OpenMediaVault 7: Step-by-Step Docker Deployment with Docker Compose Plugin - Episode 2

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Hey there! Welcome to another installment in our OpenMediaVault 7 video series! In this episode, we're diving into the nitty-gritty of Docker deployment using the Docker Compose plugin. If you caught our previous video, we set up OpenMediaVault, configured the dashboard, and even updated the system. Thanks for the amazing response to that, by the way—it's what keeps this series going strong!

Today, our focus is on getting everything ready for Docker. First up, we ensure our drives are recognized in the dashboard and set up a file system, opting for EXT4. Then, we head over to OMV Extras, which is pivotal for installing Docker and Docker Compose seamlessly into OpenMediaVault 7. After a quick SSH session into our server and a couple of clicks, we have OMV Extras set up and the Docker plugins installed.

Security-wise, we also create a dedicated Docker user in OpenMediaVault, a good practice to keep administrative tasks separate. Once Docker is up and running, we verify its installation via terminal commands and ensure all permissions are set correctly for future container deployments.

To cap it off, we celebrate our progress by deploying a Docker container using OMV's integrated Compose setup. It's a satisfying end to a productive session!

If you're following along with your own setup, let me know in the comments section. And as always, don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit that notification bell to stay updated with our latest tutorials.
Your support means the world to me—it's what keeps this channel thriving.

Happy Docker deploying, and I'll catch you in the next video!



0:00 Intro
0:25 Recapping the Previous Video
0:48 Setting Expectations
1:26 Creating and Mounting File Systems
3:00 Installing OMV-Extras
4:44 Installing Docker and Docker Compose Plugins
5:29 Setting Up Necessary File Shares for Docker
6:56 Installing Docker
7:10 Verifying Installations and Checking Versions
7:36 Creating a Docker-Specific User for Security Reasons
9:03 Getting UID/GID for Our Users
9:21 Explaining Where We Use UID/GID
9:31 Deploying a Docker Container Using OMV's Integrated Compose Feature
13:26 Wrapping Up and Next Videos


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Thanks to you man ! It's super nice to have those guide updated and fresh !


Thank you for a great guide, once again. I have been following you for a couple of years and your content is always top notch!


Thank you, sir! This is my first foray into OMV moving from TN, and I really like the simplicity of the UI and setup/config over the latter. It is a bit confusing to start with, but you simplified it well. Thanks again!


You cant make these videos fast enough... Thank You!!


Came across your first video a week after deciding to move ahead with OMV7 for my diy NAS build, it was very informative. I sat down this morning to read the omv documentation on kvm and docker compose, opened youtube to play in background and found this video at the top of my feed! Hoping you can cover KVM in one of your next videos.


Thank you so much bro, Keep up your great videos LIKED as always.


Good Morning - thanks for sharing this. i tried OMV for short time, it was an easy install.


Merci pour ce tutoriel très clair, moi aussi, je vous suis depuis quelques années déjà. Vous me faites progresser aussi bien sur OpenMediaVault, qu'en la compréhension de votre langue. J'attends avec impatience votre prochaine vidéo. Nota Bene : je vous laisse traduire mon commentaire.😊


Hey David, great video as usual. Your content got me into self-hosting. As I just had to swap out a drive linked by uuid, it may be good to show viewers how to set up symlinks through omv extras as it minimises updates if a drive does fail


Thanks for the video, I think i'll be sticking with v6 for now!


Thank you for this. Omv 6 was such a step backward.


Love the videos they have been so helpfull! Can you make one on how to install something like immich in the docker to use the NAS?


These are great videos. I am following along. Only thing is you go too fast sometimes. But I got through it. Nice feeling of accomplishment, thank you.


we need as many docker installs examples as you can make.


Keep up the good work! Could you show us how to run homeassistant on OMV7? Think alot of people like to run this.


Thank you man! I don't understand why default podman addons don't have documented and laks of functionality that extras docker does.


How's the functionality of the Docker Compose plugin compared to Portainer? Can it view logs, attach console, exec console? Would like to see more of the functionalities it offers.


Thx!!! SABnzbd over docker is what I try to do. There is no official client for Linux and outdated Flatpak, thats why will try to run this over OMV/Docker. I use docker few years and its more than I need but with Docker I can run AdGuard DNS, SABnzbd, etc. on a single device


hi teacher i want know install and config filebrowser on omw7 using docker


Good video as usual. I hope there will be a simple way to upgrade from OMV 6.
