How Warlocks Can EASILY Solo Flawless Ghosts of the Deep

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Video showing my strategies for Solo Flawless Ghosts of the Deep for the run I did on my Warlock. Like and subscribe if this helped you.

DIM Loadouts:

My Information:

For the first boss I used 3 different loadouts, but you could toss the second loadout completely if you don’t feel comfortable doing loadout swaps mid encounter, however I highly recommend you do it because the risk of death is very low with Restoration x2 and it will just make you take less ammo.

All three loadouts contained the same Aspects and Fragments which are Heat Rises, Touch of Flame, and then Ember of Resolve, Torches, Searing and Empyrean. You NEED to make sure that all 4 fragments are in the same order on all loadouts, or swapping will lose your abilities. I recommend Phoenix Dive for the first two loadouts and Healing Rift for the third. If you Phoenix Dive with Heat Rises active, you gain Restoration x2, and then with Ember of Empyrean you can keep using Sunbracer Nades to extend Restoration to 12 seconds.

The idea here is that you pop heat rises, then phoenix dive to proc Resto x2 and then use Sunbracers and Osteo Striga to slay out the Knights and Ogre. Once the Ogre dies, grab deepsight and head downstairs. Here’s a map of the underground area. Once you ascend from downstairs, head back up and proc Sunbracers and Restoration again and slay out on the Wizards. I found that killing the Wizards at the bottom are really annoying on Warlock so I used Osteo Striga for them. An alternative here is to do the downstairs section one rune at a time and then only deal with one wizard at a time, but that takes so long. For the symbols make sure you deposit one of the side ones last to reach damage quicker. Before you deposit the last symbol, stack up Restoration x2 and swap to the Arbalest-Felwinters loadout. Once on that loadout grab a special brick (there should be plenty around) reload Arbalest, extend Restoration a bit longer if needed (grenade), and then deposit the last symbol, run down to the Knight, 2 shots to the head into a Finish, turn around to Arbalest the boss and then place a Well on him. While placing the Well, swap to the Acrius loadout and go to town. Once damage is done, you can either rift and swap to your first loadout, OR you can drop into the water and swap then ascend. I found that going into the water to swap was safer though.

For the final boss I start off with popping Arc Soul, then killing the Knight on Left and Top, then Right and then I use the Deepsight to see the three zones and then complete the three zones, while placing Rifts when available and throwing nades when available too. Riskrunner goes crazy here too with the Arc Conductor perk. It’s nearly impossible to die with this setup. Once the zones are completed, I look for which zones are up and where damage will be easiest to do. There are three zones you’re looking for, Skull, Right Knee and Left Foot. Those are the three best zones to deal damage from, and one of those three zones will ALWAYS be active per phase. IMO that is the best order too, so if Skull is one of the zones always choose that. The reason these are the best zones is because those three zones have spots you can stand where the thrall will never melee you, so you can completely ignore those and only focus DPS. The way I run this is I look for which zone will be damage and memorize that symbol, let’s say it’s ‘3 Dots’. I’ll then head inside a zone, check the symbol. If it’s 3 Dots I leave and do a different zone, if it’s a different symbol I complete that zone. I’ll leave the zone, proc Getaway Artists again, deposit and visit a different zone and repeat. Once two zones are done, kill ALL the enemies in the main area (including the thrall), then visit the 3rd zone. Once you leave the third zone, kill all the acolytes, grab deepsight and head to the damage location. At this point summon a new Arc Soul, then swap to the Arbalest Loadout, deposit, blast her with Arbalest and pop your Geomag Super. Once the super is about to run out, swap to The Stag loadout, place a healing rift and go to town w/ Levi’s Breath. You can use Cataclysmic, Briars Contempt or Xeno too but I don’t like aiming so Linears were out of the question for me, and Xeno takes 9 weeks to reload. Rockets are okay too but just don’t miss or blow yourself up (which can happen). Be careful of the boss if she throws pulse nades too, but being in a Healing Rift should be good. Once damage is over, repeat.

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Because there have been multiple comments about me swapping loadouts mid-encounter, I mention in the video that if you don't have time to switch or don't feel comfortable switching to just ignore some of the swaps or combine the loadouts.

For the first boss, just run Arbalest the entire time and swap to Acrius when you place your Well (it's impossible to die in a Well of Radiance anyway).

For the second boss, just stick on Getaway Artists the entire time, and break her shield using Chaos Reach rather than Arbalest, and while you're using your Chaos Reach on her swap to the Stag loadout and ignore the Geomag loadout all together.

Also I'm assuming anyone doing a Solo Flawless dungeon has the game knowledge to know when it's okay to swap loadouts and when it's not okay. For the first encounter, for example, having Restoration x2 there's zero risk of death to swap and same with the Well of Radiance, which is why I swap during those sections - and then again while underwater.

For the final boss, you can do the entire thing without swapping and use a Linear and Chaos Reach to break her shield - something else that I mentioned in the video.

Swapping loadouts just makes it easier, but if that's something you're not comfortable doing, don't do it.


With no swap
1 boss: Arbalest, cortesian, apex predator(reco+bite'n switch) 5 phase
2 boss: Arbalest, trace from RON, cataclysmic. 6 phase
All with sunbracers


For the people complaining about swaps, I'll give a few personal suggestions based on my own experience so far (I'm playing on base PS4, which is slow as hell to swap).

