Joshua Harris Was Never A Christian

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No. You are judging a man when you have no right. It is not your place to judge him. You judging Joshua Harris (God is the only judge) is a big reason why I left the faith and began my own journey apart from religion.
I'm not saying religion is all wrong. In fact I advocate for practicing religion, spirituality, and for any person who wishes to hold a standard for their life. There is so much honesty in Christianity that I respect. I respect people who really do want to live a holy life. However, there is much dishonesty as well within religion. They do not allow for people to be human. Stop judging him bro and appreciate his honesty. He is still on a journey just like all of us.


Yes, the Bible is very clear that such people were never christian to begin with. That's why legalism and antinomianism are two major enemies of the gospel. But we still don't know the full story of what's happening to his life. How about we pray for him? There is that time in our lives we have to fight those battles where we need the strengthening of the Lord.


I saw this yesterday. His Dad is Greg Harris, a leader in the reformed Pentecostal movement in Portland, OR whom I've always respected. His wife (Josh's Mom) died of cancer rather young. He was also a leader in the national homeschool movement. I completely agree with you that he wasn't a Christian to begin with. Perhaps the PK of a successful pastor, he was caught up in the light of his fathers success and being a "successful" author at a young age... I also consider the enormous social pressures of the LBGT community in that area that would consume anyone who was trying to ride the fence on being "Christian" and being accepted. I hope he finds the true Jesus, who calls us to sacrifice our lives for His name.


All of this “He was never a Christian” stuff I hear from other believers is such a load of crap. How could you possibly know that?


"Let the Wheat & Tares grow up UNTIL the time of harvest". God knows those who ARE His.


I will not be surprised if he doesn't come out and say that he is gay.


Prayers for him, pray he finds his way back to Jesus


So, you admit that you don't know him, and you claim he never was a Christian? Are you "god" or pretend to take his place?


I truly believe God has kept me...i was a drug addicted alcoholic and God called me out through a series of miracles. A few yrs into my true Christian walk I lost my mom during my pregnancy. I seen her die the longest drawn out terrifying death and my three yr old had to be there with me while I helped my mom through. The things I seen were unmentionable. My faith has been broken and God has truly been here to draw me in with miracles but I still have had such a I guess what you would call a backsliding. I do see improvement in my life and renewing but geeze who would have known. I now find I have some of my older habits like swearing or being short with people it's like God has been trying to help me see that those things in my heart we're there they were just bandaged. I truly feel sad for the people who don't see or see but just go against as I've don't the same I just truly believe God is holding my head above water not allowing my sinking... I should be dead or using drugs in a gutter or something but he kept me


I believe its very possible Josh Harris was never saved.. but I also believe that you are preaching heresy on here.... once you choose to trust Christ... you have passed from death unto life... you are SEATED in Heavenly high places.... you can't sin that away...


I imagine the man is going to get a lucrative book deal here very soon. I also think we may be seeing him "come out." I do hope he'll reexamine his life and offer it to Christ. At some point many believers have a crisis of faith, some endure, some don't.


Seriously? Being a Christian doesn't matter what you feel about divorce. It solely relies on if you accept him in your heart as your savior, and ask for forgiveness. Thankfully he left the faith, as I also have. People are waking up. You should wake up too. Pull the religious veil from your face and see.
But on the subject, a "true christian" is a term that can be taken different ways. The way your taking it, I would suppose, is someone who genuinely has a relationship with the risen Christ, and who follows his commandments and teachings. He was a true christian, but not by your standards. From my perspective, no one is a true Christian since I don't believe the god of the Bible is even real. But if you are sincerely convinced that you have that relationship, then you are. He was by my definition, that is. But as I said before, he thankfully woke up the the horrible things of Christianity. You should too. :)


Joshua Harris Was Never A Christian
; neither are you, most likely then.
A man that was devoted to the Lord, loving the gospel, studying and meditating on the Scriptures daily with prayer and shepherding the flock, enjoying the fellowship with other believers (according to those that know Joshua) - can't be taken as enough evidence that he was born again? Well, then, others pastors that are just as devoted and are doing what he was doing for years, neither can they have assurance. And then the professing Christians that have less fruits of being born again? can they have assurance? According to basic logic, no. According to once saved always saved, if anyone ever falls away it means they were never really a Christian, no one can have assurance of salvation.
the other possibility is, he was born again but fell away. And if this is the case other believers can have assurance of salvation. They just need to be cautious of falling away like the Bible warns.


Jesus still loves Joshua Harris, His love for each one of us is supernatural that we cannot judge him. Every knee shall bow and say Jesus is Lord! Satan working, we shall know and proffess He is Lord.


2 Peter 2:21: "For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them."


1 John 2:19 - They went out from us, but they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out, so that it would be shown that they all are not of us. | William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army warned “The chief danger that confronts the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, heaven without hell.” ...


2 weeks ago I listened to a pastor preaching about Jezebel, how she is in church. That demonic spirit is using men or women, using them to teach. Now I see why John repeated the same thing at the end of each letters “he who has ear, let them hear”


Prayer & silence for him and his beautiful family.


This is just what my husband. I thought i married a Christian. Now he quit pastorate and involved in adultery, illegal contracts etc


I wondered how long it would be before the backlash started over this. To all the Biblical Christians speaking out against Josh Harris's announcement, your views are very valuable to the conversation. But they are still views. "He does not realise that he's going to hell... that's what he is- he cursed. It's absolutely terrifying." My heart hurts when I hear Christians say such insidious things against God's creation. This is the difference between following Christ and following Christianity, my brothers and sisters. May God deliver you from your own destructive ideology. John 10:16. Josh Harris still belongs to God.
