Did the Resurrection Really Happen? #resurrection #christ #islamicshorts #atheism #history #mystical

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Did Jesus really rise from the dead? Did He ever truly exist? Is ISLAM correct about the life of Jesus? Are atheists right that there is no resurrection?
All of these questions and more are answered in the original video!
@InspiringPhilosophy @MajestyofReason @CapturingChristianity @MikeWinger @MikeLiconaOfficial @TestifyApologetics
All of these questions and more are answered in the original video!
@InspiringPhilosophy @MajestyofReason @CapturingChristianity @MikeWinger @MikeLiconaOfficial @TestifyApologetics
Was Jesus Actually Resurrected
Did the resurrection REALLY happen? (yes, and here's proof)
The evidence for the resurrection is worse than you think
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Did the Resurrection of Jesus Christ Really Happen?
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Our Resurrection is Deaths Defeat / 1 Corinthains 15:50-58
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Did the Resurrection Really Occur?
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