Top 10 Scenes That Ruined Star Wars for Fans

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Only a scruffy-looking nerf herder would enjoy these cringeworthy "Star Wars" scenes. For this list, we’ll be going over the moments from the “Star Wars” franchise that made fans cringe or rage quit. Our countdown includes “Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith”, “Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi”, “Solo: A Star Wars Story”, and more! If there’s a “Star Wars” scene you hated that was far, far away from our list, let us know in the comments!

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If there’s a “Star Wars” scene you hated that was far, far away from our list, let us know in the comments!


I can’t believe you thought I’d be more upset about Vader yelling than Palpatine coming back


The biggest thing that got me upset at Rey "Skywalker" was according to Daisy, the writers were going back and forth about what Rey's origins were going to be through out the entire filming process. They didn't decide on Skywalker until the last moment. Details like that need to be finalized before day 1 of filming.


I find it so odd how much people hate the “Sand” line. To me, it was always a line to show that subconsciously Anakin hates any and everything associated to Tattooine, since he was enslaved there. It was never about sand itself, it was about how much he hated his life when he lived with it.

It wasn’t a great line, but it wasn’t as bad as people make it out to be.


Luke throwing away his light saber and princess Leia floating in space were the two worst things for me easily.


"Somehow, Palpatine returned" - the issue I had with this wasn't the "somehow, " it was the fact they brought Palpatine back. It completely undermined *everything* in the saga. Luke's confrontation of Palpatine in Episode VI? Meaningless. Vader's sacrifice to destroy Palpatine and be literally the "Return of the Jedi?" Pointless. Anakin Skywalker being the subject of the prophecy? *Shrug* Doesn't matter.

The entirety of the original trilogy and the prequel trilogy was rendered pointless by bringing back Palpatine. I didn't mind Episodes VII and VIII, though both had their issues. However, IX was just obnoxious.


Jar Jar proposing emergency powers for Palpatine actually made sense to me. Considering he's kind of stupid and easily manipulated, I could see how Palpatine kind of mind tricked him.


Most of these being in the newer movies is actually sort of sad. Disney messed up. And got extremely lucky with properties like Rogue One and Mando.


Strange enough, I actually thought that the line about Sand by Anakin is one of the most powerful, and heart-wrenching lines in the prequels. It highlighted the contrast of the life of this couple and how they are fated even from birth to end up in tragic separation. To Padme who grew up with a silver spoon in the mouth as a princess, sand means fun and lots of beautiful memory with friends. In contrast, to Anakin who grew up as a slave who didn't even have a father, sand means harshness, sufferings, hardship and loneliness. The same object can mean two different things to two different person. To Padme, sand means beautiful beaches. but to Anakin, sand means desert and barrenness. But then again, may be it's just me...


The No scene definitely isn't the worst. The complete betrayal of Luke's character is the single worst thing.


I didn’t think Vader yelling No, was a bad scene. It showed his emotions of losing Pademe, realizing that his very actions of trying to stop her death actually caused her death.


Let's be honest, the sequel trilogy could have made this entire list on its own.


Mark Hamill was right when he said, Luke Skywalker would never, ever give up. He would not have gone to recluse on a deserted island/planet to hide from his past. He would have confronted it and found a way to overcome.


Big one for me is Luke considering, even for a second, about killing his own nephew. Not talking about the fears of the dark side with him or his parents (Luke's sister and best friend). Nope straight to "can I kill him in his sleep"?
This is the same Luke who continued to see good in a father he had never met except as the second to a evil galactic dictator. A man who had repeated killed Rebel soldiers and pilots, kidnapped his friends, chopped of his hand and helped blow up planets.


It would've been easier to explain Padme's death by saying she died from pregnancy complications combined with the trauma of Anakin's force choke.


Anakin's awkwardness always felt natural to me at least. He hasn't seen Padme for like 10 years and as such, doesn't really know how to talk to her. I knew I was going to hate TLJ as soon as Luke threw the lightsaber behind him. It felt like a slap in the face to the ending of TFA and RoS is an insult to the film industry.


According to George Lucas’s own words, the entire point of 1-6 is that Anakin was the chosen one and by destroying both himself and Palpatine he brought balance to the force.

So to me, “Somehow, Palpatine returned” shows a complete lack of understanding of what the entire thing is.


I loved the scene where Jar Jar proposed emergency powers. He's the definition of a useful idiot.


The moment where Palpatine tells Rey “I am all the sith, ” and she responds with “And l am all the Jedi, ” really took me out of the movie because they were basically the same final lines between Thanos and Iron Man in Endgame, which had just come out just a few months before ROS. They're both owned by Disney so this has always seemed weird to me.


The very fact the sequel trilogy made this list 5 times shows how much Disney dropped the ball with Star Wars.
