The song is about a girl wanting to kill herself and she called the Suicide line and she was put on hold but she had already killed herself when they were ready to take her
for anyone who wonders:
Baby hotline is about a woman who called the su!cide hotline, but instead got put on hold. the part “Snack time” shows that the people who worked for that hotline were having a snack break. when they returned to the call, the woman didn’t answer, since she already commited su!cide.
Jack Stauber Fans: "First time?"
If you know what it means
⚠️PLEASE PIN!⚠️For anyone confused about what this song means, ik there is an explanation but it’s really crappy so this is the explanation. There are many theories about what this song is about, but the two most popular are these. One of the theories is that Jack made this song to help people understand his feelings (aka suicidal thoughts, drugs, abuse, and anger towards depression medication). The other theory is that this song is about a woman calling a suicide hotline and being put on hold from a few hours to a day. The suicide hotline called back after a long time, but because they didn’t know that this was an emergency call, they hadn’t taken her immediately. Anyway, by the time the hotline had called back the woman had killed herself. Creator please pin this for anyone confused
backstory;there was a woman that had suicidal thoughts, she called a suicide hotline which meant calling a person to tell her why she shouldnt suicude.
later on they let her on hold, she waited while colecting quarters, eventually she started getting more suicidal thoughts, so ended up killing herself before the suicidal hotline persons talked with her
Is no one gonna talk about the the way she was “vibing” 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
why do most of the depressing songs have such a good beat or melody-😭😭
Knows the meaning but still vibes to it:
I still vibe even with the depressing lyrics- WHY ARE THE MELODIES SO GOOD
For people who don't know!
In about 2016 a woman called a suicide hotline and they hung up twice then they answered an put her on hold. She ended up killing herself and the gunshot was her shooting herself. And the song saying, "hoarder or quarters" is because family members of her told some of the interviewers that she loved collecting quarters. And the suicide hotline heard the gunshot on th line an it was very devastating. And the woman wa homeless and the part where it goes, "the pills let you cry" is because she had a drug addiction sadly
Me who still vibes even knowing the meaning : why are you staring at me like I’m insane-
not me thinking “baby hotline” was a flirty way to say baby 💀
Not me tryna find suicide hotline to check if it was real💀💀💀
For those who don’t know, a woman was suicidal and called a suicide line. They kept on putting her on hold until she ran out of quarters. She then k!lled herself. They finally answered but it was too late..
Incoming verry long comment of the possible meaning of the song
Edit: can u pin pls so ppl can see the meaning of this song
White the official meaning and story of the song has not been confirmed by Jack, the most popular theory about Baby Hotline from most fans is that the song is about a woman calling the suicide hotline, specifically from a payphone, with "baby hotline" being a metaphor for said hotline. The song is being sung from the perspective of both the woman calling said hotline and the responder on the other side of the phone.While the woman caller is the main character of the song, the "baby hotline" responder's perspective is portrayed in select segments of the song. Verse 2 portrays the responder's view on the suicide victim. They claim there was no flatline and only then ask what they were scared about. After the woman commits suicide and "sits by and feels the wind", they simply say they at least called her the "hoarder of quarters" with no "boundary boredom", as speculated by the woman caller earlier. Verse 3 seems to then represent the responder attempting to help the victim, such as recommending a sunbath. Eventually, they just say nevermind to their "sight" and they just run and hide from them. At the end of the song, the after the woman likely commits suicide, the phone ringing fading out seems to represent the responder attempting to call them back again after multiple failed attempts from the woman, but being too late.
If u don’t know what it means a girl was on suicide hotline but the man (Jack stauber) kept putting her on hold and when he got back on she was already dead and felt bad so he made this song 5yrs ago
The meaning is where some woman hated herself and called a suicide hotline to help her not to kill herself, but they put her on hold and it was too late
For those who don't know its about a girl who did suicide even the lyrics say "Someday I'll go back outside and see her okay" nobody really knows why it was made but there it is
me before knowing the meaning of the song: *vibing to the song*
me after discovering the meaning of the song: *still vibing*
so for people who dont know jack stauber’s wife was on a suicide hotline but it was not free. every minute she would have to pay a quarter (thats what hoarder of quarters mean) and she kept being put on hold but when the suicide hotline came back she was dead (btw that was what i heard idk if thats real or fake)