Is it wrong for guys to listen to female speakers?

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I am a woman and I do not have any problem with this. It does say in the Bible that we shouldn't have authority over men (eg. as shepherds/pastors in church). We have different roles, so it's not demeaning at all. We're not less than men, we're just called into different things. It's the beauty of gender differences as made by God.


I'm a woman and I totally agree with this. It goes against what, in my experience, most people believe.


To answer Kate shk's question....Male and female are equal in value but different in roles. God loves everyone equally but has designed men and women differently for different roles in the church. I don't want to go further than this as it always causes arguments. The bible is absolutely clear about roles and if we adhere to the inerrency of the bible then we must accept God's way.  


I've been listening to some long winded views on this topic and John gave me understanding in 3 minutes. Thank you.


I’m concerned about how he defines authority.

He says he *felt* Ms. Elliot was becoming more and more an authority.

Is authority something we *feel* and therefore it exists?

I *feel* like you have authority over me, therefore you do?

Authority *objectively* means you can follow through with a consequences if a person does not follow your teaching or rules. It is not a *subjective* feeling.

A pastor has authority to excommunicate.
A police officer has authority to arrest.
A teacher has authority to fail a student.

What authority does Beth Moore or Elizabeth Elliot have?

Ms. Elliot was not his authority. She did not have authority to put him under church discipline or to excommunicate him.

Feelings don’t change facts.


What is important in life is God purpose for our lives.. we shouldn't be bothered by what people say rather what God wants us to do. We should be accountable for our own decision.. we live to glorify Him, pray and do what He calls you to do..!!


"plenty females in my life that have sparked and inspired my faith"

Sparking and inspiring is precisely the best women can do for men. They inspire them, they are a precious help. But insipiring is not having authority.
Remenber what Abigail did to David or how the midwives practiced some kind of civil desobedience against the evil pharao who wanted to have all mew born males killed. They did it in a feminine way but what they did was so great because they saved the sons of God.


The key word is shepherd! It's fine for women to declare the gospel but not to have pastoral authority over a congregation.


"When a woman assumes, over time, an authoritative teaching role in your life, the manhood of a man and the womanhood of a woman begins to be compromised."
That is as good an explanation as any I've heard and is entirely consistent with God's word. It is for both the man and woman's benefit that the man is to be the preacher/teacher and elder within the church. Secular society will of course label that as sexist and whatever else. Within the Christian church it should be perfectly understood.


As a newly born again Christian woman I agree with what Pastor Piper says here.  It's biblical, he isn't being hateful, he expresses that we have a place/role and that men can even listen to what we say due to that.  However we shouldn't usurp ultimate authority or want to if we are truly born again the scripture it's clear.  We are all one in Christ, but we have roles.  Women that have a hard time hearing this may need to reprove themselves, and put on that spirit of humility/meekness that we are called to acquire.  It's incredibly difficult in this society to ignore what we have been raised to think, but this isn't an issue of throwing a woman's value under the bus.  It's purely just a matter of aligning your life to scripture/following your God given roles. 


Let's just say my grandfather doesn't know how to write checks or pay bills. He didn't even really know how to use the bank all that well until my grandma had a stroke and he had to use it. She was in complete control of the finances, the house, everything, and their marriage was fine.


i love how JOhn piper gets asked almost every question! Love even more they are online!


that you Lord for leading me to this video where i have been wrestling, confused, and could not find an answer online or with my friends to this, he answered in a simple sentence. thank you!


This was a major issue when I attended a large church with a paid pastor and worship leader at the front. Then I moved to a new city and started to attend a small house church, where both sexes contributed and the division between men and women didn't assume the same significance. Sometimes we met outside when the weather was fine. It would have felt strange to be told to be silent and submissive in the house church, yet it was the done thing in the big building. I'm not sure why exactly, as both gatherings were "the Church"..


"it is god who is the giver of life "

God first and man second .


I've been struggling with this issue lately, but this is giving me some peace about it.


This is wisdom which comes from above!!!Glory be to God


Ahh I love John Piper! He's soo brilliant!


Completely agree, and I'm female. Thank you for this one!


Love that everyone has an opinion, dislike that everyone is being so rude to each other. I️ believe God is a God of love.
