Cost of living crisis making children OVERWEIGHT? Dr Omara Naseem discusses

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'It's a missing part of the curriculum in school...binge eating and stress eating go hand in hand.'

Dr Omara Naseem discusses the impact the stressful cost of living is having on children's food choices and advises parents how to best manage childhood obesity.

#costofliving #costoflivingcrisis #childobesity #healthyfood

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Good news, poor little blighters were starving not so long ago.


How can you take anything seriously with Peter Andre presenting?


It's not just cost of living or junk food it's the lack of exercise, we were always on the go and walking when we were younger, now they are sitting gaming and head in mobile phone most of the day.
Mental health and depression is huge because of this.


I was brought up in the 50's. There was always one fat kid in class, and he/she was only plump. We walked to school, went out to play at every opportunity, no mobiles and only 2 channels. This doctor knows nothing if she thinks that all food is good.


I have lost weight in the cost of living crisis. I can’t afford junk food anymore fish and chips as over 13 notes for large fish and chips and still over a tenner for small.


Our entire culture if left unchecked adds to kids going over weight, all stuck at home playing video games, false lives on social media but not actually coming off their phones, junk food everywhere and so many cooking shows and adverts on tv encouraging baking cakes and living sedentary lives. Also, all kids seem to be driven to school these days.

I am damaged mentally being one of the first kids living this type of life growing up in the 80s, fat, over fed, driven to school, eating sweets, at home all the time on my computer, I may be very fit and healthy now but it damages people, trust me.


My parents (not well paid and very careful with cash) put nutritious home-cooked food, in moderate portions, on our plates for each meal. We always had three choices: Hot now, Cold later or Not at all! Treats were treats - occasional, special and appreciated more than if they'd been common fare. We were all slender and "fit as lops".


I grew up after the war, a child of 'survivors' from Europe. There was an unstated fear of there may not be any food tomorrow. But saying that the food was very good, but being picky was not allowed, eg don't finish your plate, no pudding. Me being diabetic meant that food was quietly monitored.


let me get this, we can't aford to buy food but my kids are getting fat - anybody see a flaw in this.


Again we see this in America. As people's budget stretch they're more likely to buy processed food.

Processed food is addictive since its loaded with salt, sugar and low grade carbs.

An odd fact about WW2 a time we believe was a time of hardship. Peoples health actually improved and mal nutrition fell. Why because the government made a focus to ensure food security for a diet of 2k calories of balanced food.


Its incredibly easy to choose to never buy sweets, crisps and chocolate. You save a fortune and can use that money to buy proper food. These 'parents' who feed their kids such crap are essentially abusing them. Parental duty of care should ensure a balanced and healthy diet, not overly salted, sugary rubbish


150 years ago Cadbury's the chocolate founders worked out that people need space and recreation so they gave their workers houses on one acre plots of land so that children can play in the garden and the parents grow food and flowers and enjoy the garden. Compulsive eating is down to boredom, living in shoe boxes, no gardens, no space and being bullied into the latest woke idea that comes out. I feel sorry for today's kids they are prisoners in a high tech world with no exercise and no personal space.


More fruit and vegetables plus no BS from the MSM....Tony Cuenca


How long has Peter been presenting on GB? So glad to see him there, he'll bring a great perspective - welcome Peter and long may you be with the best news station on the TV 🙂


Everybody complaining about eating or heating ought to be a good time to go back to cooking at home and treats and snacks only on Saturdays. It is still much cheaper and healthier to cook from scratch than buying processed ready meals.


A 50lb bag of carrots is $15 here in the US. Please tell me how the cost of living leads to poor food choices?


So when we were poor in the sixties, no fat kids then . Blame the parents and fast food. Not bringing kids up to eat properly.


UK parents don’t look after their children well at all


All the money spent on the NHS, when much of that money could be used to reduce the price of food that's good for you so you don't have to use the NHS. Oh well, who cares about logic, I just had to get it out there, even though it's pointless.


If you cook at home it's better and tastier
