feel “important”. Insulting Greeks and Egyptians won’t change history, you are just insulting yourselves


basically she was either a tipical greek lookn chick or a tanned lookn chick. the end.


I heard Dr. John Henrik Clark say that Cleopatra 7th was a non-African woman. He gave her credit for being "pro-african" in that she learned the language & the customs..


The part where you analyzed Macedonian DNA was laughable. If my knowledge of history was deeper the entire video would probably be laughable as well.


Mr. Imhotep. I believe that Alexander The Great was white. His fellow Greeks were white. The Greeks were Caucasian. Cleopatra has Caucasian features, in the authentic depictions of her. She even has red hair in one of them.


You are missing the point, people arent hating on Netflix Cleopatra because she was portraited as Black, people are hating because: 1- they feel the need to heavily agnolage that mostly stylish and meaningless choice.
2- the arguments presented on the TRAILERS of thi DOCUMENTARY are: because i choose to or my grandma told me so...

+ considering Persian and Fenician ancestry black seems a litle far fetch...


Even if her father got Cleopatra from a woman outside of his own family, that does not mean she would have been black. It's like claiming that Cleopatra was of Germanic origin because we can't absolutely 100% rule out that her mother wasn't Germanic, even if all other evidence that exists of her tell us otherwise. The origins of Arsinoë that was talked about in this video has already been adressed to not be her because the skeleton of the girl that was examined was too young too have been from Arsinoë.


Well … now I’m pretty sure it’s safe to say she was a woman. Multi cultural women.


Cleopatra was not white or Arab. She was black she had mixed race black nappy hair that was flat braided too even her name is a black native African name. Most people tend to forget that ancient Greeks were black. I speak 12 languages by the way.


Well, now the accuracy of Ancient Egyptian skin colour in a documentary is suddenly important? I wonder why...🤔


Regardless, she was NOT black. It’s extremely DESPERATE and reaching, so reaching for blacks to make her black. It’s sad, an inferiority complex.

The Ancient Egyptians were NEVER purely black. They were a mixture of black and brown peoples, always. If Cleopatra was Greek with some Persian admixture, and any unknown Egyptian ancestry that still would not make her look like Adele James. Greeks and Persians are a cross between brown and white peoples (that being NOT black). If there was any Egyptian in her, the brown genes would be emphasized, and that blackness would have been long lost.

Physically Adele James would be appropriate to depict an Ancient Egyptian of black and brown heritage, but not someone with a large component of Southern European ancestry.


THEY DO know who Cleopatra's mother was! It was Cleopatra V Tryphaena and she DIED giving BIRTH to Cleopatra. Her Mother Died on 69BC and Cleopatra was BORN IN 69BC. This video is MISINFORMATION!


Yo this woman was so inbred I’m surprised anyone would want to claim her 😂


I don't think she was black but I think Assassin's Creed Origins depicted Cleopatra the most accurate imo. She was mixed just like the actor playing her 💯


Worth noting that the article you cite about Greeks being genetically linked to sub-saharans and Ethiopians in particular is a single study (by an immunologist, NOT a geneticist) based on one single genetic marker. It was torn to shreds when peer reviewed by actual geneticists (the statements by Luca Cavalli-Sforza, Neil Risch and Alberto Piazza come to mind). The same guy also made the claim (based on the same faulty methodology) that Japanese are genetically near-identical to Bantus, which should be self-evident on its face how stupid of a statement that is. Single-marker studies are an extremely imprecise and flawed methodology, and produce odd results that cant be replicated with any other testing. All multi-marker tests pretty much universally put Greeks as genetically closest to Italians and Ashkenazi Jews, with Romanians and other Balkan populations being also incredibly close.

And the Haplogroup study you cite is a problem for multiple reasons, but the biggest is that it's not about Greece at all, but about North Macedonia. Not only has North Macedonia undergone several significant population migrations there since antiquity (ones which mostly affect Y-DNA lineages), but most importantly, much of it was never even Hellenized or Greek at all, and it's certainly not a good stand in for Ancient Greek Macedonians. But regardless, the E1b lineage found there that is most common with the ethnic Albanian population there isnt the same subclade that's found in the Horn of Africa, it's one that's pretty much only found in Europe (V13) which branched off from a VERY old, specifically Mediterranean coastal clade (M78). It's not known for certain when V13 entered Europe, but it was either by way of the Neolithic migration of Anatolian farmers, or came with the Indo-European invasion from the steppe. Either way though, it's not a sign of particular genetic closeness to East Africans as we know them, and it certainly didnt come directly from there.


She was Greek, that for sure. Then again, she was an invader so we don't care.
