5 beginner Bonsai mistakes to avoid, that might be killing your bonsai tree!

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Here is some mistakes I made during my first days on bonsai, hope it helps you avoid these mistakes and grow some beautiful healthy trees.

#bonsai #bonsaitree #tipsandtricks
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Ps: Shohin and Mame bonsai are small trees the difference is that these trees even though they are small. They have great development/ramification and years of training with age showing.


Great advice. 30 years ago I bought a tropical, informal upright bonsai tree that was 35 years old. I was so proud of it. 10 years ago I blundered during repotting and the plant died. I pulled it out of the pot and flung it into the back yard. I was disgusted. 3 days later I picked it up to toss it into the trash and _ WHOA _ I noticed a tiny bud popping out at the base. I put loving kindness into that plant and now boast of a gorgeous 65-year-old cascading bonsai. I learned to move forward with advice like yours.


So what I've found is, Bonsai is literally having a Pet Tree. Feed too much, it will get sick. Water too much, sick. Trim it too much, you open it to infection. Trim it not enough, it gets shaggy and untidy. Rehome it too soon, it will grow anxious and struggle to grow to the space, don't Rehome it soon enough it will grow too big and overflow the space. It is literally like a pet. And actually, thinking it like this makes me want to care for a tree. I've seen so many Bonsai Videos in my recommendation today, and I'm intrigued. 😁


All my Bonsai are sticks in a pot, I have fully excepted that mine are starters never to see their full potential, but it's my art my vision.
Being an enjoyable 20 years so far.


0:28 When it comes to bonsai, (as you rightly point out later) patience is the key.. It literally pays to go slow and be patient rather than fast.. I like to think of bonsai as a "pet" or a family heirloom that can be passed down from generation to generation.. I believe the Japanese thought of it in the same manner as well..


I like to learn from mistakes but one should always do some research before starting any hobby. Good work


Good advice, I have done a couple of these mistakes myself. One of the bonsai club leaders at a show here in town told me. The road to successful bonsai is paved with many dead trees.


Glad I found this. Received a small tree for Mother’s Day and I don’t want to kill it!
Thanks again.


nice sharing! im a newbie for bonsai, i have learned a lot from this video! thanks!


I know that sadness of killing or hurting a tree you were trying to take special care of! Thank you so much for talking about your experience with being a beginning bonsai grower. My husband and I killed a couple trees before we started learning more and being successful. It is good that you shared these mistakes.


Very well said. I was confused after you said the bonsai's need gradually bigger pots, then showed big bonsai trees on a plate at 11:05


Great advice, condensed into one video. I have also left a few dead trees in my wake! The process just takes time, and doing too much, too soon, seems to be every beginner’s mistake right out of the gate.


Excellent advice. I've made every one of these mistakes. And still figuring stuff out.


Very informative video, man. It’s funny how we didn’t know these things when we first started out. I can’t believe how much I have learned over the years, and still need to learn.


I subscribed. Simply because it takes alot to admit and show mistakes and failures. I admire your character. We need more humans like this.


I just got my first ever bonsai tree and this helps a lot!


Excellent. All mistakes I’ve made. I killed trees, even trees with great potential, by each mistake you mentioned.


I like the video! But I would have to disagree with the stick in pot hypothesis. The size and age of tree do not dictate weather you have a bonsai or not. Bonsai just means tree in pot.
And actually some young trees can look quiet big and mature. (Trident maple)
Where as some can be small they tend to need longer years to achieve the same type of age conditions. (Blackpine)
Japanese will regard small trees as great bonsai if they have been well taken care of in a pot. Not necessarily the size of the tree. Funny enough there are even categories in competion based on size. Truth be told the best bonsai are found in the wild. Yamadori style ;) because the best are old.. generations old.


Great advice with this video, I lost a beautiful maple I had airlayerd, I cut the airlayer from the mother in summer and I lost both plants, I was gutted, I know now my mistake, I do a lot of planting and potting in winter it seems to work better for me. Pruning when the weather is not hot makes a lot of sense to.


Great advice for someone like me - contemplating my first tree venture.
Thank you so much. X
