The 👑 KING of ALL Exercises? Kettlebell Swings

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Kettlebell swings are an incredibly powerful exercise with a history and reputation of incredible and often perplexing results. This video dives into the two-handed kettlebell swing, it's benefits, proper technique and at the end of the video, a few sample workout programs are given. Whether your goal is to burn fat, build muscle, generate power or become more athletic, kettlebell swings have much to offer.

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as a gymbro and artist, this channel is scratching an itch I didn't know I had


Comparing the kettlebell swing to sprinting makes perfect sense. Because the first time I tried the exercise. I did itfor thirty seconds and had to lie down for ten minutes.


Kettlebell exercises are no joke and so are its results. I have been consistently training with my 16kg kettebell for 2 years and I can now crank out 50 reps of snatches, cleans and rack squats in 10 minutes. That is a total of 150 reps in a short amount of time.
Side effects are as follows, increased cardio, super grip(I can hang on a bar with 1 hand for 20 seconds) and good quality sleep and relatively good strength. Lost fat, gained muscle.
The best thing I noticed is that my gait has become more coordinated. If I do slip on a step, I can easily recover and straighten myself up. Years ago, I would have fallen on my ass and broke a few bones. So yes, it also prevents injury… and need I say I am now 40 years old. Cons of kettlebells are calluses on my palm but I love them. I hope everyone picks up a kettlebell and put on the hardwork.


Kettlebell swings fixed years of chronic back issues for me. My back used to go out once or twice a year. Since the swings I haven’t had a major back issue since September of 2017.


3:42 kettlebell exercises fixed my lower back pain! I had to take it slow at first, but my lower back went from feeling like plastic to feeling like steel 💪


I remember my dad telling me that in the early 70's, before everyone was into weight lifting, the hardest game every year in high school football was against the county teams. All those kids worked on their family's farms whenever they weren't in school, so they were strong as hell.


I used to be able to do high reb 45lb kettlebell swings but kept getting told that it's not real cardio. Eventually I stopped and probably can't crank out more than 25-30 at a time. Gosh I'm so glad I found this video. I hope the muscle memory kicks back in!


The guide between 4:30 and 5:50 is the best I have ever seen for an exercise. Easy to understand, easy to visualise, how it should feel, step by step and everything you need to know. You have set a new peak for exercise guide videos. This is absolutely brilliant.


WARNING WARNING do not hit nuts with Kettle Bell 🛎️ 😢


Back when i trained in amateur boxing, we had a new strength coach from Russia and he incorporated these into our workouts and i immediately noticed in a couple weeks how much more snap my punches had, pretty soon the gym offered Kettle Bell classes and so many people swore it helped their overall strength gains in the gym.


I used to neglect this exercise completely because I saw crossfitters doing it, so had little to no trust. However, this was a nice explanation, I'll be giving these a try sometime. Thanks for the information!


I've been doing KB Swings for years. It is in fact the King of Exercises. The cross over to other movement patterns alone makes it King.


I did it today for the first time. I'm in so much pain....and loving every moment of it


As a wrestler, not only is the KB swing versatile, but (as you mentioned) the endurance building and explosive strength the exercise gives you is insane. Especially for something that you can up the weight so effectively with. Like said, lighter weight that a PR deadlift, more gains. Love the art style btw, this channel is really helpful.


I trained as a carpet layer for four years (5 days a week)..The movements in cutting, lifting, hauling and installing carpet made me very strong and physically fit..I then became a Fireman and would lift weights on duty and on my days off still lay carpet.I water and snow skiied and was vert active.. I didn't bulk up too much..I'm 81 now and still do curls, shoulder and tricep exercises, along with bench presses..I walk 2 miles daily, ride a bike, eat pretty healthy and keep active with yard work..Staying in shape is a life style and not hard to commit to..The best part is that is not a big deal to me since I have committed to it for so long..My new gig will be with a KETTLE


This channel literally changed my life. I saw one video. Just a video and it changed my physique like crazy after 2 months. That video was the sprint. And now I’m going to do the kettlebell swing.


Some things I noticed after training consistently with kettlebells, including doing a lot of swings:

- My hamstring fatigue during hill sprint sessions was no longer happening. Previously I would start to slow down a little after many sprints. Note that I have always been in shape and always deadlifted.

- My burpee conditioning seemed to skyrocket. Suddenly I could do 300 in a session. Note that I have always done burpees.

- My deadlift actually increased despite not touching a barbell for a couple of years.

- My glutes and hamstrings just feel better. It is hard to explain but they just feel like a spring that is loaded and ready to go at all times, as opposed to the completely destroyed feeling I got from barbell training, which actually took away from my other athletic activities.

Note that I do all of the kettlebell hardstyle ballistics (swing, clean, snatch, jerk) and I think it is all of them that contribute, but without doubt in my mind you could only focus on the Swing and get most, if not all of these effects.


I had a simple introduction to the swing. I saw a video on MindSmash about 7 years ago about how awesome this workout was and bought my first kettlebell a week later. I lost 40lbs doing 100 swings a day for 4 months with little change to my diet. This exercise works your muscle without tearing you down like the squat or other resistance exercises. Being consistent with the swing will yield unbelievable results. Also, listen to Pavel Tsasoline, the man who brought the kettlebell to the West. His insight and workouts are extraordinary.


I love how this video is made. Great graphics combined with clear and direct explanations. Excelent work!


I've been doing kettlebells for years now. Great sum up of the swing and fantastic video overall! Your animations are crazy good!