The entire dungeon can be perfectly done on solar Warlock with Sunbracers. There's no need to swap to any other exotic armor, unless you want to optimize. But in a solo flawless run, you only want to optimize as much as you can keep it safe and consistent.

For the first encounter, just run Sunbracers. You can kill everything there really easily with just that as long as you can keep chaining the exotic perk and not letting the Restoration X2 run out. Use your Well for emergencies or when you think you might die. Have a primary or a trace rifle for shooting the moths, and be wary of them, as they will kill you if you're caught off guard.

First boss can be perfectly done with great reliability by using Acrius and Sunbracers. You don't have to use Arbalest. Add clear with Sunbracers, including the lucent wizards, this is very effective with Touch of Flame aspect. Don't let your restoration run out as much as possible. You can very safely swap to Felwinter Helm just before you deposit the last buff if you have at least 10 seconds of restoration and leave some grenades near you so the adds who come close die and extend your restoration. You can then finish the knight, pop your Well and just blast the boss with Acrius. Since you're also breaking his shield with Acrius, expect to need around 5 or 6 phases to kill him. Once you get used to the rotation, you can dump the entire reserves of Acrius and still have a few seconds to quickly swap back to Sunbracers and get the heck away just as your well runs out. Remember, I can do that on a base PS4 and I'm a rather slow player myself, so I'm imagining it's pretty doable by putting in some practice like I did.

As for the final boss, that's the last thing I still need to optimize to get my flawless clear. But I've already concluded that it's just as doable on Sunbracers, so you can keep that if you're not comfortable with running arc. For this boss, I highly recommend using Arbalest, it's a huge help that cannot be overstated. I'm running a Cataclysmic for DPS but it's not that reliable aside from ammo efficiency given how much the boss can move around. It's decent, but expect a lot of damage phases. What I'm going to try next time is a biopd rocket with Arbalest and then swapping to Leviathan's Breath for DPS after I break the shield and pop Well. If that works out nice enough, then I'll update here.

Update: Sunbracers and Arbalest with a Leviathan's swap for DPS is the way to go I'd say. Very reliable, restoration is up almost all the time, you can swap after activating Well so you can't die, plus with triple surges on the Leviathan's loadout you can potentially do a 6-phase as long as you don't miss your shots. And there's room for improvements still, maybe I could push it into a 5-phase with enough practice to iron out some inconsistencies. I highly recommend this for anyone not going with Arc builds for their solo flawless. Just be wary of the moths, they're even more of a menace here than before. The boss will always summon them when reviving the knight, so always be on the lookout for when he dies. If you kill him on one of the correct spots, then he'll only be revived when you reveal the corresponding symbol, so you can use the opportunity to clear the adds without worrying about being blown up.


I used verity’s brow with healing grenades for all the encounters and swapped to lunafactions for both encounters weather it was for the faster acrius reload and range for first boss or faster nocking speed for leviathans breath for final . Being pretty much immortal while doing dps is so hard to pass up on alongside the %25 damage buff . This only requires 1 swap and is really easy to maintain resto 2x with ember of empyrean and having solid dps


As someone who tried this on solar warlock after playing with the arc builds he shows it makes the final boss room so much easier. Also just set up the loadouts and swap them, either do it in the water so you cant get shot or run into cover and swap only takes a second


Nice video, I started with Karnsteins at the beginning and just Stuck with it because it was working the best for me. Using Arbalest for the Bossshield is probably the best tip for trying to solo flawless.


“I dont like aiming” uses leviathan breath


Felwinter's helm was a good idea. 4 phased him very easily with that bigass debuff.


I'll def be using this when I get the time to attempt.


Haven't done it flawless yet but I have completed it solo with arc warlock. 1st boss I was using riptide, forbearance, and lament. Last boss I used arbalest, acasia, and briars contempt for dmg swapping to riptide, riskrunner, briars, non dmg. Just gotta perfect the run now. Root weapons put in work against the last boss and lightbearers.


Only thing I disagree with is it being impossible to die in a well or with restoration x2 because I’ve died with both but thanks for the help with everything else!


If you run arc warlock with riskrunner you can drop healing rift a lot and run through this mission with just that load out up till the first boss encounter. Arc warlock doesn’t quite seem to do the damage but I found it to be the easiest way for a nub like me to get through everything up to that point.


Bruh why are people mad at swapping...a function that has always been used in high level content? I mean it only makes the run more optimal, you don't gotta do it, I myself rarely swap when doing solo-flawless. Also the "I don't have a good PC/new gen console" people, me neither buddy, just get behind cover for a few seconds. It ain't that hard. Like damn it feels like y'all are just TRYING to find things to complain about.


Im a wellock main and I must say that bonk titan made the entire dungeon so much easier with very little setup.


Thank you, ATP. I was finally able to get past the opening with this video.



Takes 9 weeks to do that... :-) Never change Mr ATP


I sometimes wish there shoud be better accessability to switch loadouts such as using the numbers on the keyboard, or a Doom-Style Radial menu on the Controller


Which class would you say is the easiest solo flawless? I'm guessing Titan? Stronghold against first boss. Syntho? Against second boss. I guess I'll have to wait for the Titan video :)


Yeah nah I’m gonna stick with my arc hunter for this😂


How is the green Wrathborn goop that shows you where to go in the opening encounter red for you? Colorblind setting?
