Finding Your Purpose in an Ordinary Life

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Once you have discipline everything is alright.


Thank you for this. You definitely see through the matrix


23 Epic RedPill Quotes of All-Time Great:

1. ''If you let her, she WILL waste your time without remorse, like a black hole.'' - Albert Einstein

2. ''Women don't build. They move in. Yet they ain't even loyal to any man or even my power at stake, but to themselves and their best options.'' - Julius Caesar

3. ''Juste le pump et le dump.'' - Napoleon

4. ''If you treat her like a queen, she will treat you like a peasant.'' - Alexander the Great

5. ''If you treat her like a celebrity, she will treat you like a fan. Be like water.'' - Bruce Lee

6. ''Embrace her in her prime. Ghost her in her decline.'' - Sun Tzu, Art of War

7. ''Nations decline due to men's simping and women's entitlement.'' - George Washington

8. ''Single moms aren't looking for love. They are looking for HELP.'' - Charles Darwin

9. ''A woman is never single. Yet ironically if she has you, she'll appear single on meeting a bigger better deal.'' - Mother Teresa

10. ''Women don't care about men's struggles or past contributions. They hang out at the finish line and pick the new winner by disposing their faithful used-up man in their progressive seamless monkey-branching, more seamlessly than me playing the piano.'' - Beethoven

11. ''0% accountability + 1% self-improvement/reflection + 99% parasitic-manipulation equals a 100% narcissist.'' - Thomas Edison

12. ''Men value love. Women love value; Men love idealistically. Women love opportunistically; Men love women for who they are. Women love men for what men can do for them; Men love women unconditionally. Women love men on the condition that they provide something; Men age like fine wine. Women age like vinegar, some even like milk or a grandma without makeup to fool men. I think I'll never love again.'' - Plato

13. ''His money is her money, and her money is still her money. He cheats, she divorces him, he still loves her, and he's sorry, like losing a child; She cheats, she divorces him, she loves him no longer, and she's sorry not for cheating but for getting CAUGHT, like changing jobs in the middle for better work environment unless she got fired by both the old and new bosses, Jesus. But this desperation is no way near the man's, for she has legions of simps' and male orbiters' attention to easily mess around and hide it up by being an angelic reactor to the next simp. The only way for her to real screw up is when she ended up being alone from late 30s, her eggs dried, and she cried in private because this time, there'll be no more bigger better deals coming along. Jesus, she felt it at last.'' - Karl Marx

14. ''She once saw you as alpha, managed to lock you down, and change you into her beta. Once you're betatized and feel comfortable, she'd now be looking to do better for a new alpha, from the potential new attention pool of bidders showing interest in her, oh my Lord how merciless.'' - Jesus

15. ''A man wants a woman without a past, while a woman wants a man with a future, and she mostly forbids a man's enquiry into her past. I teach my students a crucial craft—assume a modern woman a h0e first and then let her prove otherwise. Most of the ladies they put on a pedestal will only prove loyalty ain't exist for them by their filthy acts done to their fervent simps and faithful partners. Remember, from the streets did she emerge to the streets she shall return.'' - Leonardo da Vinci

16. ''The older↗ she is to date and/or wife up, the more proud↗ life- and/or sexually-experienced↗ mate-experience-comparing↗ alphas-moments-echoing↗ alpha-widowly↗ insatiable↗ unappreciative↗ disrespectful↗ disagreeable↗ scheming↗ combative↗ masculine↗ AND promiscuous↗ she is, the more suffering↗ HE gets. A redpill apple a day keeps a th0t away, as the syndrome of damage goods is real.'' - Issac Newton

17. ''Whoever needs the other less, has more power. If she makes rules instead of breaking rules for you, you're her beta. She sees you just like shopping while so many of you see her like a job interview or a Tesla needing electricity. Instead, you need to look like a brand new limited-edition Rolls-Royce in town for a short stay.'' - Tesla

