The Final, Deepest, Ultimate Reality

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The belief that physical reality is the only reality has dominated scientific thinking for a very long time. However, there is now a growing chorus of credentialed researchers who are concluding that things are not what they appear to be and that consciousness is the fundamental base of reality. Dr. Bernardo Kastrup is one such thinker. He has built a fascinating and compelling case that suggests that the Universe, at its deepest core, is not made of matter but rather of mind.

01:45 What is Physicalism?
03:42 Are there cracks emerging in physicalist philosophy?
06:37 What is Idealism?
10:55 Will Artificial intelligence ever be truly conscious?
20:38 Can we know that evolutionary changes are
24:42 Is the belief in randomness an act of faith?
26:14 What is your stance on the Intelligent Design
29:59 How can we make sense of the fine-tuning of the
34:55 What is the Quantum Field?
43:09 How does consciousness create consistent laws of
45:40 Is the Universal Consciousness the same as God?

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I am so incredibly enthralled and thankful to this man; for his sheer brilliance to communicate such esoteric, mentally challenging and psychologically devastating constructs. Thank you my friend, for continuing to fight the good fight.


The capacity of this man to concisely communicate such unfathomable abstract concepts in a non-confusing way for laymen is exceptional. A true mark of a great mind.
And a beacon of great relief for generalists like me who are increasingly thrown of course by overwhelming hypes and chatter going around in the public arena. Thank you much both.


What a profundity in explaining abstruse and abstract matters.
We are indeed so thankful to Dr.Bernardo Kastrup.


Great explanation of why AI can't be conscious. Seems intuitive to me, but I couldn't explain it, until now. Bernardo is not only brilliant, he can communicate his thoughts well. I wish everyone would listen to this.


An excellent introduction to many aspects of Bernardo's thought.


For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance, he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.


The best Aish series out there. You are blazing new, needed trails. Way to go


"...quantum field is not a thing....things are what come from its excitation...." tallies with, "objects are manifestations of consciousness". Perfect!

Bernardo has a way of explaining the abstract.


Wonderful conversation! Thank you for sharing this with us 🙏


Wonderful episode - such fascinating and stimulating discussion about the nature of reality and consciousness!


Thanks for this! Really found this segment in particular insightful: 34:57 to 38:15.


I have just discovered you and your basic metaphysical concepts of thinking and being. I think you are on the right track. I look forward to your work and hope I can progress upward and onward in a similar manner. I feel freedom and openness with my own mind as I entertain where you are going. I am of a religion that agrees with what you are proposing. I feel uplifted that you are breaking away from the scientific status quo with evidence and substance to support your position. Bravo!


33:06 best part where the breathing of the interviewer demonstrates how Bernardo hit hard the edge of his paradigm, generating a lot of pain and fear. I repeated that part over and over again, eating some popcorn, enjoying it a lot 😄... joking aside, this remembers me a lot of what Robert Lanza wrote in his book "Biocentrism".


Lets say there are two states of consciousness. Consciousness of self and consciousness outside of self. Sense consciousness of self is made of memory, then why when a computer has enough memory can it not form a self.


Very cool. There seems to be so much of this coming out lately (ie consciousness is fundamental/idealism/cosmic mind stuff), it's like a radical new wave of thinking. It needs to really take hold and steer this planet back on track. Because right now we're spiralling way out of control into the abyss.


Each interview with Dr. Kastrup deepens or changes my perspective on many subjects. I think it was very unfair of the interviewer to drop the God question with so little time for a proper answer. The interview was informative as was the prejudice represented by that last question.


Bernardo is always super clear and articulate with his explanations.

Starting at 32:14 and lasting a couple minutes, Bernardo brings up a very interesting point about the world being "fine-tuned".

Would like to see Bernardo speak to more people of faith that have a good grasp at science and philosophy. Would be interesting to see where the discussions could go.

It really helps the viewer understand better when the interviewer is actively trying to understand it (follow up questions, clarifications, etc). The questions asked to Bernardo were great!

Great video and thank you 🙌


33:28 - Yes; this is exactly how I think the fine tuning problem goes away. Once you start out with the idea that "minds exist as the fundamental entities, " then those minds are *givens* and don't have to be explained. And of course if we construct a physical picture of a universe we are in, if we do that job consistently and well then it better be described in a way that allows for our existence - because we are here. There was no other way it could have gone. Put it this way: if our description wound up implying we couldn't be here, then we got it wrong. Since we're here.


There is a lovely Sufi quote that goes something like this...

God (syn. Consciousness)
Sleeps in rocks,
Stirs in plants,
Dreams in animals,
and Awakens in humans.

In other words Consciousness is the fundamental principle of the universe. An intelligent universe consciousness of itself. A singular universal energy expressing as this present and eternal moment.


What does it add to use the word "God" if it's not the supposition that there's a conscious entity controlling everything ? But I think the best way to solve the problem of what's fundamental is to say that it's what is neither material nor mental, but at the source of both : undefinable (at the source of definable). Otherwise we fall into kind of logical loops...
