Baby hotline

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jack stauber's songs all seem so cute and innocent but his lyrics are actually insanely dark when you look into them


once had suicidal thoughts... i got put on hold for two hours and eighteen minutes... i was home alone with my thoughts having an anxiety attack and then i just broke down... i just started writting.. i dont know about what but eventually it moved from mindless writting into writting a suicide letter and a will... i was ACTUALLY gonna do it.. i thought if the people who were MEANT TO HELP ME didnt help me would mean i was a lost cause... i ended the call and started filling my bathtub up... i had my favorite song playing and i was eating a ben and jerry's.. my mom called me and she told me she would be over in a few minutes to talk about plans for my little sisters 18 year old suprise party... thats when i snapped back to reality so i can truly relate to this song...

i also gotta say that they never called me back or sent a message...

now im just working on making a arg story inspired by my experiences...


When she said “ i hope i will go back outside and see her okay.. “ i got chills


Yall got this kinda right. So basically jacks wife was going to commit suicide, the line "Baby hotline please hold me close to you" means shes called the suicide hotline but theh out her on hold. The line "Baby flatline" means that she was once again going to kill herself, for those who dont know a flatline means the person is dead. The line "shes a hoarder of quarters" means she always needed money because she was homeless. This is where it gets really dark. When the line says "with no boundary boredom" means she didnt listen to jack when he told her to not kill herself. This is where it gets really dark "I can see that your drinking eyes never opened" meaning she was a alcoholic and never saw herself as one. The line "i insist someone will die and i hate coping" means she insisted she is better off dead, and i hate coping is her not wanting to cope with the drinking problems. The line "pushing at the pills that you cry and i hate coping" means that jack and rehab centers or some doctors were telling her to take pills to help with the alcohol problems, but she didnt wanted to because she hated coping, but she crys because she knows how much it hurts jack. And the last line is self explanatory. Thats it.


if you also noticed, before the second verse, right after the chorus, he very faintly goes “ uh no, i’ll try again though.” very sad considering that could be a way of saying that they have kept this person on hold for way to long or even hung up, and they decide to try again.


It's not just a song he's girlfriend was going to kill herself and she called the people that will tell her to not kill herself but they hang up...


I remember calling the hotline. I was having a breakdown and called them. They put me on hold, I don't remember how long, all I remember was thinking that not even the sUicide prevention hotline wanted me to live. I ended up hanging up and locking myself in the bathroom until someone got home. It's horrible that the sUicide hotline puts people on hold. That either says something about the hotline or about humanity as a whole

Edit: hi! For anyone wondering, yes I have gotten better over the last year. Things are looking up for me! I have a car, I'm looking for a good job to put my technical degree to use, hopefully in the near future I'll be looking for a place of my own! I made it to 18 which is something I am very proud of, I never throught I'd make it to 16.

Thank you all for the kind words, the jokes, and even the people who were either netural or rude to me. Its just nice knowing that even if someone was blaming me or insulting me, they still heard me.

I haven't SH, I've never had to call the hotline again, and I'm just getting better mentally.

Thank you all so much!


"blood drinking eyes" gave me the chills😭


Jack stauber looks like he gives really good hugs tbh


Basically, his girlfriend was suicidal and she called a suicide hotline to help her. They ended up putting her on hold and she killed herself when they did. When she was alive, she liked to collect quarters explaining the lyrics “hoarder of quarters”

Edit: bro stop fighting I just heard this from a close friend 😭😭😭


It’s so interesting to hear all the different variations of the story when you just learned the meaning.


Jack stauber looks like that uncle that says yes to everything


Jack Stauber is the definition of Trauma, Abuse, Depression, and most of all, Insanity.


For ppl who don’t know what they mean basically the song “baby hotline” is about a girl who calls 988 (suicidal number) and she uses quarters every time she calls so when she’s walking she picks up quarters to call the hotline and the hotline puts her on hold because they decided to eat smth and the girl kept on calling them with her quarters but they putting her on hold and when they finally finish having their snack they try calling her but she already k!lled herself, and the lines “someday i will go back outside and see her okay” means that they go outside each day and hope they see her okay (this is not mine but hope it helps 😊)


I used to volunteer with the suicide prevention lifeline. Most nights it was me and one other person in a call center servicing 40 counties. The basic math of the situation requires that some people end up on hold, waiting their turn in the queue for someone to talk to. Its not uncommon for multiple callers to pile up and some of them end up hanging up before we could get to them. That said you always try your best everyday to help as many people as you can with the sparse resources you have available to you.


For those who dont understand so on discord jack told us so the story us that one day a girl called 911 bc there was a killer but the killer was behind her and she died so one day her husband was at a restaurant and her husband found another love 😊 pls like bc this took a long time to type


This song Is about a girl who was on the verge of commiting suicide, she tried calling the suicide prevention hotline, but they left her on hold. And by the time they tried calling her back, she has already killed herself. And at the end u hear “someday I will go back outside and see her ok” this Is because she used to collect quarters, and he wishes to go outside and see her collecting more quarters.


Before reading the comments: “Baby, Me Close To You”

After the Comments: “Hotline, Please Hold”


Q: what song is it?
A: hotline
Q:who made jt
A:jack stabuer
Q:whats his style called
A: weird core dark academia


as a person who knew what the lyrics meant, i can confirm that i turned into a fnaf animatronic
