How does the NHS in England work? An alternative guide

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Brilliant video but very confusing, I may need to watch this a few times


We loved working on this animation for The King's Fund, do let us know if you would like another one like this one :)


We watched this at university. It's really helpful. Thank you :)


I worked in the NHS 1965-2012. I saw so many changes (not always an improvement imho). Proud to have been a part of the NHS.


This was recommended by our lecturer. It found it really helped to solidify their point!


How I wish I had seen a version of this before I started an interim job with an NHS body a few years ago. A splendid exposition; well done the Kings Fund. Good example of a critical friend. Also the animation, information display and production is a great credit to all involved.


Many thanks to all the NHS STAFF THROUGHOUT THE UK 👍🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌


As a startup company director selling digital health innovations into the NHS this is a good founding for finding out further information. More of these please. Thanks.


GPs made to manage their budgets, hospital services given to the private sector affecting the hospitals budgets, PFIs that eat Hospital budgets,
"Monitor" overseeing NHS contracts going to the private sector ( 70% of them in 2017) and a Government that still denies that it wants to bust the NHS up for itself and their corporate friends and liberate NHS money to the free market, shareholders and cut patient care to a bare minimum, that's if you don't get kicked off your GPs list because you cost to much to look


Brilliant - really does explain a lot of what is happening and so clearly


With Boris in charge for five more years I hope Britons are prepared to find out what premiums and deductibles are


Impressive, it will be good to experience reality on the ground.


Nightmare burocracy - over 200 senior NHS staff in one group (PHE) - which she didn’t even mention - on over £100, 000 per annum ffs... and the government gets blamed for ‘underfunding’ - that’s £20, 000, 000 on these staff in just one of these quangos. The NHS structure is clearly with this level of confused management which seems to be ever growing, a and possibly the significant part of the funding problem. That’s before we even talk about the insane procurement models they use. One point - if over 90% of all drugs the NHS uses are patent free why don’t they own a robot factory producing them for ? If a shop can make profit and sell paracetamol for less than a quid and the NHS is charged several pounds (and happily accept it) clearly the brains are not connected to the body. Before you rip my throat out I am not criticising front line staff (my sister is a 30 year A&E Doctor and another sister a nurse of 25 years and they both agree with the above). I just want the focus on the real issue which isn’t how many billions any government (of any colour) give the central NHS - it’s what they do with it.


This is amazing. Is there any links that explains the different parts in more depth?


Also both the public and parliament should be able to scrutinise ACOs / ACSs before they are rolled out. The govt has just agreed to a public consultation, but (it seems) are still trying to roll out ACOs in certain areas before the consultation completes. It is unclear if they are actually delaying ACOs and the legislation it requires, although obviously they should do so if they are having a national public consultation, otherwise the consultation is meaningless. No parliamentary scrutiny is on offer currently, which is not acceptable given the nature of the changes being proposed.


NHS is a dynamic organisation and has to adapt to public it serves. Changes are essentials and must be well led and planned, which is clearly not happening. Also, change in such a big organisation cannot turn the previous structure upside-down and change direction every few years: the structure has to have time to adapt to the new direction. And finally, changes in the way health is delivered cannot be driven by a choice 'a priori' to cut down the overall cost of the sector. If there were area of inefficiency in the previous model, they will be remodelled, but the idea that giving less money to the NHS will make it more efficient is frankly laughable! What if the new model of care requires the same money (or more money) than the previous one? On what evidence the reduction of Health Care budget from 8.4% to 6.9% GDP was decided in the first place?


Someone said in the comments that the US needs a system like NHS… I came here to understand how this is better than US corporative healthcare system that we have .

Let me tell I did not understand much. Basically branches of branches with sub divisions that control/oversee quality and service?


Why doesn't the NHS provide Xray images to patients yet in Australia the NHS's equivalent Medicare allows patients to receive their Xray images in digital format via email?
How can you be sure if you cannot sight the actual Xray images, if the report is accurate and if it is your Xray! due to a lot of administrational errors in the NHS, I had my blood tests mixed up with someone elses in A & E!
I also had strange Xray results through the NHS that did not pick up areas that were shown in Australian Xrays!


Such an informative video. Many thanks.


Perfect for my group at uni who are foreign and don’t understand the NHS
