Dr. Bart Ehrman Destroys The Crucifixion and The Resurrection History

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History was Unreliable.
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People can't even honestly and accurately report what is happening in the current day. To think people could have accurately reported word-for-word what happened decades before is ridiculous.


I got slapped at Catholic school for asking;” so why didn’t Jesus go pay a visit to Pontius Pilate after his resurrection?”
Sure would have made history a lot easier!


So 30 years later is not contemporary? You gotta be kidding me... if your standards are like that, no document in history could be considered reliable. Not only that, but we literally know that the resurrection was believed as early as the mid thirties and Ehrman knows that...


My grandmother used to tell my uncle that she heard someone in the next town turned into a cat because he used blasphemy.


One thing I seem to never hear people bring up is the level of skepticism of the average person 2000+ years ago. If a neighbor tells the average person today that they witnessed someone performing a miracle (giving a blind person sight) and it wasn't a doctor, most people would be skeptical. Back then, before there was even a concept of science, if someone told the average person they witnessed a miracle it's pretty safe to say they'd be much more likely to believe it. The fact that stories were passed along via word of mouth and got embellished and were accepted as truth before being written down is not surprising. What is surprising is that so many people today still do not question the validity of the claims in the bible.


Claim: "The God of the Bible"
Evidence: The Bible saying "trust me" (The same Bible that assumes it's moral to buy slaves, enslave children, pass slaves on as inheritance & beat the slaves as long as they don't die.) 🤣🤣🤣🤣


According to Mr Bart, you can’t have oral reports that differ, but that’s exactly what would expect at a minor level but the many stories still confirms all the teaching and events.
Paul confirms in his writings that he met with the other apostles and confirm what he hears is what he was led to teach. So apparently it was a big conspiracy theory that all these Jewish recently converted to Christians under the threat of death decided to dedicate their life to. I think the point of this video is that Bart needs a job that pays money.


Thank you so much Bart. I was a Christian before clicking the video, now I'm still a Christian, praise God!


That’s why it’s called “crucifixion” and not “crucifact”


Not sure if the person who titles this video knows that Bart Ehrman thinks the crucifixion is one of, if not, the most indisputable facts about Jesus.


The apostles didn't get killed, skinned alive and tortured for the Historical fact that Jesus Christ died on a cross, and rose again from the dead on the third day, for no reason. you tell me any man that would die for a lie?


Respectable people have no problem with forming knowledge based on facts and reason.


He's obviously just as sick and tired of this bullshit as I am.


Never let the truth get in the way of a good story 😂


How could he destroy crucifixation when he says in his books and in his talks that Jesus was absolutely physically crucified and died on the cross? I see that this video is made by fool for fools.


Tired objections. If the gospels were in perfect lock step with one another, then that would be used as evidence that they were fabricated. Furthermore, in the ancient world plenty of persons simply narrated letters and had them transcribed by literate persons. Very common.


I can easily see cult leaders lying and making up stories about a Messiah to trick people into following them or to gain money.

But NO ONE is going to allow themselves to be tortured and crucified for the sake of a lie.

Jesus really was crucified and He really did rise from the dead on the third day, and those who witnessed it were all willing to be beaten, tortured, and executed in the most horrific ways to preserve the testimony of what they witnessed.

Believe what you want.


Christians: You came to this video because the title caused an emotional reaction. The DR. did not post this video nor did he supply it's title. Most Christian's never fully read the title and fail to see the word "history" nor do they ever even finish the video before posting a nasty comment about the man. At the end of this lecture and in many other of his lectures he states, " If you believe in the resurrection, it's because of faith." The poster of this video created the title, NOT the man speaking. He is NOT out to DESTROY your faith. This is a historical lectured point of view. Refrain from attacking this person or leaving a nasty comment. If you do you will only get it thrown back at you so, save yourself the frustration. If you are strong in your faith, then there is nothing really here that should bother you. The title is "click bait" created by the poster and not by this man. Let it alone. Peace and love be unto all.


Not only did Jesus rise from the dead but "many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised" and wandered about the streets of the city, apparently.
One dead guy miraculously roaming about might go unnoticed but a whole flock of them would have goaded some contemporary historian into recording the fact.


Evangelical Christians are frothing from the mouth when hearing this.😠
