Build a home Lab using your local PC #1 - Installing Esxi server on Vmware Workstation

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In this video I will demonstrate how to create a home virtualization lab environment using your local PC and Vmware Workstation ONLY. We will install 2 ESXI servers on top of our Vmware Workstation and use a Synology NAS as our shared storage.

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Use the link below to download ESXI server ISO image
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Hello @Tech Story,

First of all thanks for making the playlist for the vmware lab on workstation. I wanted know if its possible make use of anything else other than synology NAS for the shared storage. Any blog or video which shows this would be helpful.


Is there any way you know of within the VM Workstation to setup a router or do we need to have created systems operating an OS and install on that the multiple networks that need to have routing between them?
Alternatively if we get an external device (CISCO managed switch for example) can that be used to route between one, or more, of the workstations vNICs and the external servers and storage devices. And then we get that to be connected within the vSphere environment


For the network can the ESXi1 and 2 be on a network that is independent of the local PC and all the other devices that are connected to the router that it is using? If so would they be in Host mode and could they be allocated like ESXI 1 and ESXI 2 on
