How to talk to your GP about your mental health | Find the Words

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We want everyone with a mental health problem who visits their GP practice to get the support that best suits their needs. That’s what our new campaign Find the Words is all about.

For most of us, our local GP practice is the first place we’ll go when we’re unwell. It’s there to help us with our mental health as well as our physical health.

In fact, around one third of all GP appointments are related to mental health. However, it’s not always easy having that first conversation about your deepest feelings with your GP, someone you may hardly know.

That’s why we’ve made a short film on how to make the most of the few minutes you have with your GP or practice nurse.

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i just want to say, i finally am speaking up about my mental health and i’m going to go to the doctor soon! i finally brought it up with my dad and he’s going to schedule me an appointment tomorrow because i’m too scared to do it myself! 😂😂
if anyone’s struggling to open up about needing serious help, please do because you’ll feel so good about finally taking action on it afterwards! i feel like i’m finally trying to get my life together! lol

i just needed to comment this because i am so proud of myself for finally bringing it up and wanted to share with the -2 people who will see this comment😂😂💞


Going to the doctor today for the first time in over 4 years. Need to figure out how to bring up social anxiety in a normal way. I just don't know what to say. It's like I need therapy, but don't want to talk. If I could just have a second person in my mind talking to me about things I need to talk about it would be so much easier. There's no time limit or pay or worry of if the doctor actually cares or just wants to give you a pill and get you out.


Going to the doctor today, in precisely 20 minutes from now. The nerves are real


"Aint that the truth!" Never has a phrase been so fitting.


I’m going to the doctor’s tomorrow about my mental health but I just don’t know how to bring it up. I feel like it would be weird to walk in and just say hey I think I’m depressed but I don’t know how else to say it. Any advise??


But GPs often know nothing about mental health. Once when I was in the midst of a severe bout of depression, I had these strange experiences where I would feel I was in a nightmare when I was awake. I would see and hear where I was, and also see and hear the nightmare. He brushed me off, as he thought I was confusing being asleep with being awake. I was on medication, so it eventually stopped happening but I was terrified and found it very disturbing and I just wanted to be told things were ok. Along with the other things I was thinking and feeling, I think there's a good chance I was experiencing psychosis so I should have been referred back to the mental health team.


This is so important. My first GP was not understanding at all, but I switched and luckily got the support I needed :)


I am an avid #MentalHealthAwareness advocate and performer, and I love this so much. I travel the country trying to bring that awareness on stages, in classrooms, hospitals, and on my YouTube channel, so I get excited when I see other advocates. 💙❤


I don’t have any mental health but me and two of my friends are going to do a cake sale in school for this charity. Also we have to do mindfulness every afternoon. I’m a massive SAFC fan so that’s where I heard of this charity


Hey, Nice channel. I subscribed. Keep it up :)


Very positive video. Hope this helps many people. My channel itself exists for mental health awareness, and I’m creating videos for just that. Love and peace to all. We are here, YOU are not alone. 💕



*That’s where you’re wrong, buster!*


My gp has known me and my family for 8 years as he's been our GP for that long which makes it worse, I prefer someone I don't kjowb


Could I go see my Practice Nurse instead of my GP, since I've known her longer ?
Would she be able to help?


Я болен и веду свой подобный канал, наверное надо сказать спасибо.


Well, there is the wrong way. That's not relaying correct information to the GP.


"There is no wrong to tell someone how you're feeling" Telling someone in an inaccurate way would be the wrong way.
