John Lennox Doesn't Understand What Faith Is

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That guy seems to be one micro-stroke away from becoming​ a full pre-sup.


Newton also thought that you could transform base materials into gold, so why isn't this guy arguing in favor for alchemy?


The scientific method, in large part, is a way to actually disabuse ourselves of our faith, our intuitions, our assumptions and partiality, in order to model a truer state of things.


Entire argument is one big fat ol' equivocation fallacy on the word "faith".

Faith in the religious sense is generally believing something without evidence (i.e. gullibility). Faith in the other sense is a reasonable expectation based on evidence.


Lennox is the apologist they go to when they want to sound profound without being actually profound. He is a step above the Comforts, Tureks, Geislers, and Strobels but not as esoteric as Plantinga or as uninteresting as Zacharias.


He seems to intentionally leave out all the pre-Christian, Greek scientists...


_"Well you see, I offer you financial _*_hope_*_ by telling you there's a big diamond buried in your back yard. The people telling you they don't believe there's a diamond buried there due to a lack of evidence can't give you _*_any_*_ such hope . I'm saying this with a smug smirk on my face 'cause I think I just said something profound!"_


Got to love the Appeal to Authority they slip in by keep posting his name and occupation (Oxford professor of Mathematics and Science?). Not that that should carry any weight concerning his assertions.


"The genius of christianity is that the acceptance does not come after the final judgement, it comes at the start."

Yeah. Just like every other scam does.


I intend to show this to my co worker who insists i'm not actually an atheist I just don't understand how faith works.
I just quietly scream inside my head as trying to reason with her on my own isn't working. Maybe your voice of reason can reach this exasperating


Forgive my ignorance, but isn't 'professor of science' a little vague? Is he a master of all the sciences?


When I'm in the pub/bar with my friends and one of us goes overboard on bullshit, we'll say stop that biblical shit right now. In other words here in North East England when we call bullshit we don't use the word bullshit, we use the word biblical. Just saying.


Lennox may be the prime example of how religion can make otherwise brilliant people say incredibly stupid things. No one could honestly call Lennox stupid, nor my devout Catholic uncle who helped lead the team that developed the CAT scanner and later helped develop the PET scanner. He's a very ingenious man - until you get him on the subject of religion.


Faith in science?

Only a mathematician could make a statement so absurd. faith is an anathema to science.


Two issues I have with this not uncommon claim by theists that religious faith is not different to scientific faith:

1. If a god existed and I had evidence of that god having done certain things then I could have faith in that god being able to do certain other things, much as we can have faith ion our friends to do the right thing by us, etc. The problem is, I don't know that a god exists in the first place. If I don't even have evidence of a god, how can I have evidence of a god having done something to justify having faith that it can or will do something else?

2. Theists like Lennox claim that their faith is based on evidence and therefore equivalent to any conclusions arrived at scientifically, yet they also suggest that I should have faith in their god too. I have no evidence of their god - certainly nothing that even comes close to a standard that would be scientifically acceptable - so how can I have faith if faith is based on evidence? Their claim that I and those like me should have faith contradicts their claim that faith is based on evidence.


I prefer what Neil DeGrasse Tyson said - there are a lot of scientists believing in god or being religious, but at the very least, to do proper science, they have to keep faith and science separated from each other.


Regardless of his education, he's a very, very simple man.


Why do Christian apologists always disable their comments???


Neil Degrasse Tyson tells a great story about Isaac Newton, how faith did get in the way of his science . He attributed the stability of the planets to God, and he stopped working, allowing Laplace to come along and figure out perturbation theory a few centuries later.


I am a Senior at my college, studying Computer Engineering with a Minor in Mathematics, as such I have studied under a number of Math Professors these past few years.

I've noticed a trend. Nearly all, if not all, of those Professors have been strongly religious in some form. Most have been Christian, one was Moron, and one was into spiritual woo.

I know my experience is anecdotal, but seeing as Lennox here is similarly religious and a math professor, I can't help but wonder if there is something in the human brain that causes a gift for math to cross with the delusion of religion.
