Handstand after Warrior II, Virabhadrasana B in Ashtanga Yoga with Kino

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If you’re looking for yoga videos that will show you the perfect way for you to start your yoga journey then Kino MacGregor’s yoga channel is perfect for you! Whether you are new to yoga or an advanced yoga student you will find a full yoga library with all the yoga postures that you need to develop a complete yoga practice. Yoga is more than just a physical practice yoga is a lifestyle that includes living a peaceful life. Living the yoga lifestyle is about yoga practice, inner peace, yoga diet and being a good person on and off your yoga mat. Kino is a yoga teacher, author of three books, international teacher, writer, blogger, online yoga class teacher, IG yoga challenge host and much more. She co-founded Miami Life Center and Miami Yoga Magazine as well as produced six Ashtanga Yoga DVDs. Practice yoga, change your world one breath at a time. Kino believes that yoga is a vehicle for each student to experience the limitless potential of the human spirit. You don’t have to be strong or flexible to begin the yoga practice, all you need is an open heart and the inspiration to practice yoga. Unroll your mat and do the practice!

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My favourite part of my morning practice :) It's good for beginners to be careful like Kino said but this one came for me with the motto I learned in my dancing days - 'Don't think - just do!' - George Balanchine


Thanks Kino, I'll be sure to try that next time!


thats a great help Kino I was practicing both lifts this morning and it just came together after many tries in the past


Hi Kino, new to your channel, what other forms of excercise do you do other than yoga? or can a toned body like yours be attained through Yoya alone? peace...


Hi kino I been practicing this mini handstand transition for a while and at this point, I feel like doing it right but I got a bit confused when you said in this video to avoid kicking up and just move up with pelvis? Is there really that big a difference? I don't want over think this because i will get scared and do it wrong. How do I know if I'm "kickin" too much versus doing it the correct way? Thanks


I notice you often have nice colored mats. Ever think about starting a line of bigger longer mats? You could call it the "Tim's Mat" ;)


I feel like I am the only person in the world who isn't doing handstand


She seriously has the most beautiful legs ever. Hopefully after yoga-ing a bunch I can have legs like that too!


did you know that you're quite beautiful? :-)
