John MacArthur Debunked on Women Speaking in Church

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We look at a quick clip from a John MacArthur sermon called Does the Bible Permit a Woman to Preach and specifically look at his opening Bible verse, 1 Corinthians 14: 35 and his assumption that there is a universal prohibition in the Bible against women speaking in the churches.

Faith on Fire is a ministry that serves to encourage born-again Christian women to answer the call of God into ministry, serving as leaders in church, ministers, pastors, evangelist, missionaries, church planters and other roles that fulfill the Great Commission Jesus gave us in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke instructing us to go and preach the Gospel to all nations.

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1 Timothy 2:11-14
[11]Let a woman learn in silence with all submission.
[12]And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.
[13]For Adam was formed first, then Eve.
[14]And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.


your problem is he didnt say wemon can't share the godpel he said they can't be elders or pastors .


Good evening, I believe that John Macarthur is talking about women Pastors. What are the qualifications for the office of Pastor, Bishop, the husband of one wife in Timothy?


Isn’t there a difference between preaching at a church and being a women pastor? I believe there is. What about what apostol Paul says in 2 Timothy 2:12-15? Is he not referring to a women taking a position of authority over men, and then gives the explanation in vs.13-15 of why it is not to be done? Aren’t the letters to Timothy considered to be the pastoral counsel, and Paul gives clear requirements for those who desire to hold the office of a pastor in ch.3,
Why would the apostol not include women as candidates for the pastoral office? He emphasizes that the one who desires to be a bishop must be a husband of one woman. Why didn’t he add, and if it is a women that wants to be a bishop she needs to a one man wife?
In v. 13-14 states that from the beginning God had appointed an authority role for men (Adam), he didn’t appoint Eve as Adam’s authority. Here he is trying to make a point: God’s ordained role for men and women. We aso read in 1 Corinthians 11:1-16 the apostle’s explanation for the order of God’s role for authority.

I think that what the apostle is trying to convey is that a women cannot hold a church position of authority, such as the pastoral position.
If women are allowed to hold such an office of authority in the church, then they should be allowed to take the place of the head of the household, and tell their husband to submit unto them. That would be very scary.
Now we women can teach and can serve the Lord in many roles inside the body of Christ, but we cannot hold authority over men, the minute that happens we are going against God’s established order of authority. Even Christ submitted to his authority, setting the perfect example for us to follow.

I have been in churches where the leaders were more women and where pastor’s wife was the one that would move the pieces around; all I learned and witnessed was, disorder and hurt.
I firmly believe that a woman is a vessel in God’s hand and that she is given gifts of the Spirit to be used for the edifying of the body of Christ, but she is never to take authority over men.
Maybe you should explain what it means to take authority over men, it goes way deeper then what we might understand.

I’m still learning and do not wish to use anyone’s interpretation of this topic to justify my position. The Bible is clear on the topic, and that is that.

Whatever we say let’s do it for edification to the hearers.


A woman cannot be a King! A man cannot be a Queen! I am not convinced that a woman can be a Pastor. She can be a teacher clearly.
Man is head over the woman. That is no disrespect it is role. Even if a man does not like it he is to be head of his household and family.
In jest: In many cases the man is the head, but the woman is the neck that turns his head!


I think everyone first needs to watch the video by John MacArthur in full length. Instead of just Snippets from this guy who is absolutely not an anointed one And then follow along with MacArthur as he not only goes to 1st Corinthians verse 33 through 38 he also goes to 1st Corinthians 4:17 he also goes to 1st Corinthians 11:16 and Ephesians 5:4 and 1st Corinthians 7:17 and Ephesians 5:12 and Titus 1:11 just to mention a few...


I am not Calvinist and I do believe Christ died for all. When he convicts people they are a sinner, it is then up to them to decide.
Changing the subject, 1st Timothy 3 gives the biblical qualifications for a pastor or deacon, and it clearly states “he must be a man of one wife”, etc. HE. Charismatics have never been able to show me scripture where women can preach and have authority over a man. That is because it is not in the Bible.
Though I am not Calvinist, I believe John MacArthur is a sound teacher on Biblical doctrine. And although I think him wrong that salvation isn’t for all, he is not a heretic. I have never heard him refer to any other denomination as heretic except for Roman Catholicism. You should be kinder in your critiques. Blessings!


brother I think you revealed your intention @21:59 you already have your mind made up and are justifying your position with bible verses, you think the opposition is nefarious. If you really cared, you tell people to search deeper, and also say there is no verse telling women to preach. You didn't take into account the whole Bible of God's order of creation, How God sets up the family, How God sets up the structure of Church, and Sheparding the Church, that is an authoritative role.


I was 17 minutes into your video before I had to stop. You opened with two or three ad hominems aimed at John MacArthur's character, then claimed that the Apostle Paul would require a second witness on the Pauline doctrine for it to be valid. This is a logical fallacy on many levels, but the most glaring is also the most obvious.

