Helldivers 2 NEW Galactic War Update! We Need To Talk About This One!

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Helldivers 2 NEW Galactic War Update! We Need To Talk About This One!

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Bro just reinforce your teammates im hurting watching this


I'm a level 76 helldiver with everything unlocked. With a full-time job with overtime hours, I only have a few hours of game time per day. So for the past months, ever since helldiver came out. I've been playing.

The reasons I continue playing each day is meeting new people. I love hoping into a lobby, especially lower leveled players and helping them out. Role-playing as a soldier and giving out tips and strategies.

Or just talking to strangers, new and veteran diver that play and find out what out there in the vast cosmos.

Also, I'm grinding to be a Commander so I can be called Commander Commander xD


They mentioned a summer break for employees and people are surprised when they get hit lengthy major orders?


The most recent warbond added a new armor passive that makes a whole lot of new loadouts fun and viable, and the patch that dropped along with it brought many existing stratagems and weapons up to the level of being viable at high levels. Not to mention adding a whole new biome! I am playing right now to try new builds, see how high I can get my rank, and get enough super credits to buy everything in the super store + the next warbond when it drops.


I play the game for the same reason I played video games as a kid … because I love it, it takes my mind off the craziness of life, and my buddies are in there with me.

Maybe I’m dating myself a bit here but we used to get a mortal combat, halo, golden eye, Mario kart, etc. with no DLC no new content, and play that thing for years. Video games have become this all encompassing, what’s new today, culture that isn’t serving the players or the industry.

Play because you enjoy it, what more reasons do we need ffs.


The game isn't supposed to be a game where you're locked into constantly playing, it's a game you can leave and come back to and know you'll have fun with. Me personally I don't see the need for constant updates and items.


Seeing sectors we spent a quarter of a month taking already back on the map is obnoxious. I know No-Mans-Lands exist in IRL wars, but it is a game, and fighting in the same damn regions of space is getting a little droll. I want the Terminids and Automatons to start trying to land grab between each other so we can *maybe* see some faction Border Friction that isn't just Super Earth's with their enemies'.


We should be trying to liberate Messa to cut off attacks to x45 and liberate the sector as a buffer for the order.


i cant wait for terminator space Vietnam round 2


Skull Admiral R-T-D-22 here, im a husband and father so i have limited time even so i love this game and am able to play a few hours a week (three missions a day keeps the Bots at bay). i do however also agree with you that we need something else added. or make the missions a little shorter, or make the primary orders hit on thursday night to be completed by sunday night. some new "toys" like vehicles could add some much needed variety, maybe a mission where the diver has to pilot a fighter craft. some new missions like inside a bot base like actually inside a closed structure could be cool, or an underground mission where you have to kill a bug queen or something would be awesome. I love this game, for now how it is is cool but i'm always down to see and do more cool stuff. Lastly just because the trolls are on the warpath about this game dying, doesn't make it true. arrowhead has been running this game for what four or five months lets see what they can do with it, frankly I'm tired of hearing all the negative comments without any constructive engagement. I'll keep playing as long as i can meet up with my boys for some good old fashioned shenanigans!


I play it because it’s so fun to play with friends. I think the part where helldivers does shine is the teamwork aspect of the game. It’s a super random game and a lot of crazy stuff is constantly going down especially on the max difficulty. Games that can make you laugh, scream out of fear, scream at your friend for throwing a 380 barrage 10 feet from your squad, and make you feel like you’re actually working to accomplish something without having to pay loads of real money are a rarity in today’s world of gaming. Sure helldivers has patch issues and lack of content, but there’s still many great things about the game. But I think people naturally tend to talk more about the bad than the good. But I do also agree with the criticisms people make, I think more frequent content and unlock releases would bring this game back to its former glory. I understand why it’s hard for most people to play when they have unlocks and currency maxed out.


Introducing a new enemy would do a lot to solve everyone’s problem. The current weapons would feel fresh as well as the overall gameplay 🤷🏾


Yay a bot MO, to bad I'm not going to be able to play for the next 2 weeks. I have all stratagems, all ship upgrades, completed every warbond and max of all samples. I have 330 hours of playtime and all acheivements, I just play it now because It's the best game I have played in years.


The new major order lines up with the stuff leakers have been giving out regarding guilds/clans. The plans are for "interplanetary battle stations" - ie, mobile command stations. We know that that's meant to be part of the upcoming platoon system.

Given Arrowhead's "if you haven't unlocked it in the war campaign, you don't have access to it" strategy... yeah, we kinda want this.


I hop on for a set of missions once a week these days because it scratches my "kill space bugs" itch. I used to be all about fighting for the missions but after playing the exact same missions a thousand times and all 6 of the people I used to play with quitting, I am pretty uninterested in putting time in until the Illuminate come out.


Band of Brothers. That's why I play, because of the man diving next to me.


A planet that bugs and automatons both attack would be epic imagine seeing a charger and a hulk face it off or a factory striders fight a bile titan while you sneak past


I just want some new stuff. We’re fighting on the same planets, in the same missions, with the same loadouts. Don’t fuck this one up cadets, I want that battle station


I'm a level 52 been playing for a while and i don't have everything unlocked. I don't have time to play hours on end. I think that's the problem. So many people trying to be professional gamers tanking this game cuz that's all they do, play video games. I love this game and it real is all i have time to play. Maybe play the game cuz its fun. You say you love it but bash it while already playing other games. Make that make sense. Things take time no body has patience anymore.


I do agree that sandbagging to slow down liberation progress is something we can do to prevent having to play defence missions over and over again but i have a feeling the bots might try to gambit us
