How Does Exercise Helps In Digestion?

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I had Colin polyps at a pretty young age my dr. Told me to minimize red meat to 1-2 times per month I figured what’s the point in eating it so I removed trees meat out of my diet a year later I removed Turkey and chicken I was also having issues with my tummy in which the dr. Said my stomach would be that way for the rest of my life when I went in for my follow up he said EVERYTHING WAS GONE“ WOW ROSALYN IT’S BECAUSE OF THE CHOICES YOU MADE THAT MADE ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD TOO YOUR HEALTH!! Yes guys food will heal or kill…. You can still eat chicken (organic). I’ve read studies where they have shown NO correlation to eating chicken and Colin cancer but your do have to be mindful of what you’re putting in your body and add exercise it’s really good for your colon / body. HEALTH IS WEALTH


Great info Doctor Islam you are the man.


I will start exercising soon♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


Since I started working out, I stopped experiencing acid reflux when I go to sleep.


Hello Dr. Islam is jumping rope also great for your Digestive system as well? Have a great rest of the day. Thanks.🙂🙂❤❤