Virtually none of the doctrines put forth by Paul are also taught in the epistles of John, Peter, or James. There is only the occasional overlap. Based on your logic then, we would have to reject almost everything contained in the writings of Paul. That is a ridiculous argument.

Like you, I am no fan of John MacArthur due to his Calvinist and Cessationist positions, but he is correct on the Pauline doctrine prohibiting females from public teaching or filling a ministerial role in the Church.

This is the least persuasive apologetic on the topic of female ministers I have ever seen.


MacArthur preaches a lot of heresy (Calvinism for instance), but he's dead on right about women preachers. Unless you know a woman preacher who is the husband of one wife. Then she'd be a lesbian and still unbiblical. Paul wrote under inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Your rationalization and taking Scripture out of context only reveals your bias and unwillingness to believe the Scripture says what it means and means what it says.


All Scripture, including "I do not permit a woman to teach or have authority over a man" (1 Timothy 2:12), is God-breathed. It is erroneous to say that what Paul writes in 1 Timothy 2:12 must be corroborated by another witness in order to be accepted as true. Paul wrote that verse by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Again, all Scripture is God-breathed (2 Timothy 3:16). You have created an unbiblical litmus test, which if applied consistently, would lead to a host of other absurdities. The Bible clearly forbids women from authoritative preaching and leadership over men in the church. Any woman who preaches to men is by that act disobeying and undermining the very Word she seeks to proclaim; in other words, she is committing sin.


I notice that there arent many abusive comments on your platform but for for the most part people who are disagreeing with you are backing there comments with scripture .


Unbelievers always distort the Bible, The scripture is very clear:

"I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor" 1 Timothy 2:12–14


Just as Satan distorted the word of God, here you are!


My grandmother became a pastor. At the end of her life, she was filled with anxiety. She couldnt sleep without medication and died in agony. She believed she was being attacked by demons. I now know she was never meant to preach. Beware those of you women who think you should preach and lead a church. Please. Dont put your soul at risk


🥲🥲🥲🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 As a woman who loves Jesus with all my heart and soul, I’m so thankful to God to have found your message on this. How can I not tell the Good News that Jesus is alive and set me free? He had always been there for me, how can I not tell others He will do the same for them??? God bless you, dear brother!! ❤


So you say Paul needs a witness to make his words verifiable?
Ok I'll play this game...
Where did Paul receive his teaching on church behavior?


1 Timothy 2:14

14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.
Note satan didn’t go to Adam the serpent deceived the women




Women in ministry is an issue upon which Bible-believing Christians can and do disagree. The point of separation centers on the passages of Scripture that forbid women to speak in church or "assume authority over a man" (1 Timothy 2:12; cf. 1 Corinthians 14:34). The disagreement is whether or not those passages were relevant only to the era in which they were penned. Some contend that, since there is neither “Jew nor Greek . . . male nor female . . . but you are all one in Christ” (Galatians 3:28), women are free to pursue any field of ministry open to men. Others hold that 1 Timothy 2:12 still applies today, since the basis for the command is not cultural but universal, being rooted in the order of creation (1 Timothy 2:13-14).

First Peter 5:1-4 details the qualifications for an elder. Presbuteros is the Greek word used sixty-six times in the New Testament to indicate “seasoned male overseer.” It is the masculine form of the word. The feminine form, presbutera, is never used in reference to elders or shepherds. Based on the qualifications found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7, the role of an elder is interchangeable with the bishop/pastor/overseer (Titus 1:6-9; 1 Peter 5:1-3). And since, according to 1 Timothy 2:12, a woman should not “teach or exercise authority over a man, ” it seems clear that the position of elders and pastors—who must be equipped to teach, lead the congregation, and oversee their spiritual growth (1 Timothy 3:2)—should be reserved for men only.

However, elder/bishop/pastor appears to be the only office reserved for men. Women have always played a significant role in the growth of the church, even being among the few who witnessed the crucifixion of Christ when most of the disciples had run away (Matthew 27:55; John 19:25). The apostle Paul held women in high regard, and in many of his letters to the churches he greeted specific women by name (Romans 16:6, 12; Colossians 4:15; Philippians 4:2-3; Philemon 1:2). Paul addresses these women as "co-workers, " and they clearly served the Lord to the benefit of the whole church (Philippians 4:3; Colossians 4:15).

Offices were created in the early church to fit the needs of the body. Although many modern churches interchange the positions of elder and deacon, they were not the same office. Deacons were appointed to serve in a physical capacity as the need arose (Acts 6:2-3). There is no clear prohibition against women serving in this way. In fact, Romans 16:1 may indicate that a woman named Phoebe was a respected deaconess in the church at Cenchrea.

There is no scriptural precedent that forbids women from also serving as worship leaders, youth ministers, or children’s directors. The only restriction is that they do not assume a role of spiritual authority over adult men. Since the concern in Scripture appears to be the issue of spiritual authority rather than function, any role that does not bestow such spiritual authority over adult men is permissible.