18. ''You can either love or understand women. You can't do both; She can either get a beta or sleep with an alpha. She thinks she can do both. Moreover, she thinks she can divorce you to take half your shlt and accuse you of cheating first while she's the one doing it. Also, reciprocally, she thinks as such you're able to do both: being a diehard high-value man only faithful to her by being highly productive in your intense grinding AND spending enormous time with her, meanwhile being this perfect badboyishly interesting mystery to her.'' - Aristotle

19. ''She's not yours. It's just your turn. And if her look is 9 or 10, she's a community property. Her perceived inflated prices of she being a commodity prevail males' perspectives of fairness, honor, romance, gratitude and reciprocity, in the process of her constantly seeking bigger better dealers to get what she wants in this world THROUGH a man. But how often can one individual beat an entire market by the invisible hand for she's wanting so much in her mind for the invisible man.'' - Adam Smith

20. ''Three pillars in a man's SMV towards women: game, look and affluence. Have two, three is best. If only one to choose, it's game, which is also the quickest. And apply them corresponding to a woman's sexual strategy or differently weighted dominant factors in her stage of life, as cunning as a Sun Tzu student.'' - Mark Twain

21. ''Mark Twain, Adam Smith and Plato are right. And since women love value, I hereby propose my philosophy about her genuine desire towards you: User Value of her potential new man to her relative to yours = (New EXP. of you - Old EXP. of her ex.) - Replacement Cost for her to replace you with the new man. You gotta increase her experience about you by owning her soul, getting in her head, fulfilling her immagination of romance about a man, game, mystery, confidence, abundance, romance, excitements, etc., and keep improving yourself as a man relative to any new challengers; For the Old EXP. part, make sure her last man/men ain't that alpha or else she got alpha-widowed meaning you'll soon get despicable to her, or simply she's a virgin which is best, meaning her Old Exp. is 0, and her whole idea of men is mere YOU and no other men; As to the factor of replacement or opportunity cost, make this cost super huge to her by making sure the more she invest in the relationship and in you, the more significant goals in life you mutually have, the more frame you have against hers, and the higher the replacement cost or barrier it is for her to cheat or leave like you have female simps lining up, a prepup, intertwined circles or mutual interests to zero out her, or have major support from her family, friends, sisterhood, etc.. Anyway the harder for her to walk away or pay a price, the better for you. Wisely choose and keep your mate with this formula, you folks should read more in this orderless world to help ensure you're the best she can do.'' - Socrates

22. ''A woman wants a man who men want to be and women want to be with. But I just want peace or drama-free with women in my grinding and life, Jesus.'' - Mozart

23. ''You'll lose money chasing women. But you'll never lose women chasing money. Chase no women. Chase excellence like I do. There's NO onenitis, as she was merely one of the line-uppers to win out to date up for you until that bigger better deal showed up, if you really think it through. You are the PRIZE, she ain't. Y'all feel me? Have some mental point of origin like her, anchor yourself in her and your mind, don't let her anchor you. YOU can do better. Man the f up and own it.'' - William Shakespeare

*Bonus universal quote 1: ''Entertain me.'' - All Women at conversation opening with men

*Bonus universal quote 2: ''Who hurt you.'' - All Women in discussion with disagreeing men who are having boundaries, or who are not blindly serving for female imperatives, or who are revealing ubiquitous nasty acts conducted once again by their sisterhood

*Bonus universal quote 3: ''Not all women are like that.'' - All Women


This is all we need
Finding the purpose


Do you have a life worth living? If so, you must think your life has a purpose because we throw those things away that serve no purpose. There are two paths to choose from. We can accept that there is a Creator (and it's not you) and that we have a real purpose OR we believe that our need for purpose is a defect that causes us pain and in that case our purpose is to find something to do in life that will give us good feelings to mask the bad ones.

Purpose is not something that is assigned, purpose is something that is built into each and every detail of our creation and so, at least in Christianity, purpose and meaning is intrinsic.


Are you an xo? Love the irony that he actually has a song called "ordinary life" on starboy


hello there i'm 19 years old i have ed by watching adult sites get any tips to recover 😭


We all float in the substance of something called 5'God'


I disagree all things are meaningless we are born and created only for one reason the big reason and that is to worship god Allah
And then die and wait for judgement day to either go to heaven or hell
