How to use the New Google Sites - Tutorial

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Google is rolling out new Sites to all G Suite customers on the Rapid Release track on November 9, 2016. Scheduled Release will follow 2 weeks later.

This video tutorial will show you how to use the NEW Google Sites. Quickly make professional looking websites with the thew new Google Sites. Add content to a page, edit and create new pages, moving the menu bar and publishing will all be covered in this video about the New Google Sites.
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Okay, I literally hated the old google sites, I must have made 20 and each one ended in confusion and eventual disappointment. Now that said, the number two thing I hate on all the internet is when someone who is obviously bright, and there are a of people on this thang, but bright or smart people don't know that they are trying to talk as fast as their brain is thinking, GREAT, only the rest of the world cannot process the information at the speed of thought as fast as they do.
My last thing I will say is you are the first person to talk fast that I was shaking my head up and down as to understanding two thirds of what you were saying, and that is just incredible! If you could slow down about 20 per cent you could be awesome.
Now I will replay and replay most sections of what you are teaching and I will get at least a working knowledge of what you presented here.
Thank you


I'm happy to know this is still in an Alpha or Beta testing phase because it IS beautiful but I was concerned about having my old site not being compatible or looking wonky. I look forward to more of your videos on the New Google Sites as it progresses. Thanks again!


Thanks for creating this video! I'm creating a new course where students will be using the new Google Sites for their portfolio, and this video is included as the main tutorials. Thanks so much.


Thanks very much. I all ways find your video professional and well explained and clear .


What I like is the power this will have for students to create their own websites as another platform. The old Sites was terrible but this update will be fantastic to use in classrooms. Can't wait to incorporate into GAFE


Wow, looking forward to this, great video. Thanks, huge help getting kicked off with the new sites!


Thanks for the tutorial! I've asked my Year 7 ICT classes to watch it so they can start building their own sites. Thanks for sharing!


Excellent tutorial!!! My S.O. & I have been struggling with the classic Google Sites for years, turning out "almost good enough" product, always thinking "Why isn't Google doing better." This was similar to when Google Docs only offered a handful of fonts...
Thankx again.


Thank you so much for doing this video tutorial on the new google sites! I don't feel so overwhelmed and intimidated in starting to do my e-portfolio homework esp for someone like me who is not at all a tech savvy person.


Thank you Jamie for the concise and helpful introduction to the new Google Sites. Good job.


Great video thank you for your amazing explanation


SUPER HELPFUL. Thanks for helping me get started.


Outstanding video primer. I messed around with google sites back in about 2012 to use it as a mobile site platform. I haven't looked at it since. I see this as a good way to build a quick site with a link for SEO purposes.


Thank you for all of your videos ... i have learned so many new things from you!


Good tutorial.. is there any way to add your own html pages in this.. or to embed <div> charts?


Hey Jamie! how do I go about adding MY calendar to my site. oh! sorry, I am a teacher and I'm in charge of making a website for my church. this is good practice for me to get my shop site up and running. (On that one I'll be bugging you about google forms LOL I need to make some google forms for that.) It just seems that when I hit calendar it puts a generic calendar in but without the info that I've added. if you can help - I'd be very grateful!

And i am very grateful for this tutorial - by far the best and simplest explained. Great job!


just happened to come up in my feed.. thanks b/c I am a beginner to web design I will use this first.


Great overview video of the new g.sites version. It is an exciting upgrade!


Thanks for that super tutorial on Google suites. I plan to share it with my students and encourage them to use it to create an ePortfolio of their learning and work product..


So looking forward to the new google sites - I have made many google sites and changed templates in the existing version of google sites - this looks so much easier. Hope it happens soon!
