Can women be deacons? Dr. John MacArthur (1 Timothy 3)

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It clearly states in 1 Timothy 2:11-12 "Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or have authority over a man, but to be in silence."


What I like about this is it sounds like he genuinely is just trying to understand the intention of the text without a bias or agenda.


Women in verse 11 in this text makes no sense to mean what is being explained here. Likewise simply means in the same manner, which refers to a standard being held for those under the leadership of the man just like an overseer. In other words, a Deacon It's charged with fostering a culture in his home.That produces a certain type of wife as well as children just like the bishop mentioned earlier in this passage period this is what the likewise is for referring to. Furthermore You would have to then change every reference for men and women, husbands and wives in the rest of the bible. the order of male and female husband and wife and the church is pretty clear. Jesus is not confused about what he wants us to do.


I have to strongly disagree. He is simply truncating the whole passage. Verse 12 clearly part of the whole passage and deacons must be husbands.


Heres the issue…..Christ is alive. He calls each of His childeren differently and that most surely i say to includes women. Christ does the choosing not His unprofitable servants


I believe that women can and should do the work of a deacon but the actual office of deacon should be left to a man. The passage says husband of one wife or faithful to his wife but not the other way around? I believe that Deacon wives partner with their Deacon husbands as it pertains to the diaconate ministry and this is why women are mentioned with the deacons and not the bishops. My understanding anyway.


woman means congregation, or you, anyone. let God talk, you be silent. as commanded. God is your only teacher. not people.


I have no problem with only men being pastors, deacons, etc.


Unfortunately I disagree here. Women were never deacons. Servants yes who assisted and helped, but not DEACON


Paul was comparing the leadership of Deacons in their homes to that at church, if you say women should be deacons then you qualify them to be leaders at home also ...there the scriptures do not add up


NOPE, NOT deacon, elders, pastors, bishops, presbyters, overseers, teachers of men in a class.


Another blasphemous errors calling women a Deacon.


wow! I have once again learn do not place anybody close to a pinnacle or a pedestal. Everything I’ve heard Pastor, MacArthur preacher teacher has been very accurate in truth and most of the time in the spirit. However, this time I can say he is not in truth or spirit. I thought a recent comment that somebody made about him proclaiming women deacons might’ve been a mistake. Nope. I still listen to John because like I said he has a lot of truth. this is the biggest mistake. I’ve heard him say. What is astounding to me? This is how this Ahab/Jezebel spirit complex is taking over Christianity and will lead to the destruction of many souls. i’m really surprised. Very very surprised. I can’t say I’m disappointed though. Man on earth has all the truth. And if he did and did not have the spirit of the Lord, he’s probably Satan. I praise God for John stitching, but he could not be more wrong in this. There are some things you debate, but there are none that you change the meaning on.


A woman (in God's eye's) can NOT be the husband of one wife. Women are not to be deacon's. Period.


The issue, though, is in many churches, especially in the baptist circle, is that deacons function more like elders which is a male only roll. Deacons are not supposed to be positions of authority, so first Timothy 2 doesn't negate Dr MacArthur's interpretation.


I’m glad I understand now; women can be deacons but they cannot be an elder.


I have to disagree! No woman Devon no women Preacher!!


Because he is talking about the wives of elders and deacons


As a woman, I don’t understand why so many women are trying to rewrite Scripture to meet their desires. Why are so many women wanting these positions? To me, it seems like a move of feminism and is coming from a worldly view, not a godly one. There are many ways women can serve in the church. Why are so many bucking God’s way?


This interpretation just does not seem natural with the text. The deacon must be a man of one wife, just like the elder. If man doesn't mean man, and wife can be applied as a husband, then so also the qualification for elder can be interchanged between the sexes too. And never in the history of the church has this understanding ever been the case, until the advent of liberal theology. The KJV seems like the most natural reading. Context determines whether it should read women or wives. Wives just seems like a natural meaning that draws the text together. The "likewise" seems like it is connecting, not women to deacon, but wives of deacons and elders to part of the the men's qualification for the respective office. And that makes total sense, as their ministry would have mainly occurred within their home life. And for an elder or deacon to have a wife of unsound character would also be a disqualifying situation, just like having children of bad character would.
