Does Anyone Else Feel Like Everything Has Changed? (Unhappy, Lost, Addicted, Stressed) | Gabor Maté

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Gabor Maté is respected the world over as an expert on trauma, stress, addiction and childhood development. He is a physician, speaker and international bestselling author of some truly game-changing books such as When the Body Says No and The Myth of Normal. I have had the pleasure of talking to Gabor on 4 separate occasions for my podcast. This latest video is a compilation episode containing some of the best bits from my previous conversation with him. I hope you enjoy listening.


How Our Childhood Shapes Every Aspect of Our Health with Dr. Gabor Maté

"We Learn It Too Late" - 5 Regrets Trapping People From A Life Of Purpose & Meaning | Gabor Maté


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I never ever did drugs, gambled, drank alcohol and coffee until i got a job! What does that show you...our jobs play a big factor why we develop bad habits and or are depressed and stressed..using that stuff as an outlet from the reality....the cost of living working 9-5 everyday for a crap wage jus to pay bills and own material crap all while long our family and friends grow old get sick and die and an entire world of beautiful scenery we dont aknowledge


I worked a corporate job in IT for decades. Made really good money. I got ran over by a car in 2017 and became disabled. I moved to the forest in 2020. I am not rich. In fact one could call me poor financially but I'm so happy. I walk through the forest with my animals every morning. Life is good for me. I still carry the pain of those suffering with me 💜


People stopped being people, being human, quite some time ago… social media, economic crises, the cost of living sky high, almost to the point basic needs are out of reach, and the crowning blow….the pandemic, which really destroyed society and people’s ability to relate and connect with each other. It will take a very long time to repair any of this, like decades, maybe not in my lifetime, even, as I’m in my late 50s. It’s heartbreaking and I feel the grief 😢


This is why we love being with babies and puppies. Just being present and playing. It seems to fill the tank. Blessings


Of all of the things I think nothing erases, humanity, faster, and then working your entire life to still not be able to meet your needs


moving into a van was my ticket to happiness. i get to keep almost all my salary (no rent). If i loose my job i cant be evicted and i can go wherever i want. Its a peace of mind thing, no attachments and no loans.


I met him once at the beginning of my addiction 13 years ago at On-site Rehab on East Hastings. He visited there regularly. I had read his book “In the realm of hungry ghosts”, and was fascinated with his approach to addiction psychology. He was very kind and understanding, and it helped me be kind to myself. 3 years sober now.


"They" don't want us to be happy.They lose control of us if we are happy..."they" don't like that.
"Happiness" is the biggest rebellion these days!
Happiness is the new punk!


If people only knew how deep the rabbit hole really goes and what kind of monsters rule over us and tell us we're free .


Don't make yourself a martyr for the suffering of the a joyful influence on the small circle you have around you and you will have greater chance at attaining peace and fulfilment!


One of the best ways to contribute to your individual happiness is to watch the news as little as possible. It's all about wars, death, violence, crime, dirty politics, negative economics & celebrities cheating on each other or doing jail time. So depressing.
Also, to limit your time on social media. People present their lives as near perfection while the reality is far from it.


I went through years of depression anxiety and panic attacks then one day I realized no one could make me happy but me happiness is a choice you can choose to be happy or you can choose to let others control how you feel I choose to be happy and I am


I am 71 years old and a retired surgeon. I have seen many horrible and unjust things. This discussion has led me to a revelation about the phrase "For you have the poor with you always, and whenever you wish you may do them good; but Me you do not have always."
It is permission to be happy despite acknowledging the terrible things present around us."
I woke up in the middle of the night with this playing. It's strange how these things work. May all of you have a chance to play today.


for myself, I use the internet to feed my inner library full of knowledge about things im curious about, nothing negetive.


I used to count the days until special events. Now it feels like they're hurtling towards me, and I'm not mentally prepared. I don't look forward to things anymore. I'm exhausted, and anything over and above my regular routine feels like too much. I'm only just getting back into hobbies after a year of doing almost none. I've been in survival mode for at least a year, and I'm only just starting to remember there was more to life than this.


Pre pandemic, before the cost of living crisis, I used to try new things because I was interested in them and approach new hobbies and my free time in the spirit of play. Even now, I get the underlying feeling that I'm wasting my time unless I'm actively trying to monetise everything I do in some way.
Bringing back the element of playful self-expression is so important, especially in these troublesome times. Our ancestors used to tell stories around the campfire, make toys out of wood & twine and sing with each other. In everything we do, we must remind ourselves that we are alive, we are human and, even if you don't believe in a higher power, there is something very sacred in that.


Social media is stripping us of our humanity


About the emotional training of doctors: just yesterday a friend and I talked about that and that in Bali the training of a healer lasts seven years and the first year is devoted to 'learning how to be a good person'....learning about their own emotions and motivations....and how that would impact medical care if in our western universities, the students would focus on their own awareness and growth during the first year!!!


Never built a bank account. Just travelled through life doing whatever made me happy. Retired now, and living on the pension. A bit restricted here in Australia, as we are penalised if we work. So, I'm still enjoying every day, doing whatever makes me happy. And it's surprising how much you can do with little resources.


I think that Dr. Gabor Matte is a very brilliant man with immense capacity for human compassion. This is his greatest asset and gift to all of us.
