Solve Data Export and Drill Through Problem for YTD QTD & MTD in Power BI

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Many Times, we create a drill through page to get detailed information of underline data, but with a value which show YTD or QTD, Month Drill Through may not show all the relevant information, because drill through page will be filtered only for the selected month. In this video We will Provide a solution for this particular problem. Which could be very useful in Data Export or drill through of a “Year to Date (YTD)”, “Quarter to Date (QTD” or “Month to Date (MTD)”

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Very useful tutorial. Thank you so much for this 🙏


I think I have done something similar lately. But my method was a lot simpler. Do you wanna try dropping your initial Switch measure in the Drill through from then change Drill through when the measure is summarised? Basically you want the drill through page to action based off a measure instead of a field from the dimension table. This should work.


Can you please share this Power bi file? Or data?


How can I show the value for MTD, QTD, YTD upto selected month or date seperately in power bi
